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- User Since
- Mar 16 2013, 6:00 PM (621 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
I know I think it's pretty good.. If you spawn in the city asa civie too, they all just are walking around or driving.. Not running for their lives.. It's only when theres gunfire they go crazy.
Ya they do, the run around hah
Do you mean like add people to cities? They do its a module. Go to sites, and for team select Civilian Settlement. Set the type to village.
Has anyone else been experiencing this?
An issue about an issue? Mind linking us to the one you are referring to?
Not to split hairs but in god we trust was added in 1864 to the 2c coin, then up to 1938 for coins, paper money 1957. It was not always there, and it is against separation of state and religion. O well.
Fuck political correctness. This is a combat simulator. What the heck do you want it to say? "Sugar, spice, and everything nice?
As much as I agree they are way better than many games. Have you seen 'dem shockwaves?
Mine was like this at first, check your DPI, I have mine set to 150% normally and that messes up with this game. Change your DPI if you are in game
Great stuff, and thank you for your service. I would love to hear about some of your other ideas. We need to get this a ton of votes so more see it...
PS: Signing your details at the bottom just adds to the bad-ass factor of this feedback.
Come on guys more than 5 of us must want this??!
I don't know it just seems like it should be a thing.. Why is there the ' sitting, or salute but not the useful sitting? I don't get it..
I figured this out!
As I read in the readme, the PPAA was by default off. After looking through my settings that was not the case. Since my gpu is an AMD (HD 7800) this was causing it to crash.
If you have an AMD make sure to disable those! I attached a picture showing which option.
May 9 2016
Hmm I don't know what to tell you then. All I know is that that option is causing this error message on AMD GPU's. I have no idea what would be causing it on an nvidia.
I know why! I was just dealing with this and resolved it. It's that AMD card. Go into the games settings > Video > Rendering; and disable "PPAA" . That option came already enabled on my game, but it is for nvidia cards and crashes our AMD's.
I vote up on this, because I think players should have options to fine tune their game to the fullest their rig can handle. I wouldn't mind scrolling through 10 pages of options in the advanced tab if I could set things like custom stance keybinds or other simple things..
I thought like you when I first got ARMA, I actually played some arma 2 and was extremely frustrated and quit for a while. Then, after playing a little more I got some better handle on it. I still hate having to scroll through the action menu, but it's getting easier. Personally, I would rather keybinds for most things.. My total gametime between 2 and this alpha is around 10 hours and I am waaay better now. Once you start to get it you will realize how this is leaps and bounds better than the dumbed down FPS games like cock of duty or baffledfield.