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- User Since
- Mar 8 2013, 8:37 PM (625 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
great idea!
dividing the present menu into two should be doable in little time compared to the issues it will solve as well as the feeling it will provide.
might be related to
(there are keybindings in the option menu are inconsistent with the bindings inside the config file)
to get things straight.. you wanted to land the UAV and pick it up. but it flew off?
does adding the magazine before adding the weapon help?
or does "In all cases" meant you tried changing the order already?
@stonestriker it's clearly there, if you don't see it try using a color picker and compare a color value taken from the center with one near an edge.
i had a look in the config file. i guess the according entries are
@AD2001 i guess you did not use the empty keybinding preset like stated in the steps to reproduce
you can't rebind these keys using the option menu
@ceeeb I only asked for a fixed framecap inside the editor. These tickets refer to actual gameplay
just realized there are two different version of the titan launcher.
the compact uses AT rockets.. the "normal" one AA rockets.
i hope they add at least the ability to change stance up / down with the mouse wheel.
these are the main issues i start raging at a game :p
it's so extremely frustrating when you try a stealth approach against AI and at one point they suddenly all know exactly where you are.. only because a certain trigger has been switched...
nobody has seen you, no communication between them happened, but they all start firing at you in an instant.
please fix this before release it's a very important issue and the game over all feels much better compared to Arma 2 / OpFp
this should work great for compass clock and gps. i'd prefer taping or holding upon double tapping / holding
i recorded an example and uploaded it.
Mission was Ghosthawk dawn available in the steam workshop.
I hope these issues get resolved before the game launches. It makes stealth missions a real pain in the ass.
another related issue would be using one of the 4 seat submarines, spawn using the editor over water with an elevation of 1000 with you as the player.
the submarine will fall right into the ocean without taking any damage and the units inside won't even put on their rebreathers.
there is a workaround here if i remember correctly. Arma 3 provides an 'empty' preset where every key is unbound. Start with this and remap all keys, it should work now.
another way would be editing the config file by hand.
main problem here might be that not all keybindings (which are located inside the config file) show up inside the controls option menu which is rather annoying and definitely needs a fix before launch.
would be great if this does not only work with uniforms but also with vehicles ..
like adding the ability to hide inside the back of an enemy truck or passing by enemy patrols while inside one of their vehicles.
even if the patrol tries to have a look at the driver, it would be impossible to judge friend or foe while the vehicle rushes by.
same with the watch as far as i remember
oh, i thought it would just reset head rolling. and there for unbound it while using trackIR
thx for the information
this is there for debugging purposes. it shows you an error which has occurred in a script.
i recommend ignoring it unless you wrote the script by yourself. otherwise you can report this specific error as scripting bug.
great idea!
dividing the present menu into two should be doable in little time compared to the issues it will solve as well as the feeling it will provide.
looks great, they should implement it this way. even though the weapon sway makes me a little bit sick
would it be possible to implement it like in the black mesa hl2 mod? see screenshot
voting up for toggle lock
uploaded mine too, hope it helps
switching off the motor should not happen automatically when exiting a vehicle.
makes things more flexible
i spend a lot of thoughts on this topic too.
and i fully agree that there are so many key bindings available that it's pretty hard to stay above everything. and at this point there are still possible options which can be added.
but: only because there are so many key binding options available doesn't mean you have to use all of them (there are a bunch of options i do not use, for example i only use 'k' to toggle my compass not needing to hold it or double tap it)
in general, just removing certain key bindings without really thinking about it or combining two present key bindings might upset a lot of people.
if it would be up to myself i'd rather redesign the current key binding option menu (especially adding help / info text to most of the key bindings)
redesigning the menu could help you get ahead of the complexity without upsetting other players.
also, i create a ticket on adding custom presets which could help out too.
i'll probably create a new issue requesting a redesign of the key binding menu
just use the -nosplash option, here it works
use the path (according to your setup) to create a desktop icon, don't use the "create desktop icon" from the steam open since this will only start arma by using the steam id which will be the same as launching it directly through steam.
the shortcut should point directly to the arma3.exe so you are launching the exe rather than through steam.
