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Using removeMagazine on throwable prevents use of remaining throwables of that type
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Hey there. Pretty annoying bug here. When using removeMagazine on grenades, it disables usage of that type of grenades till you drop them and pick them back up.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Give yourself 3 grenades and some smoke (player addMagazine "HandGrenade"; player addMagazine "smokeShell"))
  2. Check amount of magazines and see if you can throw a frag grenade (Works)
  3. Remove 3 magazine (player removeMagazine "HandGrenade")
  4. Check inventory. Still 1 grenade left, throw grenade, nothing happens
  5. Press Ctrl+G to switch to smoke. Smoke works fine. Switching back to grenades is not possible
  6. Put grenade on ground and pick it back up.
  7. Grenade now works again.
Additional Information

If you delete 1 smoke shell first, the smoke grenades still work (Exactly as it should), however when deleting a frag grenade first and deleting a smoke shell after that, the smoke grenades also bug out.

Event Timeline

Adanteh edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Nov 1 2014, 2:22 PM
Adanteh edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Adanteh set Category to Inventory.
Adanteh set Reproducibility to Always.
Adanteh set Severity to None.
Adanteh set Resolution to Open.
Adanteh set Legacy ID to 1993724631.May 7 2016, 7:43 PM
Adanteh added a subscriber: Adanteh.May 7 2016, 7:43 PM

For anyone having problems with this, you can do a workaround by removing one more magazine than needed and then adding back one using addMagazine. That'll re-enable the usage of that type.

Still an issue in 2.17.151825.


  1. Place down unit, set as playable in a new mission
  2. Make sure unit has at least 2 grenades of 1 type
  3. Play mission
  4. Remove 1 grenade via player removeMagazine _grenade (e.g. player removeMagazine "HandGrenade")
  5. Grenade type that was removed is no longer selectable. You need to drop or add a grenade of the same type in order for it to selectable.

Another workaround for the problem: Use _unit removeItem _grenade, it doesn't make the grenade type unselectable.

dedmen changed the task status from New to Feedback.May 28 2024, 6:21 PM
dedmen added a subscriber: dedmen.

Same for removeMagazineGlobal, but only when executed on a local unit.
If a remote unit receives the removeMagazine over network, it will reload and work.

Fixed 2.18, next profiling/dev branch

Tested with the latest profiling branch - has indeed been fixed. Tyvm!