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- User Since
- Jan 7 2014, 12:25 PM (580 w, 1 d)
May 11 2016
May 10 2016
same here- the glow appears to be lighting the bottom on every single object in the menu
oh so it happens when the server restart that makes sense....
I agree too ' hate those sounds...
confirmed same thing happened to me , for me it was heavy rain with thunders for my friend it was just some clouds
i can report that with the latest stable patch i get a Lot of disconnected from servers and every time i join another server the hopping timer starts , same goes when i get kicked.....
no loot in viecles ; confirmed
same thing happened to me : (
still happens on 0.43
SAME here
how about loging back in the game or changing the server to put the player in a random location close to their previews one . The radius will be determined by the proximity of other players. Buildings , indoor locations and maybe hole towns will be restricted for logging back in or changing the server - if you do it you will relog again in a random location outside the building / town etc . With this player will prefer to logout somewhere safe where there are less people in the wood maybe and will eliminate combat loggers
maybe there should be an UNSTUCK option like in WOW once every hour or 30 min
I think there should be some kind of mechanics to make the player prefer to keep his character on the same server for longer periods . That will decrease combat logging. I suggest 1:Number one - to restrict players from logout or login inside buildings- it is really annoying and unrealistic when you walk inside a building see that none is in and a guy just logs in behind you.2:logout timer + login timer
3: when longing out near other players each one of them has to conform that you can logout, so when you are with your friends you will be able to safely logout , when you are near hostile players ( bandits ) you will basically expose your presence , hope this helps ; )
How about loging out and loging in the same spot to be allowed only in outdoor areas such as woods wilderness and the shore. Inside towns building villages hot spots etc loging out will be allowed only with a timer maybe 60 sec but when you try to log back in or change the server you will be teleported somewhere outdoor - in woods ,wilderness or the shore. This will make gameplay inside towns and buildings more realistic - you will actually be able to hide inside a building and defend the exits without someone popping out of nowhere righ buildingyou : _)
we need a log-out countdown + no server change inside towns villages buildings etc only logout with timer and when you log back in or change the server you will be teleported somewhere in the closest woods or the shore. This will make the players prefer to stay loonger on a server and increase the pressure inside towns and hotspots - no more ghosting behind doors no more escaping death by log-out - the timer will make you wait ; D maybe a 60 sec inside towns and 20 sec in outdoors in wild
a suggestion , not sure if possible - how about being able to logout and login or change the server ot the same spot only in outdoor areas where there is no loot buildings etc . When in towns indoor areas spots etc you can logout with 60 sec timer but when you try to log back in or change the server you will be teleported somewhere outdoor where there is no loot buildings etc .
make the sunglasses reduce the glow and a nice tint filter to the game : )
i uploaded a map illustrate what i mean - in the red zones you cannot logout or login
"Right now it's extremely easy to get an M4 with tons of ammo by just switching servers for 15-20 mins." can be resolved by making loot areas like airports military bases inside buildings towns and villages restricted for logging in or out . you will have to do it in tha WOODS to find a safe place
and what happens if you get multile game crashes internet disconnects and all the servers you login are laggy for you , if the timer adds delay every time you log to another server you will ruen the good game play for all the people. There should only be a 30sec delay before you logout to make it really hard to escape fights by logging out .If this is combined with loot location radius logout /login restriction , would Rock
agreed , login/logout within certain radius from towns , military bases , hot-spots, indoor locations should be disabled . People will have to find a safe place to log out or change the server , maybe in the woods . That will encourage players to stay longer in one server and make it harder and slower to hopp for loot and harrasing players
meagle its just a suggestion : )maybe no a good one... the logout timer is a good thing and it has to by in tha game , however in wont solve things like " he disappeared *logged Out* entered the building via other server then logged in behind me. Instant death from behind also very annoying." my best suggestion is not to be able to log back inside buildings towns hot spots etc , if you want to logout in these locations first you will have to wait for 30- 60 sec and when you log back in or change the server you will be teleported somewhere outside in the woods maybe
how about disabling login/logout inside buildings and near other players - if you want to logout near other players all of them will have confirm ( let you logout )
by some button yes/no and a message witch will indicate you that a player near you is trying to logout (escape) . That way if you are somewhere with your friends you will easterly logout , however if you are near other player maybe bandits you will be exposed ; )