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- Mar 6 2013, 1:50 AM (628 w, 3 d)
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@BenConnor, that is definitely the case, however it's not the only reason the movement is erratic,
when outside, for example cherno, cranking up the settings to very high and that way getting higher fps in one direction, and lower fps in the other, the mouse sensitivity changes, yes, but indoors the view is behaving even more weird
Jun 20 2016
May 10 2016
i really hope this is fixable
i encounter this mainly on servers where people are also lagging, and the server can't handle the mission, having the same mission file (for example wasteland 1.03) on a different server can mean a HUGE boost to performance
before changing minor affects of bullet speed on distance, which really only matter because of tumbling effects or directly piercing shots, they should fix the soldiers first, which can suffer a too great pounding before dropping, and maybe add realistic bullet penetration and maybe (though this will never happen with the arma engine) buildings that can partially collapse realistically
i think bullet physics are up to a point where further realism becomes unnoticeable, unless firing a high powered sniper rifle from 50m versus 900m
mybe bigger flaws of the game should be prioritized
with incediary ammo shot into the tank or engine, explosions might happen without warning, however as it is in the game right now it's just like GTA's "explosive barrels on wheels"
there isn't even battleye installed yet for arma 3, of course people who want to hack are free to go atm
it's an alpha, there's still hope Battleye might find hackers once it's there
afaik the helicopter flight will be overhauled anway
May 9 2016
he may have the feeling of arma 3 being arcade-ish because of the fast movements, the easier controls (seriously, how can you get a clunkier control fro inventory than arma 2?) and people mainly playing deathmatch or wasteland maps at the time, also the futuristic setting may throw you off here
however, seeing it as what it is, mainly some unrealistic movement speeds and some people playing arma 3 as it isn't meant to be is not the end of a military simulation
i dont think that this is as important as the tag states, calm down, it looks a bit weird but is not gamebreaking in any way
i also sometimes crah in singleplayer, but way more often in multiplayer
however, click the "how to guide" button in the upper right corner and post your crash reports and the dxdiag file so the devs can actually get a clue why your game is crashing (my money goes on c00000005 memory leak)
i thought some silencers were really good, actually i heard someone having quite a knowledge (infantry soldier here in germany) say that the mp5sd6 can fire rounds more quietly than its trigger sound
is that just a myth or can that be true?
i also feel like that, soldiers have too much stamina and can run way to fast for way to long
the only problem i see in that is that people could lie on the ground without any grass and still get this grass alpha layer, if it is a layer always applied no matter if the grass is rendered or not
you can get the grass alpha layer however depending on there being grass or no grass, you could either take three or more different "grades" of ground (no grass, no alpha layer, some grass, little alpha layer, much grass, much alpha layer)
at least i think this is what you meant
if you mean taking the alpha from the grass that really would be rendered there, you have a performance impact because of the grass on that distance being rendered, might as well just render the grass up to 6km in that case
sorry if my english is not that good, hope you get what i meant
there will be report files safed, just read the god damn how to guide
every session you start is completely written down basically, no matter if it crashes or if you stop it via task manager
you guys need to upload the crashing reports and the dxdiag file, read the "how to guide" (button in the upper right corner)
ages where you had loose gunpowder in your rifle are over, weapons wont jam after water exposure unless the rounds aren't sealed
i don't know much about weapons but weapons actually being useless after some water is a myth i think
@ ghostdoc
1)stare into a light bulb for a good 4 minutes (actually dont, but maybe you get my point this way)
2)go outside and try to see the moon or street lights far away
maybe it's a bit exaggerated for the nighvision to blind you this much, but i don't think it's a bug
i can clearly see the rain, the tree and parts of your gun as well on the "all black" screenshot, get a monitor with good contrast
you need to post your dxdiag file and your arme crash files, look in the right upper corner "how to guide"
raklodder, try reading next time, it almost says "new content will come dont rage about it" almost at every second loading screen
did you try to reinstall the game or check the files over steam?
