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User Since
Sep 24 2014, 12:56 AM (542 w, 9 h)

Recent Activity

Aug 3 2016

PostMortem added a comment to T119684: Hypothermia bug.

Cool. Thanks.

Aug 3 2016, 1:06 PM · DayZ

Aug 1 2016

PostMortem added a comment to T119684: Hypothermia bug.

Is this really not worth looking into?

Aug 1 2016, 4:11 PM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T119684: Hypothermia bug.

Perhaps you might wanna check the screenshot from the post you have hidden from everyone else.

Aug 1 2016, 4:02 PM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T119684: Hypothermia bug.

Listen, I know how the season rotation works on dayz and this is way different. I have been part of this early access since the beginning of it. I have taken all the gear off my character and plunged it into a pond. It stood there for 30 minutes and the status did NOT disappear. I then changed like 4-5 servers. Spend at least 5 minutes on each and nothing happened. Also my char was not overheating before getting hyperthermia. They got it instantly. I was and I am still not able to get rid of the status, no matter how many layers of clothes I have on me.

Aug 1 2016, 4:01 PM · DayZ

Jul 31 2016

PostMortem added a comment to T119684: Hypothermia bug.

in my case I got hypertermic, not hypotermic. But it's the same problem. These stats do not work properly.

Jul 31 2016, 12:43 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T118568: Hypertermic .

reported over and over again. no one cares. It's been more than 2 months since 0.60 was released.

Jul 31 2016, 12:42 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T117670: Becoming hyperthermic much too quickly/ Hyperthermia not going away in a timely manner..

look at the dates. just look at the dates. this bug is a major one and no one has answered in over a month and a half.

Jul 31 2016, 12:38 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T119684: Hypothermia bug.

Same way as described. It appeared suddenly on a server where was raining.

Jul 31 2016, 12:31 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T119684: Hypothermia bug.

I'm tired of this bug already. It's been here since 0.60 on experimental. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO FIX THIS, THEN TAKE THIS OUT OF THE FUCKING GAME, temporarily, because I'm tired of running back and forth. Nothing I do fixes it. NOTHING. All you can do is kill your character or just wait it out until you die.

Jul 31 2016, 12:29 AM · DayZ

Jun 16 2016

PostMortem created T118000: 0.60 Out of memory crash to desktop. .
Jun 16 2016, 10:01 AM · DayZ

Jun 13 2016

PostMortem created T117779: Second weapon disappears when you eat [0.60].
Jun 13 2016, 7:46 PM · DayZ
PostMortem created T117778: Spawn with no items, on reconnect. [0.60].
Jun 13 2016, 7:43 PM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T116795: 0.60 Legs disappearing 0.60.

It also causes client crashes to other people seeing the player with invisible body parts.

Jun 13 2016, 7:30 PM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T116795: 0.60 Legs disappearing 0.60.

This happens to some clothing items. It happened to me with both, a m65 jacket and black cargo pants.

Jun 13 2016, 7:28 PM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T117670: Becoming hyperthermic much too quickly/ Hyperthermia not going away in a timely manner..

Confirming this bug. Stayed on hypertermic for hours and I kept on receiving "Promptly cooling down" status but nothing happened.

Jun 13 2016, 7:26 PM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T117731: Unable to get rid of "overheating".

Confirming this bug. Stayed on hypertermic for hours and I kept on receiving "Promptly cooling down" status but nothing happened.

Jun 13 2016, 7:26 PM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T117329: Death On Stairs.

Happened to me aswell. I can confirm this, when walking up too.

Jun 13 2016, 7:24 PM · DayZ
PostMortem created T117775: One bullet, all gear ruined [0.60].
Jun 13 2016, 7:19 PM · DayZ

May 11 2016

PostMortem edited Steps To Reproduce on T107940: Prison glitch. Players can kill everyone who enters.
May 11 2016, 3:53 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T104025: [PRIMARY REPORT] Large quantities of same loot spawning at the same place.

Yea, I have found houses with no loot. Food spawns in little quantities to none. I haven't found a gun since the new update came out. I did find clothes, some tools and chemlights though.

I don't know what's going on with the loot but something definately happened to it.

May 11 2016, 1:27 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T104021: (Experimental 0.50) - Stuck running/walking.

Haha, your character was stoned due to using some of Dean Hall's weed before you spawning in(the one he uses when working on the game).

Just kidding. This also happened to me and it seems to happen due to large ammounts of players online, which kinda makes the server laggy.

