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Building destructive effect
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Game building destruction effect is only four forms: "complete", "a hole", "two hole", "collapse", hoping to learn from and Battlefield 3 BFBC2 effect, attack or destroy a wall disappear a wall. For example, a simple house with a roof and four walls, hit or destroy a wall, a wall disappears, when three walls were destroyed, the house collapsed. House roof can also be individually destroyed.


Legacy ID
Game Physics

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game33good edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
game33good set Category to Game Physics.
game33good set Reproducibility to Always.
game33good set Severity to None.
game33good set Resolution to Open.
game33good set Legacy ID to 4174446942.May 7 2016, 2:24 PM

might be too much to ask now, but maybe for arma 4

I guess AA3 maybe it can be achieved at, Because (AA3 Building

destructive effect now) and (BF3 BFBC2 Building destructive effect) are

the same.

for example there is a RPG shooted a house in the AA3,so the house is

have a a hole,it is "a hole" forms ,if you shooted 2-3 RPG ,the house is

collapse,and i find when you is shoot at the left house,the hole not at

house right,so it it not "HP" house,it is have some physical effect.

why am i say that same, because BF3 BFBC2 only more than AA3 a few

forms and the effect at is one wall .
AA3 the house destructive effect is less forms and effect at much wall.

for example, a simple house with a roof and four walls at AA3,you

shooted a RPG the house is collapse,so it is have one destructive effect

forms and the destructive effect at four walls an a roof .

but if you shooted a RPG of the house at BF3 BFBC2,you can destroy one

wall,the house is one "hole" forms,if you want the house is

collapse,you need much RPG to destroy all walls,"one hole","two

hole","three hole""four hole",so it is have four destructive effect

forms,the AA3 is have one destructive effect forms,so if AA3 want,AA3

can do that,because AA3 has the technology, and the technology is same

the BF3 BFBC2.

There is a problem in AA3,it is if you not shoot the "privileged sites”

of the house,it is not have destructive effect,for example,you see a AI

behind the window in the house,you shoot a RPG, but that wall is not

"privileged sites" ,so the wall and AI is nothing .so if the AA3 have

the building destructive effect,it is not have the problem.

the house is not high building at the AA3 and not very many,so hope

the AA3 have this building destructive effect.

AD2001 added a subscriber: AD2001.May 7 2016, 2:24 PM
AD2001 added a comment.Jun 3 2013, 2:55 PM

I'm not sure Real Virtuality is made for things like that and on huge maps like Altis I think it would be very hard to do.
/downvoted and monitored

bez added a subscriber: bez.May 7 2016, 2:24 PM
bez added a comment.Jun 3 2013, 3:00 PM

there is nothing I would like more,
but I think it's an unrealistic request at the moment.

And since there are more game breaking issues than this
I also downvoted, sorry.

Unknown Object (User) added a subscriber: Unknown Object (User).May 7 2016, 2:24 PM
Unknown Object (User) added a comment.Jun 13 2013, 2:25 PM

That would be just amazing. But yes too much to ask for now.

The game is in Beta now. I don't think they'll be changing it and this should probably be closed.

bohr1 added a subscriber: bohr1.May 7 2016, 2:24 PM
bohr1 added a comment.Jul 28 2013, 9:08 AM

Great request,to be honest,the destruction of buildings looks butt-ugly in Arma 3

Maybe A3 destruction is not all that but it sure 100 times better than your beloved BF3 destruction when it comes to structures.

MadDogX added a subscriber: MadDogX.May 7 2016, 2:24 PM

Mass closing ancient tickets with no activity for > 12 months; assume fixed or too trivial.

If this issue is still relevant in current dev build, please re-post.