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- User Since
- Jan 9 2014, 4:37 PM (580 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
could you atleast try to explain a bit more.
since english isnt your native language try to explain how the "bug" happents in your native language.
if you're still stuck there try this:
to get out.
try this guys. may take a few tries if you're stuck too deep.
but will def. get you out
2 mosin headshots where the player started bleeding but just decided to run away.
headshots should allways be lethal even if you wear a helmet. your skull / brain would be applesauce
was creating the same topic when yours came up. so posting my footage in here
not really sure if i want a "carry" function. there will be a drag body animation later on. it was horriblei in the mod. because hacker used it to tp behind players. but i think once they got the code right for it. they'll add it.
ye i remember it's been called anti stab vest in a earlier version.
client side hit reg.
makes desync moments strange. but trust me you dont want to snipe at 600m+ with server side hitreg ^^
even on the lowest details you should be able to identify berry bushes, once you know how they look like.
quite old, and reported several times, use the search next time you want to report.
what about using the search if you look for confirmation?
duplicate, been posted several times allready, use the search before writing a essay
duplicate of
you allready got a weapon holster
atm it seems to be not possible to wear this jacket with holster / assault vests
I'm pretty sure its rust.
its called spawn position balancing.
ye stayed stuffed from Kamyshovo to pavlovo while dieing almost twice from starvation / dehydration.
allready reported several times
payn 40€ a month gives you the rights to be a badmin ;)
no sens to punish you for using a snaploader. hope its not intendet!
try checking the config
its stored in your documents folder under /DayZ/*YOURNAME*.DayZProfile
there should be
never had problems with my sens, the acceleration is my problem atm. but i think you should be able to lower your sens by quite a bit with the config.
i think you're talking about the new type of apartements that are in cherno, berenzino and dubky.
did a video of some fo the new buildings and ladders few days ago.
"dying of a glitch sucks."
ye it does, still rather getting bug killed in alpha than in the retail ;D
ye can do most of the regular stuff with the sack, but it has no effect.
the backpack inception has been removed in the last version.
Let me guess this happent, after you stacked up backpacks or protector cases and logged of?
Look for servers with parts of the following tags in their name.
i had the same problem for a week. your hive profil seems to be corrupt and needs to be wiped. since i never got a developer response when i had this issue i started joining server after server and allways disconnected after ~ 5-10 seconds.
i managed to wipe my char with this method and could play again.
consider using the search function.
this issue got ~ 100 reports yet
and around 20 videos.
if killing you was his first answer how to get you out. you should consider looking for other friends...
no the change has nothing todo with the fact, that the game is build on a engine thats not 100% perfect.
but i noticed the same problems with people in my party/squad. my friends got PC's that couldn't be more different some 4year old really low end mashines that barley manages 30fps before up to high end systems with newest i7 gen. and 780TI to titans.. and everybody noticed a strange preformance decrease with the last patch.
it seems like something has changed the way buildings / props get rendered. because this allways happents as soon as you come closer to towns, and im not talking about elektro this could be 3 houses in the middle of nowhere and you notice a 25-50% frame drop.
it is totaly possible to run fist up and punsh while running, take practice but even a anal breathing tool could reproduce it...
you're sure it wasn the same mosin over and over again?
everytime you pulled a new one the one you dropped before disapeared?
because thats a known bug allready.
your so called powerplant is a firestation ;D
but ye its a well known bug, it even was possible in the mod.
its your binds.
you have zoom in and hold breath on the same button.
ye combining consumables would and i think will be very nice.
i noticed some fps drops on my end aswell. still playable for me but all my mates talk about 2-11 fps even if we just go past 3 random houses in the middle of nowhere.
try to get out like i do in this video.
should work 90% of the time. just try corners or atleast parts where different layer connect
uhm, this is like the 100th dupe of this matter.
still even if you manage to paint it and it doesnt fall on the ground.
this will happent to the weapon...
its a school from what i can see.
i'll try to reproduce it, looks like fun ;P
what the quallity of the sack?
