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Custom stance keybind?
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Hey this isn't a bug, but an idea I have been thinking about, and it kind of has been bothering me that you can't do this...

Make it possible to keybind a certain stance. For instance, I would love to be able to set c to sitting. Not the sitting from the keybind ' , but the one where you can actually shoot. I do that more than normal crouching, and it's a huge pain to adjust with ctrl + w/s.


Legacy ID

Event Timeline

colinm478 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
colinm478 set Category to Controls.
colinm478 set Reproducibility to N/A.
colinm478 set Severity to Feature.
colinm478 set Resolution to Open.
colinm478 set Legacy ID to 1148542983.May 7 2016, 12:51 PM

More power to options! Voted up.

I don't know it just seems like it should be a thing.. Why is there the ' sitting, or salute but not the useful sitting? I don't get it..

Agreed, more options is always a good thing.

Come on guys more than 5 of us must want this??!

Hanz added a subscriber: Hanz.May 7 2016, 12:51 PM
Hanz added a comment.May 29 2013, 4:36 PM

This suggestion was processed by our team and will be looked into. We thank you for your feedback.