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Dev Team focused on DLC instead of fixing the game bug.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This is actually a real bug.

The first part of bug I like to report is the promise the Developers made about the game were broken? I can't find any promises found in the game.

Second part of the bug is that Steam has overwritten the Developers mind to make DLCs now. Their Intelligence have been reprogrammed to not focus on fixing the ArmA 3 engine and increase its performance.


Legacy ID
Unable To Duplicate
Unable To Reproduce
Steps To Reproduce

Not sure if its considered a reproduction, but if you look back in ArmA or ArmA 2. You can reproduce the Developers better work.

Additional Information

This is a serious issue.

Event Timeline

jovan edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Feb 28 2015, 5:55 AM
jovan edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
jovan set Category to Performance.
jovan set Reproducibility to Unable To Reproduce.
jovan set Severity to None.
jovan set Resolution to Unable To Duplicate.
jovan set Legacy ID to 1598875359.May 8 2016, 11:34 AM

than you for your report, but perhaps it is more suitable for the forum post on BIS forums