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- User Since
- Aug 29 2014, 2:51 AM (551 w, 3 d)
May 11 2016
Yes absolutely, we have 3 private servers that are normally and always 50/50, but last night and today our player numbers are down to 10-15 players even at peak times, because players can't find food, backpacks, weapons.... Nothing!
Hey DelTree, beat ya to it mate :)
Hi JStewart,
This occurred on Singapore 01 (Low population), by the time we had swapped to high population UK servers these command barracks had been looted many times already, but still looked like they may have had the same issue, as there were dozens of empty mags and civilian weapons everywhere, like a dozen players had found Military weapons inside and swapped their civilian weapon for it.
Hope this helps,
Definitely an issue with painting weapons. Myself and friends playing tonight had major issues with spray painting.
Spraying a some weapons, Especially the Blaze95, with any colour paint caused multiple crash to desktop. Happened 5 times to 3 different players on 2 different servers.
Can confirm. Myself and 8 friends all played for around 7-8hrs straight tonight (0.58.129136) and we ALL experienced this issue on dozens and dozens of occasions.
I spawned in Cherno on UK-10 (50/50) a couple of hours ago, found loot immediately. Swapped to another UK server to join friends (50/50) again, found loot everywhere again.
8 squad mates and I were playing tonight on the new update (20th Aug 2015) for around 8hrs straight, only 1 of us lost a weapon :)
Sadly it was me, and it was a suppressed AUG with a 60 mag :(
*Method* - I clicked the Red X in my inventory to holster the AUG. It was showing on my back in 3PP view and in my inventory, but it was also showing in vicinity. I tried swapping and changing weapons dozens of times for a few minutes, until I decided to re-logged... Weapon Deleted :(
This does seem to be the case. It's the new Red Chain.
I don't know, that doesn't sound like the same issue. Mine isn't fixed by adjusting the AA, nor is it just a black screen, it's a failure to verify GUID. Well, it freezes while trying to confirm my GUID, or when trying to check it ingame.
Can't help but laugh at this kid. Question; Age and IQ, both 12??!
*Sigh* I guess the "Search" function must be broken too!?
Also, "Telling" the devs what causes the issue and "Telling" them to fix it already......... LOL, yeah they'll drop everything and get right on it just for you.
Kids now days, jeez.
If you rejoined the same server, you probably just joined too early. You should wait at least 2 minutes for the server to restart and initialise before rejoining.
The devs have already tweeted pics of the sawed-off version weeks ago. It also has a pistol grip attachment.
No no, of course it does work. You have to enter Nvidia CP, select Manage 3D Settings, then select either Global or program setting then DayZ, and now change the Preferred Graphics Processor to High performance Nvidia processor, then click Apply at the bottom of the page.
If that is not working, try reinstalling the latest driver, found here:
(64Bit -
(32Bit -
If that fails to work, check your BIOS, you may have inadvertently disabled something.
I know you said you tried to disable your iGPU so you may mean you have tried this already but just to check, have you entered Nvidia Control Panel and set "Preferred Graphics Processor" to Nvidia for DayZ?
Also have you tried rolling back or updating your Nvidia driver?
Why do you keep calling me a British slang name for a cigarette? Also, can't you think of anything else, or is that word just constantly on your mind!? Hmmm, some might say that says a lot about you.
@Beav - Oh, right I understand, thank you. I thought it was strange to call someone a cigarette, but a bundle of sticks makes more sense, that must be what he meant ;) hehe.
"Says the fag who is named Euphoria" LMAO. That makes absolutely no sense does it, but I guess someone of your *Cough* intellectual capacity is used to things making no sense.
Neanderthal or 10 year old? Curious.
[Edit] I just saw that you replied "Cry Moar", so you've answered that already, 10yo. Should your parents be letting you play DayZ!?
They would not just wipe tents, that's silly even to suggest it. It's clearly just a persistence issue/bug. Jeez, persistence and the central loot system are still in their infancy, you know this stuff will happen.
