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Mar 8 2013, 4:47 AM (623 w, 4 d)

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May 10 2016

SharkBaztard added a comment to T64924: Dual wield handguns and SMGs.

please no... yea, sure... I can go shoot both my pistols in real life in both hands.. but never in combat or a combat sim

May 10 2016, 1:41 AM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T63878: Your own grenade only hurts you.

difficulty setting is not realistic in the 1st your argument that difficulty doesn't matter..well it does bc its designed to help you w/stand injury anyway. I would go w/ ExploitedYouth and up the difficulty to be the "realistic" setting.

kinda like how a lower difficulty has 3rd person..

May 10 2016, 1:03 AM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T63732: OPFOR infantry patrols on Escape from Stratis act as though they are set to careless.

True, I agree it doesnt have to do with modules.. bc I have seen this many of times in Arma2 with just groups and waypoints. I guess it just seems like modules bc of the way the men were standing in the specific area.

I know on arma2, if there are too many AI they will also do this

May 10 2016, 12:52 AM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T63732: OPFOR infantry patrols on Escape from Stratis act as though they are set to careless.

ok, please note Im not here to go against you. I agree w/ the Escape from Stratis mission issue.

on your sample reproduction mission you have set a very high number of groups in close range w/ each other and the opposition.

this for sure makes the AI act stange.. just like in arma2. I think its bc they have too many targets and you simple are not one of them.

I made the exact mission with just two groups per side and a major difference. full combat mode from both sides.

I think you repro is actually good for other issues but doesnt reflect the Escape mission very well..

to duplicate just reduce your groups to two a side

May 10 2016, 12:52 AM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T63732: OPFOR infantry patrols on Escape from Stratis act as though they are set to careless.

well, just to many trolls attacking BIS on this my bad.

I also noticed this last night playing w/ no AI and one friend.

It looks like the OutPost Site Module(outlook or something). bc its 4 guys standing close and others in surroundings..

they did not fight multiple areas of the map. even the airport was no resistence

this actually happened in arma2 very often. I really dont know why it does.

I just hope they fix bc its kind of a "showcase" mission.

May 10 2016, 12:52 AM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T63730: Modding what it needs.

100% Troll. umm dude..go make some mods

May 10 2016, 12:52 AM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T63463: Arma 3 Ai life.

your not being positive/constructive w/ your use of*t? really man..

I agree w/ ExploitedYouth. 1 shot in head for sure. Actually, 1 shot in other parts for the most part also!

May 10 2016, 12:41 AM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T63400: Riding Side Seat In MH9(transport module)Look Around Controls Become Reversed(reveals headless soldier).

oh and by the way..

you guys are awesome and I thank you soooo much for all your realism/detail and hard work!

May 10 2016, 12:39 AM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard edited Steps To Reproduce on T63400: Riding Side Seat In MH9(transport module)Look Around Controls Become Reversed(reveals headless soldier).
May 10 2016, 12:39 AM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T63116: Items spawned in through the editor are not placed in the locations requested.

make sure you are comparing your placement of items with "terrain textures" "on" an also the not textured layout of the terrain. this should give you a more accurate placement. like in arma2, the layout of the terrain non textured terrain does not match up with the textured terrain perfectly, resulting in misplaced items.

just trying ot help incase thats your issue. peace

May 10 2016, 12:30 AM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T63042: More advanced options in editor like Respawn point, Repair Point, Full Ammo Box as a selection option.

