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- User Since
- Feb 13 2015, 7:25 PM (524 w, 3 d)
Aug 22 2018
May 20 2018
Jun 18 2017
May 26 2017
May 25 2017
Here is video of incident:
Issue is sometimes. Maybe bus only
May 6 2017
Mar 25 2017
Mar 14 2017
Feb 25 2017
I happened to capture a video of a similar incident today. Sorry about the darkness, I had to Alt+F10 shadow play to capture it.
Feb 9 2017
Is there any chance that they have recently used a cooking pot, and put it in their vest or clothing? I have seen the face-melting message happen before with friends, but never without a pot. Are you experiencing this on stable, or experimental? I'll be on experimental testing things out this evening, and will try to reproduce it.
Feb 3 2017
Bump. This is still an issue. And has not been acknowledged, as far as I can tell.
That style of green foundation house has been an unsafe place to log out for a few months now
Feb 2 2017
Jan 27 2017
Jan 23 2017
To get at your crash dumps out of app data, you have to enable displaying hidden items. You can do this in the view tab by modifying the Show/hide options.
This is a design decision to disincentivise people from combat logging after being captured by another player. Imagine getting the best of another player, and handcuffing them, only for them to hop to a new server and run along their merry way. Not very cool right? So they make it so that if you log out with hands tied, your character is deleted from the hive, to prevent abuse of logout to escape capture.
Make sure to include your Crash dumps and DxDiag files. You can find instructions at the top of the DayZ Project task list. If you need more help, you can always as for help in the Exp discussion thread on the Official Forums; we could even arrange to walk you through the process over TS.
Jan 20 2017
Jan 1 2017
I am thinking this is an intended feature, rather than a bug, that they have made it easier and less time-consuming to repair vehicles, as this is their first iteration on .61, and need to be tested extensively before stable.
If you can get a friend to meet you at the same house (I'm assuming it is the green one with the external stairs leading up to the only entrance on the left side) you can have them pass a gun or a knife to you by setting it in a piece of clothing on the floor above the area you are trapped in. That way you can at least kill yourself.
Dec 22 2016
Dec 16 2016
Two-story Green house with double front doors is also with an unusable fireplace.
Dec 8 2016
Nov 8 2016
Nov 5 2016
May 22 2016
May 11 2016
I was mostly trying to explain that it is placeholder tech, and they will not be fixing it until the new crafting system is implemented.
Related to your size issue, I would fully expect in the future that fabric items should be foldable, if empty. I find it ridiculous that you cannot roll up a backpack to half its size.
A plate carrier is three modular pieces, but the game understands a plate carrier in each stage of completeness to be a distinct item. When combining elements of the plate carrier set, each combination destroys both items, and replaces it with a resultant item. In the case of the plate carrier, the lowest condition level is the one at which the game "creates" the new item to replace the two you had combined.
For reference, when you open a can of food, you are actually crafting a new item with a can opener and a can of food, it tells the game to destroy the can of food, and spawn you an opened can of the same food in the same condition.
So unless you want a pristine plate carrier, it is way easier to just throw one together, and repair it. If you want a pristine one, you must use only pristine components.
have you tried opening and closing the door to the tent a couple times? Sometimes there are problems between the server and client reconciling the state of doors. I had a friend report that he walked into a tent yesterday, and tried to place a barrel. It appeared outside of the tent. His client was displaying the tent as open, when the server recognized it to be closed.
^^^Comrad. Please don't troll-post on the feedback tracker. This is a legitimate bug report with links to video documentation that shows me cycling through the gears; I also wrote about cycling the gears in the description. You either failed to read my report before adding useless note, or are a troll; in either case, your input is both unnecessary and unwelcome.
I have experienced this bug a large number of times, from just after having assembled a vehicle, to five minutes after having parked it, to days after having parked the vehicle. Allowing a second person to attempt moving the vehicle will almost always remedy the stuck wheels.
Please upvote my ticket, number 0029349, as I have included video documentation of this bug.
I have experienced this bug a large number of times, from just after having assembled a vehicle, to five minutes after having parked it, to days after having parked the vehicle. Allowing a second person to attempt moving the vehicle will almost always remedy the stuck wheels.
Please upvote my ticket, number 0029349, as I have included video documentation of this bug.
The Sliding sedan is a different issue related to the wheels clipping into the ground, and not getting proper traction. Rotating the tires will often remedy that problem.
A fix for the stuck vehicle bug is to have another player attempt to drive, and then after they get out of driver's seat, it will be back to normal.
I have experienced this bug a large number of times, from just after having assembled a vehicle, to five minutes after having parked it, to days after having parked the vehicle. Allowing a second person to attempt moving the vehicle will almost always remedy the stuck wheels.
Please upvote my ticket, number 0029349, as I have included video documentation of this bug.
I noticed some similar behavior from a green cowboy hat that a friend had set down for me. The visual bugginess was limited to when the field of vision was including the location that the hat had been set down. When I panned away, the bug disappeared. I ran a couple hundred meters away, and looked in the direction of the visual glitch trigger location, and it brought back the enlarged rendering of the hat. This was consistent, even looking through walls and buildings. Only when line-of-sight to the site that the hat had been picked up from, was obscured by earth, did the bug stop happening.
If you are using the New Interface, this is not an issue. have thoroughly tested it with a few different people on separate occasions. items put into a barrel by a person in New UI, cannot be removed by person using Old UI.
It is still a bug...
