On Vans/SUV
Executed scripts: \A3\soft_f_gamma\SUV_01\scripts\clock.sqf,
The loop is also running on the dedicated server
So with 20 SUV/Vans you have 20 loops like that on the server for nothing
while {alive _this} do
_clock_hour10 = floor ((date select 3)/10);
_textureName = format [ "\A3\soft_f\Data\num%1_ca.paa", _clock_hour10];
_textureName = format [_textureName];
_this setObjectTexture [1, _textureName];
_clock_hour = ((date select 3)-(_clock_hour10*10));
_textureName = format [ "\A3\soft_f\Data\num%1_ca.paa", _clock_hour];
_this setObjectTexture [2, _textureName];
_clock_minute10 = floor ((date select 4)/10);
_textureName = format [ "\A3\soft_f\Data\num%1_ca.paa", _clock_minute10];
_this setObjectTexture [3, _textureName];
_clock_minute = ((date select 4)-(_clock_minute10*10));
_textureName = format [ "\A3\soft_f\Data\num%1_ca.paa", _clock_minute];
_this setObjectTexture [4, _textureName];
sleep 5;
Maybe not a big deal but w/e