also, post your dxdiag and crash report, click the "how to guide" in the upper right corner to see how
i think we struck gold with this one
no crackman, wrong reference, this has nothing to do with bad cpu usage, it's an issue arma had ages ago and still has
bad server performance resulting in bad player performance
the only thing to counter this is having a server that can handle the amount of players you are allowing without stressing the server
all playercount, cars/npcs in the multiplayers session and scripts as well as ping result in fewer frames per second for clients
there is a much bigger post on this afaik, just can't find it anymore
could be done for sure, but i guess it would require a lot of time and effort
some game called "end war" or something did this, however poorly designed, where in arma you could just speak out loud some keywords to get through the menu
however voice recognition software is always vague and you never can 100% ensure every single person is speaking so that the engine finds out what the speaker wants, additional some accents will make that even harder (trying to speak to a english voice recognition software when your mothertounge is german... good luck)
would be a really nice feature for people playing scenarios alone, though and would add a completely new level of immersion
would make perfect sense hence they have gone the way of attachments anyway, doesn't really make sense then to multiply the weapon number by making UGLs not an attachment
they could have made attachment classes where an engineer is needed to change them, but making them hard-fixed as in arma 2 is extra work on the long run
i remember using an NLAW variant in deus ex, and there it also was disposable
i always wondered if the arma games just got that wrong or deus ex, but seems it really is only a disposable one you can't reload on the field
this would be awesome indeed
underwater detection is really super-human by the AI, just played the scuba mission again and some guy spotted me while being roughly 1 meter underwater from a hill 200 meters away
works as intended i'd say, doesnt need any tweaks
you'd have to first pick up you new backpack and then store your stuff into it in real life as well
if you can look into the sun without being blinded, props to you
Arma 2 felt fine, thats right, there you also had more rcoil towards you than up and right
i also feel by now that the recoil up while prone is way too much, especially if the weapons rounds resemble 5.56-like power most of the time
it's abit weird at the moment, the opfor weapons seem to have way less recoil than the blufor ones, though both are 6.5 mm rounds
on the other hand, the "sniper" rifle 7.62 has also way more recoil than the LMG 7.62
they need to work these ones out
yeah, seems to me like explosives deal to little damage in general
everybody should read this,
thanks for posting that Kumeda
you are still taking america as a standart here dunadan, learn to read: its NATO against EASTERN FORCES
nato is to a very big part europe, in which female soldiers have to pass the same tests as men
get your facts right and think before you post
dunadan, i know of no country lowering the standarts they put on the soldiers for women, they have to pass the same tests as men
you are just being ignorant, women can be just as effective on the battlefield, they can even surpass men in points of stamina
and even if women are fewer on the front lines, this game is about a nato force in the future against eastern countries, which allready had female forces in WW2
there is no reason why, IN THE GAMES SETTING, there shouldn't be female soldiers
the argument of devs putting to much effort into it is not valid, as a simple mod like dayz integrated female models and clothing, with the adaptable and interchangeable clothing of arma 3, it will be even easier to adapt the current clothing to the female models than in arma 2, it's all just changing parameters where the clothing clips to the body, also it will bring new content and enlargen the community, plus adding immersion into the setting of the game
the points you have made have been repeated over and over, and been thrown down over and over, it's time you guys against this think of something new
again, this is a feedback tracker to work out what the people want in the game later on, else it would be called "bugtracker" not "feedback tracker"
link or it didn't happen
we still have no feedback from any dev on this topic, if they were so negative towards it, they'd have come up with some weird reason to justify it
maybe though they will just wait till this topic falls to the ground by itself
I know how you feel, i find it just frustrating and odd to be playing a game where the community seems to be so against a feature that has no negative sides once it's implemented, yet receives so much hate because its benefiting the other gender, or because its a minority playing the game
seeing the forum devs closing threads in the forum about implementing female players is weird... and worrying
the argument of the arma 2 forums having this conversation is void, because this is not arma 2, and with a new software they put that much effort into it, where it even plays in the future, you really think no one of BI came to the thought "hmm, how about women?"
i dont think this could be abused in any way since people wont give two thoughts about shooting or not shooting wether the enemy is female or not, the only question really is "Does that unit pose a threat to me?" or "Am i ordered to shoot?"
