sorry was typo, opposite faction not action lol
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May 10 2016
Just to add weaponless AI of opposite faction will not pick up a weapon if you leave one in front of it, could be related
all videos are private
The video is from early Alpha
check example 4 tonnes of custom sortings could be done with subarray sort.
"Weapon_Empty" works, no idea why you say it doesnt
Use Weapon_Empty class that doesnt autodelete or put something in normal weaponholder to stop it from getting deleted. Not a bug.
player setposATL (tower buildingpos x);
seems to be working better
ALso says ATL too
The issue of icons stuttering on DEV and not on STABLE is fixed. One little issue remains, icons with angle == 0 stutter everywhere regardless. If angle is != 0 this doesnt happen. so angle == 0.01 stops stuttering. Would have been nice to get a fix.
reloading on lader should probably not alowed
current stable is 1.42. you can try new trigger syntax by switching to dev verson, it takes only a minute.
@asurion First talk to the author of the mod and ask them to fix it, most likely broken because of misconfiguration in the mod
Also when the font is larger than icon, the calculation of font positioning is wrong. Here left layout makes font go to the right, right makes it go to the right even more
onEachFrame {
private "_private"; _playerPos = getPosATL player; drawIcon3D [ "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Radar\radar_ca.paa", [0,0,1,0.5], [_playerPos select 0,_playerPos select 1,2.3], 5, 5, direction player, "COMPASS", 0, 0.3, "PuristaMedium", "left", true ];
//^^^^^^^^^^^ draws to the RIGHT!!!!
onEachFrame {
private "_private"; _playerPos = getPosATL player; drawIcon3D [ "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Radar\radar_ca.paa", [0,0,1,0.5], [_playerPos select 0,_playerPos select 1,2.3], 5, 5, direction player, "COMPASS", 0, 0.3, "PuristaMedium", "center", true ];
//^^^^^^^^^^^ center
onEachFrame {
private "_private"; _playerPos = getPosATL player; drawIcon3D [ "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Radar\radar_ca.paa", [0,0,1,0.5], [_playerPos select 0,_playerPos select 1,2.3], 5, 5, direction player, "COMPASS", 0, 0.3, "PuristaMedium", "right", true ];
//^^^^^^^^^^^ even more right
The problem with text alignment seems to be connected to how it is calculated. If the icon width is taken as a measurement for text placement then when "left" align is selected the beginning of text should match the left limit of the icon. If "right" align is chosen, the *end* for text should match the right limit of the icon. At the moment it is the beginning of text that is matched, which results in wrong alignment.
Another minor issue, that possibly needs to be addressed. The text alignment does not affect text on left and right arrows but does so on top and bottom one. Should probably ignore textAlign on arrows entirely.
In the mean time...
disableAI "anim" stops freezing but it breaks animal idle behaviour. Basically the problem is with animations
reopening at OP' kind request
@InAUGral there is brute force protection in place after a few unsuccessful attempts there comes cooldown during which all input is ignored
looks like it is your ip on home network
whats wrong with free usermade ghillies in free user made mods?
Confirmed, we would need one for render scope too
Sounds about right, that type of swimming is very economical IRL.
Yep. It kinda gets stuck at extreme angles.
what grenades are you throwing? Mini grenade is lighter you can throw it further and it deals less damage maybe this is the case?
there must have been some tweaks to fatigue done again. noticed on dev default unit with just vest and rifle gets out of breath very quickly and recovers for way too long.
scriptedPlayer = 1;
in description.ext as a work around for now
a simple server history stored in profile namespace maybe?
in latest 130835 it is still not fixed
resolved in todays build
confirmed, broken as fuuuu... :)
systemChat format ['%1', vehicle player == player]
and report back
How did you test that vehicle player returns player?
vehicle player == player returns true?
Should be fixed in Monday DEV
There is such command already in game, not sure if on stable but definitely on DEV
lnbSetPictureColor [101, [0,1], [1,0,1,1]]
maybe BI mission designer can override time acceleration key to make everyone happy? just a thought.
would be nice if client could be redirected as early as lobby, to help manage traffic if server reached limit, so if host has another server, redirect there
on second thought server playlist in server config could do.
Can confirm, you can hear the sound but player just stands there acting like nothing happened, while weeing in his pants.
there has to be option to disable ai suppression
Yeah man, those ARMA developers, they must be as dumb as a doornail. Let's correct this mistake:
check objectviewdistance in settings or just execute in debug console
setObjectViewDistance 2000
As a workaround, all nearby containers could be retrieved with nearSupplies command. It is guaranteed that the missing container will be among them. How you then handle it is up to you.
You can always:
player enableFatigue false;
to disable it completely
format["%1n", _undefVar] causes crash in scheduled environment
This command is for vehicles, not a bug. "Returns true if vehicle headlights are on otherwise false."
