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- Apr 9 2013, 9:40 PM (620 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
The weapon crosshairs are made to not show exactly where the bullets will hit and the hit point will move inside the crosshair.This is by design so players will actually have to use sights or accurate ire.
The map we have now is already like an advanced GPS unit and I feel only squad leaders and vehicles should be able to use its capabilities.This would really make squad leaders important as they will now control navigation,positioning for attack,receiving new orders etc.
Normal soldiers would only get non map GPS and a paper map which would be the same map but no zoom function or any other functions that the advanced GPS has.Say squad leader clicks on a soldier icon and gives that solider a way point to head to and this info then gets sent to that soldiers GPS unit.
Vehicles can navigate with commander clicking on way points or even setting a bunch of way points on the map and it is sent to drivers simple GPS unit.Vehicles also have icons on the map of all other armor to give them ways to plan more effective attacks.Maybe even ability to click on an armored vehicle and send it a way point like the squad leader does.
Check on forums if you can set FOV for tank positions yourself as alot of people do not like the zoomed out look to games.
Wouldn't GPS be better for a 2035 timeline?
Firstly the APC's in beta should have the square graphics that is used in the Hunter,strider and Ifrit gunner positions as they all use square LCD screens to aim with.The round scope views can be saved for Gunner positions in tanks IMO.
Next,the FOV of the APC's and the commander position in the Strider are too zoomed in to be functional.You want players to hop in and be able to command a vehicle in a battlefield which includes towns and various tight places.Right now with current FOV in APC's and the Strider's commander position u are staring at walls and wondering constantly where the vehicle is in regards to the battelfield and hence having to resort to playing in 3rd person.People in real life actually command with just an LCD screen as it is a 1:1 zoom as the naked eye.
Also,the FOV in the gunner positions of the Hunter/Iffirt/strider is the same as when you are infantry and zoomed in.In Arma2 I feel it was done better in that the default FOV in commander positions was in between the normal FOV and the zoomed in FOV that infantry have.Its just a "slightly" more view area that makes control of battlefield a bit more accessible.Plus as mouse movement is controlled by zoom a little less zoom means slightly less sluggishness in mouse feel for playing inside armored vehicles.
Finally....please BI make a realistic icon for gunner positions where the turret always points upward and the tank rotates instead of the way its currently done where the vehicle is always pointed upwards.The reason is that its easy to understand the icon when up is always where you are looking.The pic above of battlefield game shows a realistic view of what a gunners orientation icon actually looks like.;)
I wont downvote but will add my thoughts.When in a tank as a gunner and hatches are closed you are always looking thru an eyepiece to scan the battlefield.If you are not then you risk getting taken by surprise as the thermal scope view is an all seeing eye piece.I would love to see a fully fleshed out interior but rather alot of work be put into making optics fully functional.
I guess then that the MXM is like an M16.
The long version of the MX is the MXM=marksman rifle.A shortened MX is called the MXc and a light machine gun variant is called the MXSW.
I agree visually appealing is good for the simplistic driving view.I think digital numbers readout works bets and also goes with the 2035 time frame.Simple digital readout centered up top of screen while in driving view and only when turned in.
Heading 320'
Turret 9oclock
Something like that is modern looking.I'm not fond of the vehicle icon in a compass look.
Maybe the NVG's should by default be in backpack.Its not that hard to go into the inventory and drag them to the helmet in night operations.This also gives them a sense of reality and not just a button click feature.
The AMV shows a welded hole where the commanders periscope was initially found as you can see in this early development pic of the AMV we have in the beta right now.
Its there to show your not in your comfort zone.
Look in Options/Game and enable vehicle freelook
Take an MXGL and look thru grenade launcher sight and press reload.This idea to keep looking thru sights is bad on many levels.Keep A3 more towards realism and make the weapon go to side to reload IMO.;)
Taking all ammo at once is streamlining to far though.Same with the rearm function you get where you click once and grab a bunch of ammo.
This bugs the hell out of me.Also how you go to grab some ammo and the first one you take the weapon reloads before you can take more.I would rather take them and leave as fast as possible then reload.