You are just going to have to spend some time in the forums man.. Its very worth it bc your missions grow to beyond basic. you will be pleased if you just spend the time to use this editor. BIS has actually enhanced this editor to be alot more user friendly.. all the functions etc are right there in your face. I think BIS would like us to take this discussion to the forums. goodluck and more power to ya w/ this BAD A editor! Post your issue in the forums and someone will help, good community w/ the editor

May 10 2016, 12:27 AM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T63027: Artillery Support Does Not Work All The Time.

yep, hope so. I also want to figure out how to keep the module synced to the player after respawn.. may just be my lack of scripting knowledge.. but once I die.. no more support for me :(

May 10 2016, 12:27 AM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T63027: Artillery Support Does Not Work All The Time.

yea the virtual arty that sends the mortars seems to have a few issues.. i agree. Sometimes they confirm round inbound but nothing and sometimes it will hit me..haha even thought I obviously didnt aim it at my self

oh.. It seems like all rounds land in exact same spot? like no spread at all. is that suppose to be that way?

May 10 2016, 12:27 AM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T63014: Program not responding after freeze.

I downloaded my video car driver and did a "clean install" and it worked I hope it helps you. "Clean install" is under custom install.. not under "recommended install". peace

May 10 2016, 12:26 AM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T62993: ToggleRaiseWeapon not working properly when running in combat pace.

I may be wrong but running and combat pace are seperate things.. I dont think in any running stance you can have a raised weapon. I think that is designed for realism.. i think

May 10 2016, 12:22 AM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T62719: [Feature request] Helicopter ground aiming (while hovering).

wait until they give you an apache or something dude and maybe you can ride as someones GUNNER so u can do what u wish.. a fixed gun is never fired siting still..only an apache or something of that nature sits still bc they are soo far from any hostile gun fire

May 10 2016, 12:13 AM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T62611: Make votekicking easy.

great idea bc it seems you never get enough votes, even if everyone wants someone gone.. I guess #vote kick name is to complicated ha.

I guess one person could start the "vote kick", then everyone hit 1=yes 2= no

if he keeps joining, then one start the "vote ban" then 1 yes 2 no

May 10 2016, 12:08 AM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T62537: In Vehicle Gunner Monitor Screen Flickers.

i have no flicker.. sry u do. hope it gets resolved

May 10 2016, 12:05 AM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T62494: All text is very hard to read.

wierd.. friend and I found the font to be very nice, we actually mentioned it to one another.. must be a setting thing? I only have 1024x768 here.

May 10 2016, 12:03 AM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T62490: Driver in vehicle appears dead.

agreed..they are usually dead while in vehicle, or atleast in wasteland.. i think this is why some people are complaining about "not being able to see over dashboards or see well in choppers etc..when actually its bc there head is hanging down

May 10 2016, 12:02 AM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T62446: Helicopters decend to slowley.

@dBait- did you play arma2? it took me a while to figure this out in arma 2 as far as heli physics etc...but now Im so used to it I like it. feels realistic to me..i just go watch some real choppers and it helps me realise its not that far off. I am definitly not debating you. I may simpy be used to it. I also use a xbox controler when I fly so who knows

either way- ivgori and prospekt are right..can only get better

May 10 2016, 12:00 AM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T62446: Helicopters decend to slowley.

also you should dive down as low as u can first then lower yourself.. dont just lower from high alt

May 10 2016, 12:00 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

SharkBaztard added a comment to T62236: Need some way to discourage team killing.

just give it some time and servers will start banning em etc.. I support all TEAM KILLERS..why? because they give money to my favorite developers like Bohemi...then my favorite communtiy(arma) ban them from playing!! so thanks you hacking and TKing idiots for giving money to them and now u cant play..or soon u wont! yippie

May 9 2016, 11:50 PM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T62233: No controller support for helicopters and bad support for infantry.

what u mean.. i play with a controller and its great?! helis everything? I can assist you in making the controller work if no one helps u.

May 9 2016, 11:50 PM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T62189: Module: Support Provider: Helicopter Transport: Solo player cannot disembark MH-9, mission restart required.

I reported a while back. Wish I would have put the build # like you Roypp. Oh well, I know now. I'm sure it was the previous, so I'll update to dev soon and check.

I may report an issue with selecting your drop point on the map. Once you join the helo and it requests u to pick a location. The map will not zoom like usual w/scroll wheel. This results in not being able to zoom out and pick.

