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Car drivers have strange restricted FOV zoom
New, NormalPublic


When in the driver's seat of CSLA vehicles, the ordinary FOV zoom ("Zoom Temporary") provides only a small zoom, much less than when on foot or in other non-turret seats. This is unusual, has no apparent reason, and makes it difficult to read road signs.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Hop in the driver's seat of a CSLA car. I found it in the Humvee, but I have been told it happens in all cars. Attempt to zoom in using the Zoom Temporary keybind.

Hop out and attempt to zoom in again. Compare the levels of zoom provided.

Event Timeline

NikkoJT created this task.Jun 17 2021, 1:13 PM

Linked to this is driver's limited vision to the sides as well.

I wonder what promo code for Lyft drivers can be applied to such situations? After all, comfort and safety on the road are of great importance for all drivers, regardless of what kind of transport they use. Hopefully Lyft will provide its drivers with additional tools or options to make road signs easier to read and improve road safety.

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