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- Mar 13 2013, 10:26 PM (624 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
That's the new LSD program ArmA3 feature the future military will be testing. BIS did nothing wrong.
You have three base movements, the walk, combat pace and run. You should be able to set one of these as your default and toggle/hold keys to do the others.
I haven't seen one from close up since I started to play again last week. Guess I have to check up on this.
But I also hate the alien looking ribbed neck and wrists. Maybe worth a ticket:
I find the insect looking helmets ugly, too.
Realistically you turn the little GL holo sight on the gun counter clockwise to increase range and clockwise to reduce range. Aligning sights is not necessary as you have that red dot, but you need to look through the sight from a proper angle to see the dot, which naturally/automatically brings the rifle into the necessary position.
There is no reason why you should lower or raise your head, it is all done by hands, adjust the sight and hold the rifle according to zeroing, but you keep looking straight (or wherever you want).
Explain, please.
You reposition the gun, and in addition to that adjust the sight in order to have the muzzle show higher, or lower to launch the grenade further or nearer. This is how it works in ArmA3, but while at that your looking direction changes abruptly with the adjustment of range, which is disorientating and kind of reasonless.
Theory is that it might serve to guess the uneven ranges. Like zeroing the GL to 400m and placing sights on target, than zero it to 300m and move the view half the way to the target to launch the grenade to 350m. I did this accurately in ArmA3, but this can be achieved without the change of view direction (which as said is disorientating), by learning how much you need to move the sight up to add additional 50m to the range (I did this in other games).
The view should always look at the same direction.
What do you mean? You mean like an inhaling sound? If yes, than I don't think holding breath with guns is like holding breath under water. You don't inhale hard to get as much air into your lungs as possible, you just hold the breathing process for a bit to decrease some of the muzzle sway for a split second.
If I got you wrong, apologize. If I'm wrong on my interpretation of breath holding, than educate me please.
A very silent click sound that others wont hear past 1 meter is good, but nothing over exaggerated please.
What else is there to polish? It's quite straight forward.
You don't need to use the left and right mouse buttons to step out, you can set any key you want, even keep it as it is now (WASD).
My point is, that you can either have individual keys to scroll up and down the action menu, the zeroing options and stance adjust (PageUp/Down for zero, scroll wheel for action menu and WASD [or other keys that you can set] for stance adjust) like now in ArmA3, or you can have only two buttons for scrolling (I prefer scroll wheel) which you use to scroll up and down the list/settings when holding a dedicated action menu/zeroing/stance adjust key.
With the stance adjust you need to hold the adjust key in any case, as it is now too, but you'd have the option to change it to the wheel.
I guess I make it more confusing the more I try to explain it, let me try a simpler example, for the case the above wasn't understood:
Key element is that holding this dedicated key allows you to use the, let's say, scroll wheel to scroll up and down the list/settings without the other functions that you have put to the wheel conflicting with it.
Like now with the stance adjust, you hold the stance key (which is one hold key) to use the WASD keys to adjust stance, the movement is disabled the moment you hold the stance key.
So what I suggest is that you can set whatever keys you want to adjust stance when you hold the stance key (not being forced to use WASD, but can use scroll wheel and mouse buttons, if you like) and in addition to that, using the action menu, zeroing and possibly other stuff in the same way as the stance adjust (by holding one key and using whatever keys you want to scroll through the lists, adjust stuff, etc).
This would give you the ultimate personalization/customization level of the controls.
I'd suggest not full fledged circle, but dimmed corners. Like a transparent circle with heavy gradient blur.
When you select the binoculars, they should be held in the hands like an item. Aim key would make you look through them and aim key would "unaim" the binoculars again.
This the only correct way to make it.
This is no bug. You can keep the holo's in front of the NVG lense, but it doesn't really work with the scope. We need a NV scope attachment for night combat (the one that you can put in front of the actual scope).
- I would like to set my default speed to be walk.
- I would like to toggle with a key between walk and tactical.
- I would like to be able to hold that same key to run.
- I would like to drop to tactical after the run key is released, not to be forced to remember whether I had walk or tactical before I started to run.
That would be the most intuitive way to handle this for me. I want it, I need it. BIS please fix it.
Most critique argumentz have their subtle reasons, you may not always comprehend it. I do not always comprehend myself and just let those reports be.
Alright, I'm callin' in the police... you mean bunch of perverts.
What about a "don't forget pants" option in the menu? Check it and the embarrassment has an end.
Sprint (turbo) is a bit too fast and the animation is cycled way too fast in order to accommodate the pace. It looks a bit comical that way (Charlie Chaplin esque). The animation should fit a slightly slower pace better by making slower but larger steps, and when getting tired, the steps would become shorter and animation slightly slower, which would make you move slower.
Run/tactical and walk animations are perfect and seem authentic (mass and weight), but I'd slow them a tad bit down.
Also, running (or moving in general) up or down hills should affect the pace and fatigue very much.
Agreed, the faster the movement (also goes for the run, but more for the sprint) the more inertia and such should affect. Gives people more reason to use the slower paces where these need to be used.
