As far as we can see there are lot of same weapons and even vehicles on both sides.
This leads to:
- Balanced units for cost of feeling lack any realism in this way
- Looks (sorry for that but) stupid
On one side of the conflict are * United states and on the other some middle east state. Since they are not look like Jews I presume they are not supported by "west world" and due to that they are very unlike to use the same technology (speedboat, GMG/HMG turrets, SDAR) as USArmy. Sorry but that looks ridiculous. And the other side - that US are using some middle east or russian technology seems even more like a bad joke.
*) as far as the names of units/soliders and lack of any style
I see this is alpha version - not even beta and we are supposed to try what the game should offer but I hope in final version there will not be this cross side connections on higher level then sidearms or grenades.