If you press the sprint button first and then try to move forward, your character won't move. (this happens when your char takes its own path ~ aprox time)

May 11 2016, 1:26 AM · DayZ
PostMortem edited Steps To Reproduce on T104020: [Experimental branch 0.5] Unconciousness doesn't go away from starvation.
May 11 2016, 1:26 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T104018: [0.50][Critical] Melee system messed up again, can now 2 hit entities/objects with just one strike/punch of your fists/melee wpn.

I just killed 2 zombies with a swing of my firefighter axe xD

May 11 2016, 1:26 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T104016: [0.50 exp.] Equipping a flashlight/small firearm looks weird and robotic..

The running animation is weird also.

May 11 2016, 1:26 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T104008: Experimental 0.50 hunger thirsty and stuffed at the same time.

Related to 0017589.

Indeed, even though you are stuffed, you can be starving. Yet another bug that needs fixing on the new 0.5 update.

May 11 2016, 1:26 AM · DayZ
PostMortem edited Steps To Reproduce on T104005: Official 75 players slot server from SWE is constantly crashing - gear is gone.
May 11 2016, 1:26 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T104003: [PRIMARY REPORT] Automatic movement, character does not respond to controls.

Happened to me yesterday. The character doesn't listen to your movement commands sometimes and they keep moving in one direction without you pressing anything.

+if you first press the sprint button and then try to go forward, you won't move.

May 11 2016, 1:26 AM · DayZ
PostMortem edited Steps To Reproduce on T104002: [Experimental branch] Zucchini doesn't help your hunger anymore.
May 11 2016, 1:26 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T103997: (Experimental 0.50) - Player gets much too hungry and thirsty.

"I said 40 minutes of standing naked without food right from spawn. If you eat at least a little bit and have at least some clothes yiu should be fine in september setting. Youre twisting my words a bit too much." - quoted from eugen harton, same page

You kinda die 15 minutes from spawning, at this moment. If Eugen is so excited, he should take a look at the number of players on experimental, which is really low, compared to other patches.

May 11 2016, 1:26 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T103997: (Experimental 0.50) - Player gets much too hungry and thirsty.

I think the game you are looking for is Dark Souls I/II.

May 11 2016, 1:26 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T103997: (Experimental 0.50) - Player gets much too hungry and thirsty.

I just uploaded a picture of my character eating some spaghetti. It didn't even change the hunger status -> remained the same.

May 11 2016, 1:26 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T103997: (Experimental 0.50) - Player gets much too hungry and thirsty.

The current hunger/thirst system that is on stable 0.49 is just fine. If you really enjoy what is on the experimental branch. Try spawning in elektro and go north or whatever, without your friends. I bet you will be dead in 20 min at most.

May 11 2016, 1:25 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T103997: (Experimental 0.50) - Player gets much too hungry and thirsty.

As I said, the server just got restarted. Elektro was not looted. I was the first to enter every residential building, market, hospital, school and pub.

I have played on three different servers since 0.5 was released yesterday and I had the same result.

+ Running from Elektro to Cherno without having any food will result in death, which just makes the game unbalanced. We are talking about a 3km distance of running on the main road. There are yet no vehicles so not being able to run on long distances without having your backpack 100% full with food is yet another bad experience. You have to consider all the items you need with you, to survive, all those items that you have to carry along, with you on your journey.(extra clothes,meds,ammo, etc) If this game will be all about food and water, this will no longer be the old surviving game we all want.

Either way, I think this was not an improvement they thought to make and it's just another bug, like the zucchini/apple one.

I don't know when you started playing the Standalone, but the game had such issues with hunger/thirst when it first got released in alpha. Guess why they changed that.

May 11 2016, 1:25 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T103997: (Experimental 0.50) - Player gets much too hungry and thirsty.

Well the problem is you can't find food that easy anymore. I have looted the whole Elektro(after a restart) and a few buildings from Cherno and haven't found any consistent food - bananas, potatoes, zucchini(which doesn't help your hunger anymore - bugged) and a box of cereals which I ate and ended up starving 5 minutes later.

This isn't a battle to survive. This is suicide. You just spawn and die 10 minutes later. You probably haven't tried the experimental branch on 0.5 yet.

May 11 2016, 1:25 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T103997: (Experimental 0.50) - Player gets much too hungry and thirsty.

I ran between elektro and cherno after dying of starvation and ended up starving again, at the first industrial building in cherno. I was dead upon reaching the firestation in Cherno. Please fix this bug. We can't test the experimental if we keep dying like this.