Just report it in a "Polite" manner and move on.
Read the devs posts guys, come'on seriously they have already said this a thing and will happen! With a big new update adding tons of new stuff, the performance will take a hit, they will work on that in the next update.
Hi Andy, thanks for your reply.
Yes, this sounds like the same issue. All my friends were double carrying, 1 weapon on their back and 1 in hand when this issue took place.
They dropped their in hand weapon to drink/eat e.t.c., then picked it back up and left the area. After a short time the weapon they had dropped disappeared from their hands, but it would return if they went back to the last place they dropped it and disappear again when they left the area.
The disappearing weapon would still show in their inventory, but it was invisible and could not be fired or interacted with.
Hope this helps,
Dude, I'll say it again. You need to "Stress Test" your overclock and play other games before you can say it's DayZ causing it.
Stress test your CPU as well because DayZ is very heavy on CPU usage.
Sometimes a graphics card can be unstable even with a 1% or 0.1% overclock, some cards can be unstable even at Stock clock straight from the manufacturer, there is no reason for DayZ to cause the issue.
Use these programs:
Unigine Valley Benchmark (Run it constantly for at least 1 hour)
3DMark 11 (Run it constantly for at least 1 hour)
3DMark Fire-strike (Run it constantly for at least 1 hour)
Sorry, I misunderstood. I thought you meant 1% higher overclock caused crashing.
Have you tried stress testing your overclock to check stability?? Also running other games?
Of course, everyone want free extra power from their PC :)
But that's what I'm saying, if it works fine when you are at stock clock, then it's the overclock causing the issue.
If your overclock is, as an example, 1200MHz and your stock clock is 1100MHz, then lower your overclock a little bit to 1150MHz. You don't have to go back to stock clock and default settings.
Also, make sure your temps are not exceeding the recommended maximum which is I think around 85c for your card.
Because all games are also different, they push your PC in different ways. I know that exactly what my "Maximum" overclock is for my CPU, if I enable my maximum overclock it will pass a Prime95 stress test no problem.... BUT, I get BSOD in some applications and games, because they push my CPU in different ways.
Seriously, just try lowering your overclock a little bit. Also check your temperatures.
And you don't know what you're talking about. There is NO perfect overclock for a card, "Every Card Is Different!". Every single card is different, they can be the exact same make and model but some will overclock very well, some will not. If you overclock just 1% more and it crashes, you are obviously right on the edge, so "Lower" your overclock a little bit and try running DayZ again. If it's fine when your card has a lower clock, then it's obviously you and not DayZ.
Unstable overclock. Just because one game crashes and another doesn't, that doesn't mean it's DayZ, it's just your overclock dude.
It just seems like a little balancing is needed. If you're Cold, Freezing or Hypothermic and you light a fire, you lose the Cold statuses in 2-3 seconds and become Hot just a few seconds after. But when you're Hot, Overheating or Hyperthermic, it takes 10+ minutes even when naked submerged in water or in the rain to lose the Hot statuses, and a further 10+ minutes to become Cold.
The issue is exaggerated by the fact that a lot/all servers have an issue where Water Pumps/Wells do not work, so finding water sources is a little tougher, and with the Hot and Overheating statuses you lose water a lot faster, making it a pain having to stop every 5-10mins for a drink.
@TiredMiner - Unfortunately that isn't the case. Neither my friends nor I are wearing any Gorka apparel. My friends are all dressed in Cargo pants and Tactical shirts, myself in Cargo pants and a green checked shirt.
But as I said, once we managed to cool off, we tried running around buck naked just skin and the white vest and underwear, still we became Hot and again took a long time to cool off even when submerged in water.
Quoted Tweet by Brian Hicks - @Hicks_206
If you're experiencing invisible zombies, or etc (Wells not functioning) Looks like some servers had issues with Steam CDN. Working on it.