I said:
"When I use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in and out (which doesn't work properly anyway)..."
here the report regarding this issue:
Troll at your service, Sir!
read post (0013528):
...and the post above that and you will see this is not about morale and ethics, it is far more twisted than that.
Yeah the critics have not understood what this is all about, it is not about morale here.
It is indeed somewhat silly to discuss, but I was surprised when I saw this report here, because I had the same thought. It's one of those things that don't make perfect sense, lol.
The addition "don't" usually reverses the meaning of "perfect sense", which is what I was getting at.
Still, this is not trolling and only few can understand that. All what matters is that the developers understand. Unless they don't... than it's a shame.
Plz gun control in America!
My reason to agree with the OP has nothing to do with morale or ethics and I feel kind of silly to make such a big deal out of it, but the first time I saw it, it annoyed me, because it is such a random thing. It reminds me of a Tourette patient, who shouts out random things that seem out of place.
Sure, the term "war" relates to the games content, so does the term "fly" relate to a flight sim. Imagine a flight sim splash that said "We fly". I'd be like:
"Yeah, we do, so what? Whatcha wanna say? We fly, alright Cpt. Obvious, smart-azz, you do have a point, now get me to that menu so I can... "fly."
I know it's ridiculous, but I'm just ridiculously annoyed by this, for no particular and rational reason. Call it bad design, as if like a color doesn't fit the background and thus annoys an artist. Or so. *shrugs*
Just prove you are more eloquent than that BIS and put something better and more meaningful instead of this splash screen.
I vote to remove, because I thought it looks out of place and has no meaning behind it, just three pointless words. Kinda silly.
You can remove the intros by setting a launch option (I think its -novideo) in steam, but then I need to watch the ArmA3 logo for a bit too long, while the intros usually give you the feel of (loading) progress, the motionless ArmA3 logo looks like a crashed game, lol.
I made a mistake, I did not mean depth of field as in focus to make things blurry. I mean to not zoom the stars, moon and sun much when zooming-in, but keep them always distant as they are (they would be zoomed in slightly, but not according to the level of zoom).
More power to options! Voted up.
Body armour should have only certain parts covered (center mass), but there are spots where a single bullet would still do the thing. So body armour, as in real life, should give you a chance but no perfect protection.
I forgot to add: Allow a light boat that hit the sand to be pulled on the beach by men and also pulled back into water. The more men help, the faster you do this.
In night vision mode the pixel is black, while normally it is white.
I have same problem.
My resolution is 2560x1440, too.
Many people opposing the jump function are simply badly educated on the subject of real-life jumping and spoiled by arcade games. In a game like ArmA, if jumping is implemented it should (and would) simulate the soldiers real-life jumping capability (with full gear).
Leaping over gaps (which are too wide for a step over) hopping over smaller obstacles while running fast (no time to stop, you might get killed vaulting over it), etc.
ArmA is a realistic game and it needs realistic jumping, of at all. This has nothing to do with Battlefield games.
Too high priority? This has been destroying co-op games so far. AI is one of the more important features and it is flawed in regard to their ability to spot enemies.
That is true, they see you through trees, bushes and grass. You must only fire few shots and you see green tracers flying through a set of trees toward you.
Vehicles in ArmA3 are better than in PlanetSide 2, but feel a bit like rubber, they jump around weightless and like unaffected by gravity (too jumpy and fast).
Driving them is still hell lot of fun. Love the civilian pick-up truck.
I don't know about ear plugs, but from what I know the Special Forces use those special headphones that allow you to hear normal, but filter out very loud noise such as nearby explosions and gun fire.
I believe the cap with the green headphones in the ArmA3 gear selection are those things. The helmets in ArmA3 might also have those build in?
Not sure how to convey this in the game. I love the fact that guns are loud in ArmA3, I am tired of the generic shooters barely making any impact with gun sounds, but if you use those headphones/earplugs, people may not understand and complain about the unrealistic gun sounds.
This would need to be implemented somehow in an understandable way.
Great, this needs to be done really.
I can imagine that once the pilot is in the right height and is not moving he says "good to go" and the players will get the option to use a rope in their action menu, they select it and rope down.
Agree, the disconnect should be at the same (left corner) side always in every menu. Consistency.
May 9 2016
I agree with OP, I also thought that single Q/E to lean (you decide if hold or toggle) and double Q/E = step-out + lean (toggle obviously) would be a quicker and more intuitive way to do it.
Tapping the opposite lean key would leave the step-out + lean and get you back to normal standing (if you need to hide again fast).
I really notice how the unimmersive sound takes away something from the game. When I think about the Crysis 2 gun sounds, when you hear the pops in the distance, that adds something to it.
Thing is, ArmA3 looks very convincing (for the most part), but the sound doesn't fit the looks, which makes the flaw kind of even more obvious.
Solution; make graphics worse... :p
Sound tech is a bit weak indeed.