"D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe" -cpucount=8 -world=empty -nosplash -skipintro
this should help you out
isn't this intended since only a explosive specialist knows how to use these tools correctly?
same issue
still not fixed btw.
had the same issue recently in the off-road car
completely holstering your weapon (not just lowering it) would be nice, like in Operation Flashpoint.
I'd consider adding an additional key rather than an entry in the action menu, but that's up to the devs anyway
the distance i can run fully loaded is okay or even a little bit to far.
but definitely too short when carrying nothing except clothes (no west, no helmet) and pistol.
i encountered this problem in some custom missions
Adding / enhancing animations would be great but would also consume a lot of time compared to just removing the fade effect (in order to try how it would do without)
me neither, it's good to access the GL quickly but with this setup it would be even faster since i do not have to cycle through a fire mod.
+ holding F doesn't have a function anyway
well, since there is no option to access the optics only while holding down a button, you could consider this issue as a feature request
only because some people are fine with the current keymapping, the devs should implement the ability to add mousewheel + modifier combinations + somthing like "Stance Up" and "Stance Down" additionally to "Adjust"
in general: the option control menu should support binding combinations like mousewheel up + shift, etc.
as long as you can disable them like motion blur i'm fine with it
apparently not every time. i recently had this issue where red messages popped up saying "no package received for XX seconds" but the game was still running fine, i could hear my time mates via VOIP/VON (ingame of course not teamspeak). And after about 50 seconds of messages everything was fine without any kind of lag in between like nothing actually happened.
i tried some things out and i got a possible idea / feature how somebody could reintegrate the combat pace:
if you spawn in and start moving, you move like you are not in combat pace, average speed with lowered gun.
if you hit fire (prim. mouse button) while walking, you enter combat pace and stay in it until you start sprinting (or just tap shift)
+ if you hit fire while sprinting, you enter combat pace
this way there is no additional key need, it would be integrated in your movement.
i like the idea of accessing the combat pace mode through running + fire attempt.. not sure if it works out but i'd definitely give it a try.
about your second idea, i'm still waiting for a small stance indicator which also gives you information about which stand you are currently in (normal, walk, combat pace)
was there even an option to sprint crouched in arma 2. maybe i don't remember it correctly but i think sprinting in arma 2 always makes you stand up
this problem gets really annoying when using 2xW to start sprinting
i'm not able to alter the difficulty in any way.. neither difficulty options .. nor change the difficulty for editor missions / showcase missions.
am i doing it wrong?
if i could carry one rifle and a launcher why not 2 rifles :P
hot keys are available
couldn't reproduce with main weapon or pistol, but right clicking the binocular did not do anything, i had to drag it all the way to the slot in order to pick it up (NV worked just fine)
an option for this would be great.
3rd person might not be realistic but there is a huge different between real life (having 2 eyes) and the arma first person view..
the fov is just to small on a normal computer monitor compared to real life conditions. the 3rd person view counters that part
I just spawned in a fire team with me as leader, an empty ground vehicle and an empty chopper. I can issue commands like forward / backward / stop /.. inside the ground vehicle, but while in the chopper..
This could be added so i can direct the pilot of the chopper directly (including ascending and descending).
As mentioned: in addition to this an extended command menu would be nice...
the problem might be that this implies a complete redesign of the command menu, since it's 'full' at the moment... or you just add an additional sub menu (like for dividing a squad into colored sub teams)
i think goldblaze has a very good point.. since there are no negative effects (in general) we could consider them as standard gear.. no need to add them as an extra item
just allow the players to have all possible combinations with their mouse keys / wheel and modifier keys
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Mousewheel Up
(can't image what this would be useful for but give 'em the possibility to do this please)
i really like the idea of having a key (eg left shift) toggle combat pace upon clicking and temp. walking upon holding ^^
the action menu needs to be redone anyway.
there was a nice idea to a related issue:
clearly one thing that is currently missing
would be great if the optics are kept in center while changing the elevation.
i don't care where the muzzle of my gun is anyway while using the GL