Yes, that is what the devs have already said. Read my message above, there is an easy fix for it, the effected servers have to re-download the update.
Brian Hicks - If you're experiencing invisible zombies, or etc (Wells not functioning) Looks like some servers had issues with Steam CDN. Working on it.
Oh god no! Please no, this isn't Call of Duty.
Petulant little child having a temper tantrum. What makes it even more funny, your spelling and grammar. 10yo Confirmed!
Yes, absolutely every structure.
Interesting. You never once said "I didn't do anything" or "I don't have hacks". Hmmm.
There are quite a few steps you can take to prevent this happening, all of which have been documented around 5000 times on the sub reddit, forum and Steam forum, so maybe have a read.
And also, yeah real mature and helpful, "C'mon guys... This is serious game breaking shit here..." makes you sound like a petulant child. The game is Alpha, it has nowhere near as many bugs as other games I've seen in Alpha or even Beta. But this is not really a bug, just an impatient player. Read one the thousands of guides that tell you why this happens and how to avoid it.
And again the report with 1000 votes, maybe it was ignored because it isn't a bug!
Hi Andy, thank you for your response.
Myself and the guys I game with have noticed this issue on many different Exp servers, local ones where our pings are <30, also servers on the other side of the world (Aus/Nz & Singapore) where pings are >300. Almost full servers, half full and even on servers where it's just our group and 2 or 3 random players.
Overall server performance doesn't seem to effect it as it's happened on every server we have tried, which is most or at least a large portion of them.
Also desync doesn't seem to have any affect. We've had cases where 4 of us are all sitting in a forest checking our desync to see if anyone is in our bubble, one person drops a few items, the first drops and is visible, the second disappears, the third visible, the forth visible, the fifth disappears.... It seems kind of random.
We have tried waiting around for 5 minutes, but still no thing appears. One person leaves the server and rejoins, the item is visible but only for them.
This has happened to every member of our team multiple times on all iterations of 0.50 Experimental with all different item types, in different places and servers.
Hope this helps. Please let me know if you need more info.
Thanks again.
Myself and a group of team-mates have had this issue again multiple times over the past few days. It seems to be around 50% of the time it happens. The server or terrain seems to make no difference.
No problem Andy, I understand the processes involved in game development and that things take time, some more than others.
Appreciate the acknowledgement, always great to get feedback.
My nephew just died on some stairs in a TEC building, (Another strike of the "Your leg is in pain.... you are dead" Bug), his body slid down the stairs and therefore could not be looted by myself, our friend or himself when he got back to his body.
A few hours ago, Eugen Harton, posted on Reddit that the servers were defaulted and will now be up and running. They were working.... for an hour, now we are down to just 4-5 working, the rest are dead again.
The last EU server DE-05 died about an hour ago. Now none of us can see any working Exp servers at all, worldwide.
This issue was mentioned in the Devs tweets, posts and announcements when the latest iteration of Exp was released. They clearly said, they know about it and are working on it. Chill out _M4Z_TeR_
Hang on, this latest update 0.50v2 is much better, don't you think??
My team mate and I was testing it last night for 4-5 hours, making runs we knew we could make on stable with no food or water, and then testing distances that would have killed us on the last Exp update. Well, if the hunger and thirst numbers haven't been tweaked, then they have changed the servers from December to September or April, because the energy and hydration burn rate are a LOT lower, it's more like it is on stable. Which in my opinion, is too far in the other direction lol, it needs to be in the middle somewhere.
Yeah you're most probably right. And thank you for not jumping down my throat for express my opinion.
After playing for a good few hours last night, I actually experienced what some of these guys are talking about. Maybe on Wednesday night my group and I just managed to find a decent properly working server, or one that just hadn't been populated and ransacked, because last nights experience was entirely different.
Every server we tried had been picked clean, plus loot didn't seem to be respawning. As I was a fresh spawn, (No idea how I died) I couldn't find clothes so I was cold and wet, as a result I did notice the harshness of the energy and hydration burning.