As someone said the difference if someone is male or female with a bodyarmor on is not that big, yet i think it's a big thing for immersion for women playing the game
would you like a game where military is only run by women which deny men being combtants as a man? i'd still play it if it was good, but still it would spoil the fun to a degree, because that figure i play differs from my look to much
It wouldn't hurt to bring women into the game, i bet this would bring some female players into the game, too
also, the modelling would just require some additional models, the clothing is allready adjusted onto the models on its own, so it wouldn't be that much work people think it's gonna be
really can't understand the hate going on here
53 votes down? wtf? it's just added content, why be against it?
i agree this needs to be added at some point, only-male soldiers is a bit ignorant, though i am sure the arma developers didn't do it on purpose
also, for the marking this as importan:
there has been made a ticket where someone states the sun glare would be to much, stating it as utmost important and it was to solve immediately, yet he got no rage
try being honest to yourself people, if you dont want female models in this game and pretend "it takes to much time to implement" or "it isnt realistic to have womean carry a gun" or "it's not important" you are just making up excuses for being sexist, this is a feedback, and a feedback that is deserved to be looked at and fixed in the future
literally can't get the game to crash anymore since my last post^^
seems to be resolved, great work
it is not connected to any mission, i tried it in every showcase with just waiting, in multiplayer it happens faster, but just as fast on vanilla as in mods
there are no steps to reproduce due to it being completely random
sorry i can't be more specific, it's just happening in all missions being it SP or MP after sometimes 5 minutes or after a few hours
it seems though as it is happening faster when you move around a lot, try running or driving over big parts over the map
bump - did someone even read this?
i am testing something right now, i exchanged a ram stick since suddenly my other games crashed as well frequently, i don't have crashes in singleplayer anymore, but multiplayer crashes persist
i really hope this is fixable
i encounter this mainly on servers where people are also lagging, and the server can't handle the mission, having the same mission file (for example wasteland 1.03) on a different server can mean a HUGE boost to performance
thats what i call a solid snake
Saw that too, when driving fast and turning in a heavy vehicle, the tires get bugged into the ground
also sometimes cars spawned will have a tire bugged into the ground from the beginning, making it impossible to drive
i don't think they will ever fix the issue of bad server performance limiting your own fps, the issue is just too old and too long known for it to be fixed in the arma series, must be something really deep in the engine
the graphics card and CPU usage will probably get fixed though once new drivers are out and the alpha gets optimized
same problem here, only on multiplayer
my hardware is not high-end, but i get 30-40fps with optimized settings in showcases and editor, depending on server 5-20 fps on servers
also no, it hasn't anything to do with the graphic settings forced by the servers, since i dont turn off terrain or shadows completely
this problem has been around for ages, multiplayer fps is limited by the server performance, people need to get decent servers or limit their playercounts accordingly
i see server with 40/60 people every day and the server has about 4-5fps, i don't get it
people playing arma should know this by now, i guess it's a problem of how the arma series handles the client-to-server connection, and therefor can't be changed as easily as you guys might think
however, i agree that this is not comparable to other games, since arma seems to be the only series where servers limit your pcs framerate, there has to be a solution somehow
Be sure to not set your shadows or cloads on low, since they are then, like in arma 2, rendered by the cpu rather than the GPU
best settings for me is everything quality on low or standart and shadows on standart, clouds off
i play with an APU and without a real graphics card atm, sadly, subject to change, but it runs fluid
"Face needs to eat more mud"
Yes, i have noticed this, too
especially on the civillian offroad, but also in the hunter
Also, correct me if i am wrong, somehow looking with ALT while in the interior view while turning the tires just a little bit results in constant squeaking tires
being an arma2:oa player, mouse steering feels horribly hard
i guess this is the result of the physics engine stopping you from turning the wheels to some point
maybe a servo would help^^
i don't get why the guns have bipods in the forst place when there is no use for them at all in the current release
i hoped for the lmg to have functional bipods, it's very do-able as ACE for arma 2 shows
You can try setting the clouds quality to "off", this gave me about 20fps more on arma 3
however, i can't really mock about performance since with lowest settings it runs at a smooth 40fps and i have a low to mid end pc barely having the minimum settings covered, except for the cpu