Or even easier, make a mod and change the values in CfgDifficulties, launch game with mod - done.
paste this in init field of the player
0 = this addEventHandler ["HandleHeal", {
_this spawn {
_injured = _this select 0; _healer = _this select 1; _damage = damage _injured; if (_injured == _healer) then { waitUntil {damage _injured != _damage}; if (damage _injured < _damage) then { _injured setDamage 0; }; };
This should fix you to 100% every time. Can I close this as resolved?
Todays dev...Fixed: Right mouse button interaction with dead bodies in the inventory causes items to disappear
Duplicate of #4180
perhaps you should talk to server owners about it or maybe post on official forums
fixed in todays dev
Can confirm isWalking always returns false, no matter if walk is toggled or forced with forceWalk command
It works, just needs a little delay in front if executed in debug console
- spawn {sleep 0.01; hintC "Press W to move forward"};
Please use the official forums for these questions, this site is mostly to report bugs.
Oukej, this could be related to AIs, and probably error from one of the AI handling scripts or FSM.
Getting under fire? I cannot say exactly the cause but it was happening to me when there were opfor AIs shooting at blufor and me while there was a civilian there in the middle. it was not happening all the time.
saw this too, but havent seen it with latest dev. it this still happening?
neither you need this on HC
resolving as not a bug
"just someone with reasonably good eyesight..."
This camo *looks* like someone applied wrong texture. But since it is in the VGarage, closing this.
Reopening. This happens on DEV, one of the random textures is not quite a quadbike texture
changing to won't fix to and closing
Seems allUnitsUAV returns vehiclesUAV instead of units. May I ask why such misleading name to cause tonnes of confusion? Or is it supposed to return units after all?
There is allUnits, playableUnits, switchableUnits and just units commands that all return UNITS, then you have allUnitsUAV that returns VEHICLES???
than you for your report, but perhaps it is more suitable for the forum post on BIS forums
There is not too much difference in holding binocs or holding handgun and running. Fatigue:
rifle - 0.14 in 10 secs
handgun - 0.11 in 10 secs
binocs - 0.09 in 10 secs
so far it is similar to speed changes.
I am not sure why you keep on saying how it is extreme and overwhelming when you can just measure it and see that it is not.
it is players choice to take binoculars out and run, this is not a default mechanics so you cannot really say - the game is therefore unrealistic. if a player decides to kill himself by jumping of a roof in game, are you going to protest this and say this is unrealistic and try to block access to all roofs? i think your argument against people runnig with binoculars is a bit weak. because no weapon cannot be selected by default action people go for the next best thing. and yes if you want to sprint irl it would probably be a good idea to put weapon on back.
Well having handgun in hand and having binocs in hand should be equal in speed as only one hand is engaged at a time. But having hands free makes it easier to run rather than you have to hold something with both, so the speed increase and even stamina would be kinda justified
just measured:
rifle in hand - 18 km/h
pistol in hand - 19 km/h
binocs in hand - 22 km/h
nothing in hand - 24 km/h
Not sure you can call it stupidly fast
Can you give an example of what you have in mind because I'm pretty sure there is a way to do it, maybe not exactly how you imagined it.
Also just running oneachframe loop on client and logging servertime duplicates on client works
duplicate of
you can already disable 3rd person view in difficulty settings on server
The good news is you can always try again after you upgraded your PC
"there could be cases where you might wanna change the amount of bullets in an already existing mag."
"For this you need to know exact id of the magazine and AFAIK this is WIP in Arma 3, so not really usable.
You can change ammo in loaded mag, since you can id as the mag loaded into weapon.
"To clearify, by "spawn" I mean createVehicle ["someMag", ...]."
It will still need to create weaponholder, so might just do it yourself.
"_rounds = magazineAmmo magazine"
What is magazine param? Object? Then you can forget about it as Arma 3 has no such mechanics yet. String classname? Then how do you expect engine to understand which magazine you want ammo for if player has several mags with the same classname?
"because AFAIK you can currently only spawn full mags."
You sure about that?
the reason I asked was because how you're supposed to know to which magazine to add ammo? For this you need to know exact id of the magazine and AFAIK this is WIP in Arma 3, so not really usable.
"magazine setMagazineAmmo number"
Is this Dayz command? do you have a link?
in Kuma for example:
hint str (allTurrets vehicle player); []
hint str (allTurrets [vehicle player, false]); []
hint str (allTurrets [vehicle player, true]); [[0],[0,0]]
human turrets listed as main turrets
you can use binocs in ffv positions in helis. as for being able to use on quads +1
In case with grenadier, this should change underbarrel grenade type, when grenade launcher is selected
You can already return hc with allmissionobjects. Adding it to playableunits might break many older scripts.
3D Editor is already on the way
The command works as intended, and no changes will be made to it because of backwards compatibility. Going to close this to stop unnescessary bumping.
This is not a bug, detailed explanation of how command works is in the command description on BIKI page
Is there a scientific basis for why unit behind a glass should not be detectable on thermal?