It's still possible to survive, but it was a radically different experience from the night before with next to no food being available and not having the resources to survive off of wildlife.
So to reiterate, I would now agree that the stomach, energy and hydration is too harsh maybe even bugged, but 0.49 stable is way too easy there needs to be a happy medium. In future people, just because you find something or don't like something, doesn't mean anyone that hasn't found it yet or isn't bothered by it, does not make them a troll!
Quoted from Eugen Harton. Better get used to the Hunger and Thirst!
"Hunger and thirst works as intended (it needs tweaking here and there , but its numbers mostly). It was not a bug but a feature. Server configuration recognizes time of year (you can either set it or use real time). And it simulates weather conditions (wind,temperature) according cut of the map from the world. Last experimental was set to december to see how harsh it can actualy get. There are no visual changes for seasons yet. But tech for simulation seems to work. This release will be set to september. Its gonna a bit more forgiving."
Please find one of my posts where I call someone a noob???! Find "ONE"! You won't because you're full of BS. I called him a kid because he called me a troll. I have a "opinion", I am entitled to my opinion SAME AS YOU!
Just because you disagree doesn't mean I'm a troll you morons.
Oh and I never said "It isn't a bug", I just said I like it being difficult to survive.
All I said was, yes it's been tweaked and it's definitely harder to survive it's not realistic to be starving after 5 mins of spawning but I like it this way and so do some, not all, of the guys I game with. I like games that really challenge you and even frustrate you, because when you finally get past that struggle it's a big high and a "Yeah baby" moment.
Grow up kid, I'm no troll, but I can't say the same for you. There IS food, and it IS possible to survive, and it IS entirely possible to get fully health. Just because you could for whatever reason, doesn't mean the game is broken.
I'll say it again, I was on for a little over 4 hours last night with 4 team mates, and yes one of us died of starvation, because the server we was on at the time didn't seem to be respawning anything, it also seemed to be crashing fairly often. We swapped servers and after that had no problem surviving and no issues finding food.
Noooo Andy from BI, it's only an issue for some people, some of us really like it :)
No no no, I really like it like this. Yes it's probably unrealistic to be staving within 5 mins of spawning, but with food being more scarce and the stomach capacity lowered, Experimental feeling like a battle to survive..... Which is exactly how it should feel.
At the moment getting Healthy is "Waaaay" too easy, spawn.... 2 or 3 houses looted and you have a full stomach and are fully energised and hydrated. Therefore, bloodbags and saline are pointless.
I was playing Exp 0.50 last night for around 4 hours. I found loads of food and so did my mates I was with. We tried 4 different servers because some kept crashing, and most servers we tried had food in plenty.
Also respawning loot is enabled, so food does respawn after someone else has taken it. I managed to get fully energised and healthy in Cherno and headed to Zelen and green mountain, by the time I got there, I had a mountain backpack 80% full of food, and this was on a raining server where your calorie burn rate is massively increased when wet or cold.
I think maybe you are on a bad server or you're just looking in the wrong places. The very top of the construction site on the outskirts of Cherno had around 6 cans of food and a few sodas, try looking in places where others might not.
You wrote "128k and 4k" so that reads as 128Kbs and 4Kbs. You should have explained it better.
100000 desync is common when 2 or more players enter each others ingame bubble. Also, I don't mean to be rude, but your connection is Extremely slow, like 1995 dial-up slow, that will likely be a big cause as well.
They have already said this is coming.
Yeah, myself and my squad mates have died or had broken legs dozens and dozens of times in Firestations, and also in School like builds, and Construction sites.
I actually had a really funny one last week on 0.49 stable. NWAF Firestation, I walk up the stairs, "Your leg is in pain"... "You are dead".