Also now an another issue popped up.Sometimes the animation changes and then it sounds normal BUT then you go into crouch stance and there is no sounds played at all.restarting the mission and it reverts back to sounding off again.
I think this was added in to show that your not in a comfortable position.When you press stand up or crouch its not shaking but if you then adjust to the lower or high stand crouch positions the weapon shakes slightly.
Why downvote it?Its bad design decision on BIS part to have LMG's with high recoil while prone.I am more effective at laying down fire with the MXM than the MXSW.Putting a marksman rifle on auto fire and laying waste better than a LMG is wrong and makes the LMG useless.
The MXM should have the recoil that the MXSW has while prone to avoid this marksman LMG effect.The LMG should have reduced accuracy added and then reduced recoil.
If this pushes A3 more towards realism then I hope that they change it so items stored in backpacks have to be manually carried over to the chest rigs for access during combat.
Would also love to see in MP where you spot an enemy and to give the coordinates to your side you press the compass button and then fire or some other chosen button at which point your character voices out contact 345deg etc.
I think Smookie added this in to give indicator that you are not in the default middle step of each stance.If you go above or below the default in each stance it shakes.Seems like a nice non intrusive way to show your straining slightly to achieve the new stance.
Its a horrible weapon with 0.006 dispersion.Its got to be a mistake so I will bump up.
Excuse me as I am not sure if this is the exact setting used to set the accuracy though if its correct it will show the devs that there is an issue.
In editor I clicked on "arifle_TRG21_f",then clicked on "single" and dispersion=0.00093.
"arifle_TRG20_f,then clicked on "single" it shows dispersion=0.006
Game needs better ways to differentiate weapon classes thru feel.LMG animations would be one way.Another is that any heavy weapon should have the hold breath function disabled.
If no new animations are gonna be made then I would at least like to see it so that any movement faster than walking has weapon lowered for LMG's and sniper rifles.Adding to this is more recoil sway when shouldering LMG/Sniper.
The take weapon icon looks the same as the rearm icon so you never know what will happen when you press default action.
Can the lights be turned off to allow NVG to work then??
What I notice is the front of the character seems smooth and binds little with the world but the back gets stuck easily.Just strafe left and right with back up against wall to illustrate.
EDIT....seems to be on certain walls only though.
Auto lowering is kinda a pain in the ass.This could maybe make shorter weapons have better CQB qualities if they don't get this auto lower weapon effect.
I been thinking that maybe getting rid of the tactical key would be better and instead use the lower weapon key to do just that,lower weapon to the next lower animation.In tactical pace and you click lower weapon key you enter low-ready animation and you click lower weapon key again and you lower weapon fully.And vice versa with the fire key where you press once and it goes to low-ready animation and you click again and it enters tactical pace animation.Right now you have to hit the tactical key to raise the weapon and if you fire while in low-ready the weapon instead fires into the ground.
If you hit optics key with weapon fully lowered it goes straight to sight which BTW right now in alpha it doesn't go to optics but just slightly zooms the view in.
Would just feel more natural IMO to hit a key and weapon lowers and hit it again and it lowers fully.
There is a forum topic about this same idea.Very hard to get across the changes being asked for,and that's both here and on the forums.So to add to the confusion....;)
Turn on tactical pace and the weapon shoulders fully/and stays on target WHEN MOVING.Turn off tactical pace and the weapon lowers slightly WHEN MOVING but then raises to shouldered position when you stop moving.What would be ideal is if you click off tactical pace,the weapon lowers AND STAYS LOWERED EVEN WHEN NOT MOVING.This change of the view when not moving can indicate to the player what stance is chosen.So when standing or crouching WHILE NOT MOVING the weapons position will be one of the two below.
Tactical Pace=the weapon will be shouldered.
Combat Pace=the weapon is slightly lowered.
And same with walking speeds while standing or crouched.
So the two benefits are.First is that the slightly lower weapon onscreen allows a bit more view space to be seen and also is an indicator of which of the two is chosen.