Logged out of southcentral 0-1. Tried central 0-1, and it seems to have fixed the issue.
And here I thought I was just paranoid. I've had this experience a number of times on experimental, and I think that it is client based. i met a friendly fellow up north a few days ago. I had been hearing footsteps while looting, and had mostly open fields around me. after I met up with him, he heard footsteps and we both split up and investigated. Nothing was found, I did not hear the footsteps, but he did. When I heard the footsteps earlier, he was approaching my town from the opposite direction that I had entered from. Might be rabbits, but I can't be sure.
I've had the same thing happen before. Solution is to have a friend try to bind your hands. If that won't work, you at least have a barrel to stash your kit, after the mercy killing.
You need to use the -newui. This was stated in the status report and experimental thread.
In my experience, the sedan pulls to the left. Have you tried rotating the tires?
I had this happen as well. I found a splitting axe mostly superimposed into the floor of a 4 bunk + bathroom barracks. I picked it up while prone under a bed because I though it was a magazine, then turned and hit "G" to discard it, and I went prone and was unable to move or stand up until I logged out. I was, however able to swap hotbarred items. I was on the EXP Central 0-2 server when it happened.
I also got a barrel stuck in my hands. Last night I picked up a barrel in Pushtoshka, nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary until I tried to drop it to drink from a well. I could use the pump, but neither my character or the barrel received any water. I ended up having to switch servers and run to Zeloenogorsk, where some friends were nice enough to lend me the use of some other barrels to store my gear before putting a bullet in my head. The barrel that I was carrying disappeared.
Maybe it was set up next to the road to inspect vehicles leaving Mogilevka.
@Kenotrs8, that is normal loot behavior. Only backpacks and guns have long enough decay times to be left on the ground unattended. Next time throw out expendable items and place clothing inside of backpack. This is why I always carry a burlap sack and some rope.
glockstopper, please understand that this issue may be confined to a few servers, or even just the servers hosted by a single company. I am playing on US Central 1-55, hosted by, and the persistence is definitely not working. Instead of coming on here and calling us liars, perhaps you could contribute something to the knowledge base by sharing your server name and hosting company.
Persistence seems to be working on central 1-55 now. The bag I dropped yesterday was right where left it after about 27 hours.
I started my .58 play experience in Svetlojarsk and ran through Olsha, NEAF, Khelm, Gvozdno, and the old fields. Along the way I stashed some barrels near Gvozdno when I found a truck battery and two barrels; ran about a 1.5 kM loop looking through forest structures, logged out, and returned to find barrels gone. Later on, I set down an improvised courier bag to open up my inventory, and looted a helicrash about 500 meters away, and returned within 20 minutes with sticks, placed loot inside improvised backpack bag and wen off to loot NWAF. I traveled about 4kM from this stash before returning two hours, and zero restarts later, and it was gone. I am beginning to suspect that stashed item cleanup is contingent on your network bubble leaving the area of the stored items.
This restriction to the vertical camera panning makes it very frustrating to use the stars for nighttime navigation.
I noticed this issue yesterday, around 3 PM pacific, on EXP SW 0-1, at the tents in the northern area of NWAF. Most of the tents were spawning mulitples of certain items. One tent would have four pairs of binoculars, another would have five grey ushankas, many of the tenst had two or more bipods along with one or two pairs of boots, another tent had five helicopter helmets. Other structures such as the guard towers and civilian style hangars seemed to have a more diverse selection, but the tents were notably homogenous in thier individual offerings.
Was playing on DayZ US Southwest 0-2 (Experimental/Unstable) today, 2015.05.30, at around 21:30 GMT-8.
Spawned Elektro, dehydrated after about fifteen minutes; made it from docks to townhouses just across from tech building, and spent only about two minustes sprinting, and about five minutes idle on top of flat industrial building evading zeds. Ate one package of powdered milk, and drank nothing.
Spawned West Kamyshovo, worked in along north side of road, searching all sheds and houses up to brick pub, drank until hydrated, noticed red starvation, and crossed to fenced yard with berry bushes, unconscious at 8 minutes.
Spawned Chreno docks Piano house, climberd crane, drank Pipsi and kvass, ran to guard shack, took vest, made stone knife by nearby shore, picked berries from two adjacent bushes by gas line running north. Though I ate many berries, it kept me only at the brink of starvation; I did not count, but I was constantly picking and eating, and would estimate that that I ate around two berrie bunches per minute. A two minute venture from the bushes causes starvation to set in.
Yup, this is ridiculous! My buddy shot a zed about 75 feet out, while I was looking out the back door to a gas station kiosk. I thought it was down, but it crawled inside in just two seconds. They are ridiculously hard to kill with melee weapons, as they can crawl faster than we can walk. My buddy shot through my leg trying to get it off me. I can only hope that this was an oversight, rather than a design decision, because increasing the travel speed of zombies with injured legs is opposite of authenticity.
I don't think this is an issue. Just cut down the tree to get your stuff. This mechanic makes it so that if you want to hide a gun and backpack in a tree in a fairly common place, people who duck into the same tree to manage their inventory will not find it in their vicinity screen. This is not a bug, but rather a stashing technique.
Also apples. Anyone know if farmed fruit is similarly invisible?
I found a banana today, had to hover cursor over it to identify. Same issue.
May 10 2016
I just submitted a similar report relating to shouldering weapons in these towers. I have a feeling it will do that with many animations, and is somehow related to the loot on the floor of such towers.