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Gamer Health issue. Physical pain in eyes due to blurry screen effect when character is tired (eg from running)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Health issue for the gamer.
The extended periods of blur effects on the screen have made my eyes sore or uncomfortable after 1-3 hours of play depending on amount of blur effect I am exposed too.

Although I have only played the Alpha release around 6 times now (and am really enjoying it as a new arma player, thanks), each session has been for over 3 hours in organised multiplayer missions within my clan. The blur effect has caused this discomfort whenever my character is effected by it for long periods or when I am concentrating intently looking for enemies while the effect is present.

The room I game in is partially lit with no bright lighting near the screen or reflections in it.
Other games have not had this effect even after long sessions.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Personal physical effect from visual effect in game.
I am happy to discuss this further and give personal details.

Additional Information

I have excellent vision (better than perfect) and am very aware of eye strain when using computers. I have been trained in graphics which included exercises for the eyes and am careful with my eyes due to a my main income from photography.

My monitor/vid card are:
ASUS VE247H 24 inch LED Widescreen Full HD 1080p
Asus 1GB GeForce GTX 560TI DirectCUII PCI-E Graphics Card
Rest of PC is mid range around 12 months ago.
Windows 7 64bit, all software on SSD.

ARMA3 video settings are default as installed.

Event Timeline

suds edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)May 23 2013, 10:50 PM
suds edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
suds set Category to Visual-Environment.
suds set Reproducibility to Always.
suds set Severity to None.
suds set Resolution to Duplicate.
suds set Legacy ID to 293352951.May 7 2016, 2:14 PM

Somebody tossed me this tip a few days ago.

Turn off post-processing within the Graphics options of the game.

(Feel free to bow down and kiss my feet afterwards, I know you'll be wanting to thank me greatly. ;-)

I don't know why they're using blurry screen texturing for simulating simple exhaustion. From my experience, blurry vision never occurred to me when running greater than one mile! I doubt many others experience similar blurring as well. Not too further mention, they're really using some really excessive blurring!

I'll gander blurring does not occur, unless somebody is near to blacking out or death. Personally, I don't like the blur effect at all and prefer to switch it off. Slowing a person down, or blacking the screen performs just the same.

it only happens to me after running a distance of a mile or more at a really fast speed. Like a mile in 6-minutes and occasional bits of sprinting after with no break. I guess they are trying to show that you cant focus on things very well for a bit. but it does seem to happen to fast

Try running as a pilot.

Able to run 50-100 feet, and then nothing but blurred vision.

If you're a runner, you'll know your vision never blurs this badly including the heavy breathing. It's as if the game simulates a smoker or somebody whom doesn't exercise.