One of my mates went to check my body and to remove any good loot, luckily I got the bugged Vybor bridge spawn, so I ran straight back to my body. Go there after a few minutes, walked up the stairs and got my stuff, started walking back down... "Your leg is in pain", it broke my frickin leg AGAIN. So my mate applied a splint to me and we was about to leave when the server restarted.
We jumped back on that server a minutes later and we had rolled back so we were both still up the stairs, I walked down, surviving this time, but, my mate got a broken leg on his way down LOL.
In DayZ, EVERYTHING wants to kill you :) Really wish I had been recording at the time.
And a lot of the time, the entire inventory of a player that has been killed doesn't show any items either.
@ColonelBurton - Yeah I know, in hindsight we should have taken screenshots, but we were all panicking as we were dying VERY quickly and were all geared and we knew the server was due to restart soon so we had no chance of getting back to our bodies.
@Derfrad - Yeah I get what you're saying and yes it is very frustrating, but I also understand that some bugs are harder to fix and therefore take time.
Whilst wearing a Wool Coat and hunter pants, accompanied by gloves, military boots, High-Cap and a Beret, I did not get this issue. Only when I swapped to a Gorka jacket did my character get messages that I was cooling off.... then warming up 2 seconds later, then cooling off again.... then warming up.... *Continuous Message spam*
Nope! Found quite a few, still too common.
Oh ok. I ask because TeamSpeaks "OverWolf" is a very well known cause for this issue due to it's overlay system. Try disabling any sort of overlay app you have running, i.e. Fraps, MSI AB, RivaTuner, recording software e.t.c....
Do you use TeamSpeak by any chance???
I'm pretty sure this is a "Very" common bug/issue. Everyone I know is experiencing the same thing, on super high-end and old low-end PC's, and no amount of tweaking settings fixes the issue.
It's not a hardware issue like running out of VRAM or stressing CPU/GPU too much, personally, DayZ is only using around 30-40% on my CPU, and 35-45% on my GPU's.
This was in the change-log as a know bug. And a fix for it is to "Not" spam the left mouse button when trying to melee, just click and hold the button. Your character will repeatedly swing the weapon and the bug will not effect you.
This has been a "Known" issue for a while, and has been reported multiple times. Plus, you have kind of answered your own question here, *Stop panic spamming the left mouse button!* Just click once and "Hold", your player will repeatedly swing whatever weapon you have, spamming does Not make you swing it any faster.
Drop the repaired item on the floor and then pick it back up, this results in the updated condition state. This has been a bug in previous builds.
Myself and a large group of my clan members downloaded and installed the 0.49 update for Experimental today, 28/08/14.
Every single one of us died multiple times from starvation within a very short time of spawning. We all tried to eat as much as we could, but no matter how much we ate, the "Hunger" message would arise again after a few minutes. We then tried to test how quick the energy from the food ran out. So we all gathered as much food as possible but only one person ate it, me. I consumed 5 cans on Tac Bacon, 2 spaghetti, 1 beans, 2 Tuna, 2 Sardines, 4 cans of soda, 1 zucchini and 3 apples all within around a 15-20 minute period while walking and jogging around a town. I managed to get energized from all this food, BUT the hunger message appeared again within about 5-7 minutes and I was starving and falling unconscious within another 5-10 minutes.
This seriously needs to be rebalance urgently as the game is borderline unplayable and no one is able to test the new mechanics and items as it's just a constant rush for food..... which there is nowhere near enough of as items are not respawning.
Over a 4 hour period every member of my clan died from starvation multiple times, not one person died from other players or Zombies! We also bumped into other players in the town and they all said the same thing, that they were dying before even being able to work out where they were.
Cheers for the heads up, made the changes.
May 10 2016
LOL, you're kidding right!? Seriously, if this is not a joke, go play another game because Z's at the moment are a non-issue, you barely know they're in the game, even when you're a fresh spawn.
It's only going to get tougher to survive, so best jump ship now.
This is why it happens: Bone Condition Stat -
Same thing happens on 0.50.125144 Experimental.