I don't know if that's worth there time right now. Don't want to report on little things and waste the devs time.

May 9 2016, 11:48 PM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T62189: Module: Support Provider: Helicopter Transport: Solo player cannot disembark MH-9, mission restart required.

I have this issue also. User made mission.. Call in a MH9 using the support module and he picks me up just fine, besides being unable to easily zoom in/out of map at this moment to place a drop point. He lands and then my character stands up on the side seat as well. Restart..this makes my mission worthless at that point bc I use the helo to get in and out of an OA.

I could have sworn he successfully dropped me off a few times.. but now everytime I hit "get out" he just stand on side seat.


May 9 2016, 11:48 PM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T61918: Mortars cause player and AI operates to launch or flip over..

how about you guys keep this version and the rest of us can play the full release that isnt a comedy..

May 9 2016, 11:35 PM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T61864: Cannot properly configure XBOX 360 Controller for Windows.

i have been using a 360 controller for arma 2 and alpha. this has alwyas been the problem if u try to set it up yourself. I just got over it and use my RB for fire and like left trigger for zoom. my right joystick button is scope.. and my RTrigger is actually adjust honeslty works great!. just reconfigure and u will get it to work well.. i really think adjust stance on trig is awesome

May 9 2016, 11:30 PM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T61826: When returningfrom map view need to raise weapon.

i wont downvote..but i honeslty find it realistic to drop your weapon as u "pull out your map"..i just wont vote either way.peace

May 9 2016, 11:25 PM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T61780: Ability to take cover behind objects.

they actually put this (kinda but better)in the game. its called adjust stance. use left control and your WSAD keys to adjust to the cover u are on. best advice to u, DO NOT compare this to BF3 and COD style games. this is a realism/sim style military game. example CAMPING is no such thing, its called ambushing, or holding etc.

May 9 2016, 11:21 PM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T61122: Feature request: Command AI pilot to land..

for now i use the support module option as my pilot. Sync yourself to a support requester and sync the requester to a support sync provider to a helo. now u can request a land and pick up.

I agree w/ you 100%, I hope they update this. I just wanted you do know a Temp solution that may help you for now. peace


May 9 2016, 10:50 PM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T60617: Grass Draw distance Should be max..

I am downvotign only bc I think this post is actually getting the developers attention..this one

so good job NordKindchen for also noticing this great post and idea..

this guys idea is so much better than having laggy grass everythwere.

u just simply cant compare to COD bc its a smaller terrain either way. this guys idea can fix the actual issue and save fps

May 9 2016, 9:51 PM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T60164: multiplayer.

prochy.. simply updating your drivers may not help.. U need to go to your graphics card website and download the most current driver. not an update. when u go to install you driver dont click "recommended" hit "custom" there should be a check box for "CLEAN INSTALL". im not sure if u should uninstall ur old driver first..maybe someone else can help. but i know just simply updating didnt help me either

May 9 2016, 9:29 PM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T60164: multiplayer.

Ive been having similiar mulitplay only game freeze issues. I believe I fixed the issue using the developers advice. update to the latest sound and graphic drivers using CLEAN INSTALL or use a driver's cleaner software. this DID stop the freezing, but in its place is a random lag that comes and goes. much better than the freeze. edit: i think the freeze is gone now to!

May 9 2016, 9:29 PM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

I dont support this at all .. only because the poster is an Obvious Troll.

May 9 2016, 7:57 PM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T59784: Simplify Gameplay/systems.

hey Testus. Your confusion and frustration for newbies is that of most simulator style games. Arma is the easiest of so called SIMS to get used to(go try to take off in FSX full controls). I like your post bc it shows that you have tried a few hours of playing and its gotten easier. Arma is not ment to be easy breeezy controls..but once you play a awhile you start to realize there purpose. For ex. someone has posted about a mechanic they dont like.. "when you put away your map the rifle is in relaxed postion". yes! thats what we love in our sims style games! anyway, about opening doors in cars.. it should be just as easy as any other game.. except, you have to aim at the "specific door" you want in and press whatever key is your action key. same as any other game..but if you go to just any part of the car, then you have to scroll wheel to desired.

