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Antiradiation missiles ignore direction restrictions on targets
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Antiradiation missiles ignore whatever definitions they have for restricting their ability to see and lock on targets.
Both antiradiation missiles present in vanilla inherit from this:

		class ammo_Missile_AntiRadiationBase: MissileBase
			model = "\A3\weapons_f\empty";
			proxyShape = "\A3\weapons_f\empty";
			cost = 1500;
			aiAmmoUsageFlags = "128 + 512";
			hit = 2100;
			indirectHit = 85;
			indirectHitRange = 8;
			warheadName = "HE";
			airLock = 0;
			missileLockCone = 120;
			missileKeepLockedCone = 120;
			missileLockMaxDistance = 16000;
			missileLockMinDistance = 1000;
			missileLockMaxSpeed = 55;
			weaponLockSystem = 16;
			cmImmunity = 0.5;
			manualControl = 0;
			maxControlRange = 16000;
			autoSeekTarget = 1;
			lockSeekRadius = 0;
			flightProfiles[] = {"LoalDistance"};
			class LoalDistance
				lockSeekDistanceFromParent = 1000;
			class Components: Components
				class SensorsManagerComponent
					class Components
						class AntiRadiationSensorComponent: SensorTemplateAntiRadiation
							class AirTarget
								minRange = 16000;
								maxRange = 16000;
								objectDistanceLimitCoef = -1;
								viewDistanceLimitCoef = -1;
							class GroundTarget
								minRange = 16000;
								maxRange = 16000;
								objectDistanceLimitCoef = -1;
								viewDistanceLimitCoef = -1;
							maxTrackableATL = 100;
							maxTrackableSpeed = 60;
							angleRangeHorizontal = 60;
							angleRangeVertical = 180;
                        [etc etc]

According to these values the missile should be capable of detecting targets on 60° horizontal cone and 180° vertical cone (angleRangeHorizontal/Vertical), however in practice it is capable of detecting and attacking radar targets which sit way past what its definitions allow.
I tested this in VR with diag exe and no mods loaded.
Placed in map are just an IFV6 AA radar unit and a Black Wasp with a single HARM missile.

When i fire the HARM, once it reaches the SEEKING phase it does a 180° turn and attacks the radar battery that should be outside of detection range.

Repro mission:


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

dedmen set Ref Ticket to AIII-56425.May 27 2024, 6:40 PM
dedmen added a subscriber: dedmen.May 28 2024, 11:58 AM

It hits the target while calculating a horizontal angle of 109° and vertical of 39°

That should fail the horizontal configured angle of 60. But.. The actual angle limit in engine is 360°.
As if its not loading the config at all and just using default values as limits.
But the default value would be 90°, not 360..

Most aircraft vehicle passive radar sensors have 360° horizontal. So does the plane in the test mission.
The plane's sensor can see everything all around.

The plane's PassiveRadar also instantly detects the enemy vehicle, right at mission start.
The missile's sensor components are never actually loaded...

The missile is in auto-seek mode. And has a autoseek target position of "6631.82910, 20150.6992, 5.00000000"

The missile tries to find a target around the autoseek position, by finding the nearest object in radius lockSeekRadius = 0; where 0 means infinite.
So it finds the tank and checks if its lockable.

But that is it. It checks if the target is theoretically lockable. Not if its in range.

For PassiveRadar that means, whether the target has their radar on. If yes, it passes. Even if its out of range, or not in the cone.

dedmen added a comment.EditedMay 28 2024, 12:44 PM

That is fixed now, but when I move the vehicle infront so it is back inside the cone, it never hits.

I can see the missile set its target perfectly on the vehicle, it has enough maneuverability available to correct the flight path and hit it perfectly, but it just doesn't. Misses by a bit and leaves the target unscathed.

But thats not part of this ticket so I'll just ignore that...

dedmen changed the visibility from "Custom Policy" to "Public (No Login Required)".May 28 2024, 1:22 PM
dedmen added a project: Arma 3.


dedmen changed the task status from New to Feedback.May 28 2024, 1:23 PM

Appears to be working correctly with today's profiling branch update.

Wulf closed this task as Resolved.Thu, Jun 6, 4:39 PM
Wulf claimed this task.
Wulf added a subscriber: Wulf.

Fixed in Dev build 151869.