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Svetloyarsk: Police Station door bug
New, WishlistPublic


I was exploring the newly introduced town of Svetloyarsk, specifically its police station. (or some 3-story building with a jail cell inside -- it was difficult to tell during nigh time). I opened the jail cell and entered easily, as with any other doorway. Upon trying to exit the jail cell, I was unable to exit the open door as if there were an invisible barrier preventing me from passing. I managed to "escape" by sprinting through the door while also shutting the door, which appeared to force me out. However, this was not without many failed attempts and a few frustrating minutes.

As fantastic of a prison this would make, with inescapable jail cells and all, I expect this is not the intended functionality of such a jail cell for DayZ.


Legacy ID
Have Not Tried
Steps To Reproduce

I have yet journeyed back to Svetloyarsk myself to test the scenario, but here is a step by step process of what I did to produce this issue initially:

  1. Enter the Svetloyarsk police station. (or whatever the building actually is)
  2. Open the jail cell (1st floor, immediately to the right)
  3. *Completely* enter the jail cell
  4. Face the doorway and attempt to exit the jail cell
Additional Information

In case the building in which this occurred is not a police station or there are multiple buildings of this type in Svetloyarsk, the building is a 3-story structure with roof access, a spiral staircase inside, many parked cars with lights of some sort on top resting out front, and what is presumably a jail cell on the bottom floor. The particular building is located on the southwest side of town.

Event Timeline

Quality edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 23 2014, 1:14 AM
Quality edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Quality set Category to category:environment.
Quality set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
Quality set Severity to None.
Quality set Resolution to Open.
Quality set Legacy ID to 641184609.May 8 2016, 4:35 PM
sheLLHD added a subscriber: sheLLHD.May 8 2016, 4:35 PM

Ye confirmed, trapped myself in there aswell ;P

had to vault jump out of there. took like 5min to finaly get out

01:00 Lower room door misplacement
01:50 Cell door
04:00 first floor room door misplacement

btw change the name to "Svetloyarsk police station door bug/glitches" would be nice.

Close. Solved.