May 9 2016, 7:13 PM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T59784: Simplify Gameplay/systems.

i like how Cotton says it still needs work..alpha? naw

May 9 2016, 7:13 PM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T59376: Multiplayer crash.

In case of random crashes, please install latest graphic and sound drivers. Usage of driver cleaner before installing new drivers will make sure you have no corrupted drivers left on your computer.
make sure to use custom install of driver and manually check CLEAN INSTALL this should help

May 9 2016, 6:53 PM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T59371: Unknown random freeze/crash.

@Kid18120 - chill man. as long as one of the same issue is in the tracker we are good right? they know of your issue an actual "developer" responded to this post.. so jus chill man.

the moderators are flooded with dupes and trolls so just give em a chance.

IF you are playing "WASTELAND" and you get the freeze..then this may simply may be your problem bc wasteland is heavily scripted and will probabley take longer before it gets supported.

try to duplicate your freeze/crash while playing the developer made missions online.

I had the same issue, but I did a "clean install" of the NVidia driver. DO NOT just go into control panel and hit update.. go to actual website and download the latest driver..then click on "custom" install not "recommended".. click "clean" install. hope this helps.. it helped me.. but remember wasteland is not currently something to base your crashes off of if im not mistakin

May 9 2016, 6:53 PM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T59105: Helicopter Showcase, Second Mortar island strike, game crash..

Same here. In close range of Mortars on second smaller island. Dev Build 0.51.103078

May 9 2016, 6:39 PM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T58924: Helicopter controls for native xbox 360 controller..

i can email you w/ info. or maybe we can find a place in the forums instead. up to you? but i dont really wanna clutter this up

May 9 2016, 4:06 PM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T58924: Helicopter controls for native xbox 360 controller..

you can change it how you want dont worry. I use an xbox controller all the time. you have to get over the "usual" xbox controller scheme if u wanna remap though. I personally love it now that im used to my set up. there are two, one is a pre mapped xbox disable this one, the other is a cutomizable "enable" this one. now go back to your keyboard layout and add the controls as u wish. note that the RT will not map to FIRE. I was devistated in arma2 over this but now I love my set up. RT- stance adjust RB-FIRE LT-ZOOM LB-COMBAT SPEED RjoyButton is scope etc. I also keep the keyboard near for other less useful stuff liek inventory etc. just get used to it, its worth it. I can send u a full list of how I map mine if you have trouble

May 9 2016, 4:06 PM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T58908: ARMA3 always crash, even blue screen.

I had the random 5-30 mutiplay play time freeze and often. I took the advice of the developers and did a CLEAN INSTALL of my nvidia driver. now instead of crash/freeze I experience heavy lag but then normal again! so thanks developer..wonder what the heavy lag is now. Hope i did a clean enough install. freeze is fixed, thanks! but like i said every 5 to 30 min instead of freeze it lags

May 9 2016, 4:05 PM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T58858: Team Killing whit no punishment..

agreed. I just wanna support a new player like the poster. and let him know that some servers will help his experience.. Michael, make this post resolved so u can delete it

May 9 2016, 4:04 PM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T58858: Team Killing whit no punishment..

umm skorpion.. i dont think anyone is debating natural friendly fire/accidents/fog of war stuff.. but we both know that there are deliberate team killers who will slay the entire team as soon as u spawn. so all he needs to know is to join a server that has active admins to get rid of the VERY UNREALISTIC TEAMKILLERS.

May 9 2016, 4:04 PM · Arma 3
SharkBaztard added a comment to T58858: Team Killing whit no punishment..

dont get discouraged, servers will eventually start kicking and banning people. just switch around to the right servers.

May 9 2016, 4:04 PM · Arma 3