To cut down on keys and make using things more intuitive I'd like to do the following:
- Holding the "fine" stance adjustment key to use the mouse scroll wheel to adjust stance. Plus use the right mouse button to step out to the right and the left mouse button to step out to the left.
Meaning: Holding the stance adjust overrides other functions that you have on other keys, such as the wheel and the mouse buttons used in the example above.
You still can use the forward/backward/sideward keys, but I tested the wheel and it is awesome, problem is, I need to put the forward/backward movement on the wheel to do this and it is conflicting with other functions. So that's why contextual priority.
- Same could work with a dedicated "hard" stance adjust. Means you have one stance key, holding it and scrolling down will make you crouch and then go prone, and scrolling up back to crouch and standing.
Some might love it.
- Only one zeroing key. Hold it and use the wheel to zero/adjust range. Double tap the zeroing key adjusts the default zeroing setting.
- What about a speed up/speed down keys, so you could use the wheel to toggle between the walk/combat pace/run (sprint excluded, must be separate key). But holding any other function key (zeroing/action menu/stance adjust, etc), would be priority and let you use the wheel.
This seems overly complicated, but all I am suggesting is to have the functions override any other that is set to the same keys.
To do this you need to set three keys. First key is the, let's say "zeroing key", second and third keys are the "up" and "down" keys associated with the zeroing, so it wouldn't need to be the scroll wheel, but any other key you set. You could use the W/S (forward/backward) keys to zero. Thing is that when holding this zeroing key, the W/S keys would do only the functions associated with the zeroing key and override any other potential function bound to these keys.
I believe this would cut on keys and could make the adjusting of things much more intuitive.
- You could have a weapon selection key that works like the following: Press it to toggle between two weapons, hold it down to open a menu where you can scroll with the wheel through all available weapon systems.
Same could work with grenades. The grenade throwing key throws on press, or opens a menu on hold where you can not only scroll through all throw-able items, but also just view what stuff you got in this category (and how much, it would have the count behind the names).
Regarding the action menu key. This has been addressed enough and much better by others, just have my 2 cents to add:
Three ways to use the action menu key:
A) Context sensitive, by looking at the object and push the key to manipulate (like opening door, getting into driver seat if you look at it, or gunner seat if you look at the gunner hatch/door, etc)
B) Menu sensitive, by holding the key and having a menu that shows all possible seats/positions (if vehicle too confusing for you).
Same thing if it is a door, you can push the key to open it, or hold and have a menu with more options to choose from, like set breaching charge, or peak through lock...)
C) If context sensitive doesn't work (if you deal with a crate or backpack with lot's of content), than pushing would open the menu with the list of content, but the icon that you have when looking at that object would be a list, so you would always know what you deal with and what action will be performed when pushing the action key)