Hardcore or Regular server?
dupe report
4 Servers with this version and ~ 1000 players testing and looting.
i found stuff in there after a server restarted while i was on the airfield.
ye cleaned my m4 from prestine to worn earlier aswell.
tried to reproduce.
now i see why i allways hear shots from the hangars but cant find people there.
Ye confirmed, trapped myself in there aswell ;P
had to vault jump out of there. took like 5min to finaly get out
01:00 Lower room door misplacement
01:50 Cell door
04:00 first floor room door misplacement
btw change the name to "Svetloyarsk police station door bug/glitches" would be nice.
m4 and mosin
reproduced. and kinda breaking the weapon
ye switching server made mine go to 0% aswell
had mosin in hand while painting it, it dropped on the ground after painting. ammo was still in it but bipod and pu scope was gone aswell
nope it was just ruined, items have a value for that aswell.
just not shown in the stable yet.
its a dupe anyway
you could create several chars in arma2? dafuq?
How would you do that in arma2?
are you sure you're not talking about different hives wich force you to create a new char?
If you use C:\Users\user\Documents\ as your root dir for your Docs you have other problems...
please get fraps or simplescreenshot to to the pic. no handy pics plx ;P
crashing server or client?
it was a hacker. if you searched you would've found some very similar reports.
it can be that, the dropped mag just vanished for ever. same with mags you try to empty while still on the ground. this bullets have a high chance never to appear
remove the link plx. or make this shit private. you are advertising cheats with this link...
You been attacked by somebody using a glitch where you can run and punch.
and this thread is just cheat advertising.
its called combat logging, and loot hopping.
there are allready hundrets of posts about this in the feedback forum.
i know what you mean. i hate it too. but please close this post for the sake of devs / mods time so they can check none duped feedback.
i suggest you use the search next time and vote up the post you think is the best in this matter and maybe even post some ideas about this issue in there.
best regards
more infos?
what kind of building?
try to get out like shown in the video
duplicate of 1000 other report search for teleport and you find sooo much. consider closing this when you found one of the many equal reports
noticed this one myself today. and let it kinda ruins the "tactical" part of the flashlight. not a major issue but should be easy fixable
I think with a method to prevent combat logging and a fully working item value system KoS would decrease.
but since you can still use most ruined items it's not a reason not to KoS - YET!
and everytime my squad managed to catch someone armed / unarmed off guard to take him hostage they instantly log off. since handcuffing takes too long and while standing still for 2 sec every noob can manage to log off.
i dont think we need to classify in good and bad. since sooooo many design ideas aren't even implimented yet.
seen it a few times now.
since there is no global chat anymore this guys can do shit like this till they teleport to a admin.
Wow. haven't seen this yet. but thats kinda weird, if i remember correctly loot should only spawn sever side, wasnt that one of the "HUGE" changes as a anti hacking method?
totaly agree on the statement, this is not a wishlist forum.
well put. Game design is made by the devs. they want feedback on it. but nobody wants this crappy arma2 nametags and rangefinder on mousewheel bullshit. this is a survival horror sandbox. when the game is done, there will be enough modders doing stupid mods like epoch or outbreak anyway where you can buy 1000 safe's from collected tincans... and store 1.000.000 weapons on a server nobody plays on.
welcome to MinecraftZ
cant you just die of hunger and thirst?
- dont you think bandits would rather give a person that dont want it blood as a troll / torture?
- isn't taking real life religion into a fiction video game fanatic?
- who gives random people blood? srsly?
you have this for a while or since BattleEye was added?
try a Experimental server. i think there is no BE active atm.
Seems to be fixed!
Hmmm feels wrong but...
a hacker that would just kill / wipe my char sounds great atm
For further tests, and better feedback you guys should really consider a button on main menu wich allows you to wipe your char from the Hive db. otherwise testing gamebreaking bugs and glitches for good feedback is a pain in the ass.
i now found a glitch that should def. be fixed. because it breaks the game. GREAT i helped making the game better!
now i cant do anything with the game anymore till its fixed ;/
#please kill me
I Managed to destroy my corrupted Hive profil by letting a makro join a different server every 10 sec and leave it after a few seconds took ~ 90m straight.
so i'm able to join and play again.
still stacking full backpacks into empty once should only work once.