May 11 2016, 1:25 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T103991: Apples don't add to food.

also happens with zuchinni.

May 11 2016, 1:25 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T103977: Character reset after reboot server.

Currently happens on the 75 server slot servers. (experimental database)

May 11 2016, 1:25 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T103973: AK 101 spawns without stock and barrel..

It also happens to the AKM.

Confirmed. Picking the gun will fix the problem.

Might be related to other problems aswell. Such as:
I think you should fix the 'invisible attachments' bug ASAP, because sometimes players can't see your weapon attachments. If you shoot using that gun, they won't be able to hear it.

May 11 2016, 1:25 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T103972: gunshots not audible after login.

Probably because you can't see your friend's attachments on the gun. Everytime the attachments are missing for you on other people, you won't be able to hear any shot they take. Might be different in this case.

May 11 2016, 1:25 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T103971: Steel Wool For Starting Fires And More (Make That 9 Volt Battery More Useful).

Sounds nice, but there are so many bugs to be fixed before implementing any new features, in my opinion. They should start by fixing all the bugs before bringing something new. Though, some of the players might consider this bullshit and quit playing. There are so many features to be added.

May 11 2016, 1:25 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T103830: Random Deaths in Firestations.

I got rekt in the firestation aswell. I was looting some guy on the first floor. Suddenly, your leg is in pain, you are dead. Two minutes later, server restart. My friends were watching me from the rooftops in cherno.

This happened to a lot of people. You should really figure out why, because it's pretty annoying sometimes.

May 11 2016, 1:20 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T103829: Invisible contents of med packs.

This happens but it's another minor bug. People don't really take it seriously since they can just take it from the ground and see what's inside. Should get fixed tho.

May 11 2016, 1:20 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T103742: Gorka clothes no longer keep you warm.

Currently wearing full autumn gorka set. it did happen.

May 11 2016, 1:16 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T103733: M4 rifle is not spawning at heli crashes since 0.49.

experimental or stable?

May 11 2016, 1:16 AM · DayZ
PostMortem set Category to category:weapons on T103733: M4 rifle is not spawning at heli crashes since 0.49.
May 11 2016, 1:16 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T103716: Smersh vest not spawning at all.

I heard people talking about this. I have checked more than 20-30 helicrashes yesterday but haven't found any smersh vest so far.

May 11 2016, 1:15 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T103601: Cant use Weapon from dead guys..

Confirmed. I gave my friend an akm yesterday and he couldn't aim down the sight or shoot. He had to relog.

May 11 2016, 1:11 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T103497: Zombies were able to attack me (through walls?) when I couldn't see them..

It happened to me. I got hit by a zombie standing besides the stairs, in a prison. I was low blood, so he killed me with one swing.

May 11 2016, 1:08 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T103304: Can't use weapons when picked up from other players.

Confirmed. I gave my friend an akm yesterday and he couldn't aim down the sight or shoot. He had to relog.

May 11 2016, 12:58 AM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T102651: Items in the inventory of dead players are invisible until status is refreshed.

Please fix this. It's one of the most annoying bugs. All you can do is stare at the damn body. If people are actually around you, you're done.

May 11 2016, 12:36 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

PostMortem added a comment to T91592: Instant Death Glitch (Inside Buildings on 2nd or higher level).

-> "OW" My leg is extremely painful.
-> I think my leg is broken.

Uhmm, yu w0t m8?

-> You are dead.

I think my char just had a heart attack while walking down the stairs and felt his heart pumpin in his leg.
Kappa, respawn time.


Yes, it also happened to me so many times(firestations, prisons, etc) but sometimes I just had the leg broken and did not die. It mostly happened when I was standing still, looting. (no, I didn't get shot)

May 10 2016, 6:12 PM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T86495: Zeds clipping through objects [PRIMARY REPORT].

There are still problems with the zeds. A few days back I got killed by a zombie, which was on a different floor. They still walk through doors.

May 10 2016, 1:17 PM · DayZ
PostMortem added a comment to T86431: Weapon attachments become invisible..

I don't know when this happens exactly, but it does happen a lot to me and my friends. You can just relog and they will see your weapon's attachments again, but unless you do that, THEY WONT BE ABLE TO HEAR YOU SHOOTING. It happened to me not to hear people shooting because their attachments were invisible. I ran straight at them and got killed.

May 10 2016, 1:07 PM · DayZ