Crash dumps for version 61.137116
Crash dumps for version 61.137116
It is unclear whether these crashes are related to vehicles, or items. Many times, a crash will occur upon attempt to re-log into the server after a player experiences "bugged hands," or is unable to see items in tents, vehicles or other players inventory.
Many instances of the more recent crashes were related to driving vehicles, particularly driving multiple vehicles around the NWAF a top speeds. Players would experience hanging graphics for a moment, and then a death screen, followed by a clietnt crash.
In this instance, we gather around 15 vehicles in the same area, and have 4 drivers make laps until things start to fail, which usually takes only a few minutes.
In the areas where vehicle collisions occur, it often triggers a "vortex," that if entered, will freeze the graphics of the game, and prevent the player from accessing their mouse cursor after pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del; requiring signing out of OS to exit game.
Hello emuthreat and thank you for the report.
We have confirmed the crash and it is scheduled for a fix.