Revision: 151880
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Arma 3 Activity
Jun 7 2024
Hello can you try the steps posted here: undertale yellow
Jun 6 2024
Fixed in Dev build 151869. Authors feedback would be nice since the OG video is delisted.
Fixed in Dev build 151869.
Fixed in Dev build 151869.
Jun 4 2024
Tested with the latest profiling branch - has indeed been fixed. Tyvm!
Tested with the latest profiling branch - has indeed been fixed. Tyvm!
Appears to be working correctly with today's profiling branch update.
Another related issue is that backpack UGV which uses similar model and same texture re-textures differently, would love both vehicle and backpack to be made re-texturable together.
fairly sure this is intended and is quite useful - the command is mainly for debugging purposes after all
All this can be replaced by getCameraProjMatrix with
It would be so neat if that were a simple thing to do.
probaly a matrixFromTransform [position, direction] as a helper to get a position matrix.
and matrixInvMultiply?
Picture this: you're deep into an Arma 3 roleplay scenario. Your squad is gathered around a campfire, the flickering flames casting eerie shadows on your faces as you plan the next mission. Now, imagine those faces aren't just generic masks, but custom-crafted visages that reflect the personalities and histories of each character. Doesn't it make the story richer, the interaction more genuine?
will this get a fix some day? =)
Recommended Update:
- Separate the custom sound file size limit setting from the custom face size limit setting.
- Update the settings for Official Zeus servers to allow custom faces up to a reasonable, but HD size.
Would it be possible to get the custom faces and custom sounds separated in a QoL change, similar to the change done to VoN and Direct Chat, in order to enable the use of custom faces again, or would this prove too cumbersome and unnecessary as it is?
Jun 3 2024
Using findIf is even faster. Another implementation is:
params ["_array", "_value", ["_column", 0]]; private _valueArray = [_value]; private _column = [_column, 1]; _array findIf {_x select _column isEqualTo _valueArray };
params ["_array", "_value", ["_column", 0]]; private _index = {if(_x param [_column] isEqualTo _value) exitWith {_forEachIndex};} forEach _array; [_index, -1] select (isNil"_index");
This way is even faster.
Here is another way to code this function, proposed by Sa-Matra and this way is 20-25% faster:
Jun 2 2024
Would be very useful as a command.
Jun 1 2024
May 31 2024
May 30 2024
Tested today on dev 2.17.151835. Can confirm the fix is working. Thank you. Ticket can be closed.
Another crash report I got just now
Fixed in Dev build 151835.
May 29 2024
Didn't even realize to check the config.
May 28 2024
Would it be enough for you if getPlayerVoNVolume returned zero, when the player is muted?
What is the "production personnel list" and what is the "homepage" ?
Same for removeMagazineGlobal, but only when executed on a local unit.
If a remote unit receives the removeMagazine over network, it will reload and work.
i can play again after 2 full computer resets, multiple sfc scans in cmd, repairing net frame work, redownloading/verifying the game more times than i can count, deleting temp and local app data for arma 3 and bohemia interactive, deleting battle eye and re verifying yada yad, im not sure which one of these worked as the game decided to finally launch the launcher randomly after giving up for a day or so
I know, I have already read these pages, however, I'm looking for a fix.
I already know it's a problem with Geforce now not supporting ACE3.
May 27 2024
This only happens on internal builds though.
Interesting. Usually there is a desk there?
If you can mod you could
class Cursor {
2.18 "MagazineReloading"
[B Alpha 1-1:1 (dedmen),"arifle_MX_ACO_pointer_F","arifle_MX_ACO_pointer_F",["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",30,1e+07,0],["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",0,1e+07,0]]
I try with a server who's using Isla Duala, Takistan and Chernarus, olny Isla Duala failed and crash my computer.
As of update 2.14, this still occurs regularly.
May 26 2024
Go into preview and here is what you get from this script:
allMissionObjects "" apply {[typeOf _x,synchronizedObjects _x]} /* [ [L Modules:1,"Logic",[]], [L Alpha 1-2:1,"Logic",[B Alpha 1-1:1 (POLPOX),1d79b893580# 3: sign_arrow_f.p3d,1d7954be040# 4: mrap_01_unarmed_f.p3d,L Ambient:1,6: <no shape>]], [1d79b893580# 3: sign_arrow_f.p3d,"Sign_Arrow_Blue_F",[]], [1d7954be040# 4: mrap_01_unarmed_f.p3d,"B_MRAP_01_F",[]], [L Ambient:1,"ModuleCivilianPresence_F",[B Alpha 1-1:1 (POLPOX),L Alpha 1-2:1,1d79b893580# 3: sign_arrow_f.p3d,1d7954be040# 4: mrap_01_unarmed_f.p3d,6: <no shape>]], [6: <no shape>,"EmptyDetector",[B Alpha 1-1:1 (POLPOX),L Alpha 1-2:1,1d79b893580# 3: sign_arrow_f.p3d,1d7954be040# 4: mrap_01_unarmed_f.p3d,L Ambient:1]], [B Alpha 1-1:1 (POLPOX),"B_Soldier_F",[L Alpha 1-2:1,1d79b893580# 3: sign_arrow_f.p3d,1d7954be040# 4: mrap_01_unarmed_f.p3d,L Ambient:1,6: <no shape>]] ] */
As you can see props and vehicles don't even accept the synchronization. Maybe more objects don't.
This is not related to the game itself. It's related to Geforce Now not supporting ACE3's extensions.
there's nothing on the internet about it.
May 25 2024
A second, more robust workaround I have found is to upload a "ghost mod" to the Workshop and then arbitrarily set that mod's dependencies to be whatever mods I choose, and then enabling that mod. This effectively accomplishes the feature as I requested it, but it's a pain to set up for someone who doesn't know how to quickly throw together a Workshop mod.
May 24 2024
I need help