I hope that this is my chance to finally influence a game that has great potential to surpass it's competitors in the market today. I've played only once and have already made a list of countless things to improve on. I have been in the modding community for a long while now, and I understand how easy it is to give constructive criticism, but I promise you that this is unlike any advice you will get from a normal Joe. I have experience in the Military and am currently serving in the United States Army Infantry. I will start listing things and you can respond to each one specifically to get more information about them. This will be a very broad message about the way things work in-game, and how they work in real life.
Your squad is moving to an objective. I would assume that they are a form of special forces due to their element size and objective. Each man in a team has a purpose and is very powerful on his own and when placed at the right place on the battlefield. Spreading out to where the marksman/sniper and the machine gunner is on higher ground allows their strengths to be used to its full capacity. An M240B machine gun can cover a squad sized element up to 1,000m away. A sniper's primary mission is to deliver long range precision fire, but its primary mission is to conduct and report battlefield reconnaissance. More times than not, they will perform their second mission. Observation is key when taking down an objective. Unless you have no knowledge of enemy presence, recon is your first mission. Obviously they are AI so I understand if that's a problem.
When moving to an objective where you know there is a high likelyhood of contact, you use a movement technique called bounding overwatch. You can also use traveling overwatch if you are short on time but still need more security.
If an enemy is in an ambush position, they will not leave their cover and run towards you. They will sit tight and fire at you consistently.
As a special forces unit, they have the capability of buying their own equipment and ammo accredited from the governments funding. They will have access to match grade ammunition which increases the MOA grouping, allowing your weapon to shoot more accurately at longer ranges. They also have much better training and experience, allowing them to be able to out shoot any militia opposition. Learning to fire on single shot rather than burst or full auto increases accuracy as well.
If the enemy has weapons, like the AK, that only allow them to fire on full auto, or don't have experience, training, and access to good equipment and ammunition, their accuracy will decrease significantly and their TTPs (tactics, techniques, and procedures) will change. Such as, where they place their ambushes. I think it would also be great for gameplay because it will allow for realistic combat while using real life variables.
When painting a target on screen, it really takes away from scanning your sector. I think you can allow a "point" system for players who are trying to direct fire for their team mates, but nothing more. It would create an environment that is more team work friendly.
The use of real life first aid can be implemented into this game. It has the potential of being a training aid. Care under fire. What tool to apply to a certain situation. All basics of first aid every infantryman and first responder should know.
Every squad should have a base of fire element to cover their team mates into an objective.
The Aim Dead Zone was lacking in this game. When you put it to the end of its threshold, it stops being smooth and jerks your screen around. The recoil of the rifle should be half camera shift, half dead zone. There should be a button to press that causes your aim dead zone to maximum for the purpose of multiple enemy take downs and room clearing.
When calling in artillery, danger close is anything less than 600m. It is highly suggested to forward observers not to call any less than that. The first round of incoming hit approximately 20m away from me while I was in the town. It is very possible to give a good grid on the first shot, but if the first shot is good, fire for effect will follow and the town will be leveled. Depending on who you are fighting against and weather they are native to the land will determine how good their spotters are. If they are shooting mortars at you, they have a kill radius of 15m. A 155 round has a kill radius of 50m.
Alexander Whatmore
United States Infantry
2-8 Cav, 1 CD, 1 BCT
Ft Hood, Tx 76544