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Hypothermia bug
Acknowledged, NormalPublic


i got hypothermic twice in the last three days,and there is no way to warm up.stay near fireplace,is rapidly warming up the char,but the hypothermic stat does not disappear.its lethal anyways. it happened in two different places,in different i`m cold warning,or anything else.
at the first time it appeared suddenly,in the second case it was raining and the char felt damp


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Health System

Event Timeline

gregi187 created this task.Jul 30 2016, 3:30 PM

I'm tired of this bug already. It's been here since 0.60 on experimental. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO FIX THIS, THEN TAKE THIS OUT OF THE FUCKING GAME, temporarily, because I'm tired of running back and forth. Nothing I do fixes it. NOTHING. All you can do is kill your character or just wait it out until you die.

Same way as described. It appeared suddenly on a server where was raining.

in my case I got hypertermic, not hypotermic. But it's the same problem. These stats do not work properly.

Geez changed the task status from New to Acknowledged.Aug 1 2016, 1:08 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello gregi187 and thank you for the report.
The issue with characters not heating up properly is known and has been scheduled for a fix.
As for the hyperthermia issue PostMortem mentions, that is tied to the date settings of the server. Currently the server temparature adjusts by the date, so in the summer months the characters will overheat much easier. The only way to avoid excessive overheating is either to wear less layers of gear or to play on a server which has date set in different time than summertime.

Listen, I know how the season rotation works on dayz and this is way different. I have been part of this early access since the beginning of it. I have taken all the gear off my character and plunged it into a pond. It stood there for 30 minutes and the status did NOT disappear. I then changed like 4-5 servers. Spend at least 5 minutes on each and nothing happened. Also my char was not overheating before getting hyperthermia. They got it instantly. I was and I am still not able to get rid of the status, no matter how many layers of clothes I have on me.

Perhaps you might wanna check the screenshot from the post you have hidden from everyone else.

Is this really not worth looking into?

Geez added a comment.Aug 3 2016, 10:15 AM

Hello PostMortem.
We will test the feature once again just to be sure, once certain tweaks are made.

Cool. Thanks.