People on the forums are fighting for slowing down the stamina reduction when prone.Its silly to run forever and then just drop to prone and your sway rapidly returns to normal and you guys are asking for a quicker reduction?Are you guys understanding what is being asked for here?
Please make the suppression FOV change toggable.I love everything about this ticket except for that.I even dislike it when certain weapon mods zoom in slightly when going to an iron sight.
Alwarren,you missed my sarcasm.I meant that soldiers should all have GPS units as default and made a ticket for it that was downvoted.You can allow a player to play with elite difficulty and remove the red circle and you are left with players who have no way to know where they are.Right now only team leaders spawn with GPS.For me I remove the compass and watch and use GPS for these functions in game.Just a DBL tap of F key for me and it temporarily pops up.
And its 2035....soldiers will all have GPS units to be able to get around.:)
If no change to the system at least make the vest you choose have some differences.Right now a simple slash bandolier is the same as wearing a full battle vest.
Developer is saying that its good as is but yet issue is assigned?We really need better info as to what is going on with issues posted here.
May 9 2016
What I do is to look down as far as I can when in low crouch or even prone before I press reload to ensure I do not stick my head out.
I really like this implementation of a 3d scope effect.The scope moves with movement,moves with recoil and also is smaller as I find Arma scopes never give that feel of looking thru a scope.
I think you people are barking up a very tall tree.So many things that players have been requesting for years on end have never been implemented.I seriously doubt this goes anywhere but good luck.And I do agree that they should have a female model in game.
Wow Brilliant idea!!! Needs this desperately.
Pleas also look into removing the rearm option from scroll menu.This is not authentic as its too quick and just puts a large amount of ammo into your inventory instantly.Instead you should force players to grab ammo one by one but they also need to go into inventory.Plus its removal from scroll menu is a huge plus as it needs to be streamlined.
There is a problem if the recoil were to be reduced though and that is that all rifles are super accurate.I can put single bullets in a window at 800m with any rifle in the game from LMG,assault,carbine etc it doesn't matter.All fire and hit at exact same spot and you have to only account for bullet drop.So what would happen then is that you would reduce the recoil and now your firing massive amounts of bullets into windows at 800m...not good.
What needs to be done is to give rifles actual dispersion.I can put a bullet thru a window at 800m with an RPK mod I downloaded but if you read up on RPK though you will find its accuracy is terrible from all accounts.This link explains how bad RPK's are.
From link
""I thought the bore on this one was really great, strong rifling, passed the "bullet test" in the muzzle no problem. Finish on the remainder of the kit was easily 85%+. I built it and found out trying to sight it in that it will not even hit a 24' square sight in target at 100 yards! Groups 3" at 30 yards, but I've given up until the winter snows leave before I try again. Looks good though, and fun to shoot, virtually no recoil.""
TL;DR....rifles need dispersion so bullets are not lasers that you just need to account for bullet drop.......then you can tweak the recoil.
As long as its configurable then I'm good.
What about weapon automatically deploys only when you use stance adjust.So you press crouch and walk up to a window and then stance adjust one step up and it locks on to windowsill.To keep moving up just press adjust one more time and it unlocks.Also if you press backwards it automatically unlocks the weapon rest feature.Get rid of the lower adjust that sets the character on its side and make that a deploy bipod adjustment.
Then if not use the stance adjust then use the stance keys themselves.I would think that hitting the stance your in again could signal deploy.Say while prone,by just hitting prone key,you can then cycle between deployed and not deployed.
Whats wrong with using the crosshairs?They are wide while standing and get narrower with crouch and prone.Less clutter on screen is beneficial for immersion.
Why do you even need this when the game could just have one button for each stance and you can then be sure that your in the stance you want.The problem is how the Z and X key each toggle two stances leaving you wondering what stance your actually in.Solution is to remove the C key as tactical pace(could be 2xW)and then have ZXC as the three stances.
You should not be using turbo as its a secondary button effect.What I mean is you need to press W to move forward and then press a turbo button to sprint so hitting just 2xW will not work.Just map 2xW to move fast forward.