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Crash Data. DayZ Exp. 61.136887, Dec. 23-Dec. 31 2016
Acknowledged, NormalPublic


There has been a high number of crashes on this Experimental patch with vehicles, that was released over the Christmas weekend. I, as well as the other people I often played with, would experience a moderate amount of crashes, with sporadic frequency, and seemingly little coincidence between players; Though at one time, the game crashed for all four players in a V3S cargo.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

Many people have associated these crashes with items; not specific Items, but rather that the crashes would often occur just as the player was running up to see a piece of loot, commonly in sheds. Other times the game would crash while a player was interacting with inventory, or attempting to drink a soda. Sometimes two players would crash within moments of another, regardless of their proximity to one-another; but more frequently, one of a few players would crash by themself, and the group would have random cascading crashes of one player at a time.

x64 client was used throughout.

Additional Information

This should maybe be in a separate bug report, but it was common to see both players arrive naked, as they came to pick you up in a vehicle. Invariably, seeing people naked would precede "bugged hands" and require the player to log out to fix this.
Commonly, the act of logging out under these conditions would precipitate a crash.

I had a game freeze that couldn't be exited without a PC shutdown. And discovered that i had missed a video driver update.
While the frozen screen slideshow crash didn't happen again, the memory leaks were still as common as ever.

Event Timeline

emuthreat edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Geez claimed this task.Jan 3 2017, 4:34 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Acknowledged.Jan 3 2017, 5:04 PM

Hello emuthreat and thank you for the report.
We have analysed the crash dumps and all the crashes you have encountered are already scheduled for a fix.