might be too much to ask now, but maybe for arma 4
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May 10 2016
they might. wait till the full game. this is an alpha
just tested. i can confirm this. thats just not fair
i think that it should go, or at least be changed so you can have the explosive fall with you and not be automatically placed in the dirt.
i just tested this. it works. it shouldnt. but, once again, do you want to remove it, or keep it?
do you want to get rid of this "feature"?
i dont think the damage system is fully implemented yet.
Try taking a sniper rifle and shoot it, standing up. where is the shot going to land? it will be to hard to predict. So, therefor, the crosshair is there for a reason. Besides, in real life, you can tell how stable the gun is, and the same goes for virtual simulations and crosshairs. the smaller the crosshair is the more stable the gun is. its something you know when you are shooting a real gun.
if you are holding a gun in real life, you can estimate where the bullet might land. in a virtual simulation, where you are not physically holding the gun, you cant guess where that bullet might land. besides, if you dont like it, just go turn it off(not hard)
Confirmed. just tested it with a group of soldiers around you. they die, you(laying on the grenade) dont. In fact, they should take less damage than they would normally at that range
keep in mind that the devs said the injury system is not fully complete yet. they are still working on it.
the controls are very simple. you have two stances: raised weapon and lowered weapon (double tap ctrl key)
You then have two paces for each stance: fast and slow(press the c key)
you then have speed: shift to run and press w+s to toggle walk
yes. this should be included. the A-10 can fly fine with only one engine working. I think this should be added
Would change the title to "M230 Bolt animation is off" or something like that. but I noticed that too.
there wont be a city map
to topic:
I think that the last one might be the only thing that is possible for A3, this late into development. Vote UP for the LAST ONE as well
That is not a bug relating to the ALPHA
They should include both like they do for soldiers.
similar to attachments on weapons?
NO THROWING KNIFES! you will probably want them to be a one hit kill as well
please change the title
please change the title to reflect what happened, dont just say glitch.
just remap buttons, its not hard. mouse and keyboard is easier though...this is not much of an issue.
it only happens to me after running a distance of a mile or more at a really fast speed. Like a mile in 6-minutes and occasional bits of sprinting after with no break. I guess they are trying to show that you cant focus on things very well for a bit. but it does seem to happen to fast
double tap Alt...
you probably pressed the W and S keys at the same time. thats how you walk. or your stamina is low, so you cant jog.
dont understand your argument. you can fit 6 people. two in the back and two on each sideboard. dont see why those should be taken out.
never gone over 300k/ph in the Ka-60. its not possible
most of it. if you are at the southern tip with a handgun and someone is standing at the town, you probably wont be able to hear it. it should probably be increased, but not by to much
this is 2035...Who says Iran cant have this technology?
you say hovering. at what height?if they are low enough to the ground it shouldnt be a problem.
why not?
dont really know. someone should ask the devs. the gun is entirely fictional, so i cant really say...
might just be a slight glitch with the games code. the MK200s suppressor does spin when you shoot it. that might be related to the problem...
the MXM fires 7.62 rounds. it would make no sense to try and fit a 6.5mm suppressor on a 7.62 gun...
only for explosions if your a soldier. if your a civilian, the ringing should be for large caliber guns as well.
still dont see the point in a crossbow. its not a hunting game...
This isnt Battlefield.The Crossbow isnt a weapon used by any military
where would i find the MK-19?
that is a wierd heat signature for a house...btw, do you have your photo captions mixed up?the white hot show black hot. or is it actually like that?
you are in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, i doubt that the seasons change much.
why is that a problem? if you are using a good computer, you shouldn't have to worry?
why should you, you are a civilian, not a soldier...
yes. placement of modules can be rather confusing. especially when you want to place a minefield...
there goes a covert diving operation....
close this, just needed to restart computer
I have to say the landtex is really nice. it should be the default texture for the ground
depends on your settings. rightclick on the alpha launch on steam and select properties. go to updates and see if you have the tab keep this game up to date, if so, then it will auto update.
this was fixed with the latest patch .52
grenades are an infantry killer, not objects. they may explode, but they kill by sending small fragments of the grenades shell into your body. not to mention the concussive blast to go with it, it your close enough. but they are called fragmentation grenades for a reason.
you cant compare the two. they are entirely different. i have played BF3 and this alpha. they are no where near the same. the amount of options in this ALPHA are much more than in Battlefield. They are two entirely different games/play styles.
Alpha... its supposed to be in the final.
sealing? getting on your feeds?
I wanted to have men standing around a fire at the start of a mission. but even if they were 2 feet away, they would die. 2 feet seem a bit far to die from a burning campfire that small. I have to say the damage radius for campfires should be reduced.
explosives that size could probably bring down a building. what type of building are we talking about?
May 9 2016
these screenshots clearly show light, and not a pitch black screen. who says it cant get so dark out, that there isnt much light. you are on a island with a small population
remember. its still an alpha. it could potentially be added
I think that the knife would have to be switched to like any other weapon. you shouldn't be allowed to just press a button to knife.
Navy SEALs will use a knife to get rid of a enemy without getting detected.
there could be a quick melee button, but that should be a hit with the stock or a hit with the grip of the handgun, depending on what weapon is equipped. launchers should no be allowed to use melee, though.