Alright, I see the idea behind it now, it's just a bit clumsy implemented, because I have two problems:
- The mouse sensitivity with freelook changes (floaty, too fast), so it looks and feels out of place (hence like a bug), the sensitivity should at least match your normal sensitivity in freelook.
- You can move the sight a bit to the left and right and keep the moving direction, but your view is locked within this. I think you should be able to keep turning your view further to the side, like it is usually done with the freelook, so your sights will not follow your view beyond their limit. It's like combining the two features.
Not sure what's the use of that feature, it feels odd.
I am mainly Co-op player and the AI doesn't do a good job on acting authentic, instead it acts only challenging.
As people said, yes the lights dim when it gets darker, they need to illuminate the environment around them much more.
Looking at the lights should also darken the dark areas, while if looking away from lights, the eyes should adapt and you could see slightly better in the dark.
AI uses Night Vision Goggles at night, but the AI can see you through grass and trees also, so this is also an AI vision problem as it was reported already.
I agree, I prefer to have freelook by default in vehicles. Though in a helicopter the mouse is good for steering. Since I use the freelook function on my mouse side button I have little issues to toggle it, but I'd prefer if I could set freelook by default in vehicles. Less button clicking, we have enough of this in ArmA.
Recoil is really wrong. I saw an enemy like 7 meters in front, holo sight aligned, started tapping the trigger like 5 times, the fist might have hit, the others went WAY above his head and I got shot. It's like there's a magnet above me pulling the muzzle upward.
As far as I can tell most of recoil in real life goes backward into your shoulder, the muzzle goes up and to the side a bit as it has nowhere further to go, based on the fact that you hold the gun at the bottom.
You should tap the trigger several times and still be able to land a tight grouping on closer ranges, but no, it goes UUPPP.
Also the scope sways like mad, even when lying prone.
Also, separate mouse sensitivity setting for freelook AND separate mouse sensitivity for deadzone (gun movement sensitivity within the deazone). Must have!
I never cared, but now that women are part of the fighting force in the US (in Israel all the time), why not.
I never cared, but now that women are part of the fighting force in the US (in Israel all the time), why not.
Double tapping minus does zoom out, but the fov resets to default as soon as you aim the sights. Well, at least for me it does I can tell. So I guess this needs to be fixed then?
Not sure about acceleration, but freelook feels floaty, like there is smoothing on and inconsistent it is (I guess due to acceleration) also the sensitivity becomes higher.
I guess higher sens means that it is easier to move the head than the gun, but I adjusted a specific mouse sensitivity for a reason, to have it comfortable as I need it, the higher sense just brings the tune out of balance.
I'd like to have the freelook feel as good and consistent as the normal look.
Of course, I'd vote for a separate freelook mouse sensitivity setting any day (anyyyy)!
Also, when you move the mouse slightly faster, the gun speeds up and moves off center until it bounces off its border and locks back to center, where the view can no longer be moved further into that direction. This also made it look like a glitch. This thing is unoptimized and the gun sights should remain steady when turning the view (unless there is deadzone), the mouse sense should remain as it is by default also.
Also2, when you change the muzzles direction with aimed freelook while the walking direction remains, deactivating the freelook snaps the sights back to the moving direction, but it should be the other way around, the sight must remain pointed where you pointed it and it is the moving direction that should change/adapt to where you got the sights pointed.
I believe theres another ticket pointing that out, but I think it is worth mentioning here, also.
The fact that this highly modern arcade shooter grenade throw was implemented is concerning. Perhaps the developers had no time to mess around with the grenade throw mechanics yet and used it as a place holder, I hope so.
This definitely needs to be worked on.
fbiss, quite short sighted. Some prefer to stay immersed in 1st person and others want to play hardcore (no 3rd person servers).
An indicator is a must, but it must be visually far more subtle than that mod that was made recently.
In soviet Russia, mortar fires you.
I don't mind the M14 to be part of Iranian armory, but the first time I saw this I wondered. I thought the AI picked some downed soldiers gun, but then realized it was their own. I thought it looked somewhat out of place. Perhaps a pimped FAL would be a better choice? Keep the M14 for the US forces specialists.
On co-op servers that allow you to change weapons I always use th EBR, because it's my favorite weapon. But I use it with the Russian scope (I guess it's Russian?).
I agree, the air crafts (vehicles in general too), feel somewhat light and jumpy, with little consistency.
I do not want difficult controls, they should be responsive and precise, but I would like to feel like I'm moving metal, not plastic.
I had the same problem.
In-game I had no name, just blank space and in the profile menu I clicked "edit" and it said "you cannot change the default profile name" or something like that.
I could not even go back in the menus anymore, had to alt+tab and close ArmA3 in the task manager and restart.
A friend helped me out. He told me how to add the profile/name string value in the registry manually. I had only the (default) string. My friend told me to create a new string value called "name" (or "profile"? Don't remember), in the string I typed in my name. When I started ArmA3 then, I had a name in the game and could customize my character in the profile menu.
I don't remember the exact registry path, was probably something with local machine, windows, bohemia interactive, arma3 alpha.