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[Feature Request / Idea] different walk speeds
Reviewed, LowPublic


the new combat pace mod is nice, but cause some issues as you can clearly see compared to walking, running, sprinting, ...

additionally having keybindings for all these movement types can get quite complex. in the end i oft think to myself this issue wouldn't be that complex on a controller (pointing at the analog stick).

in the old days when splinter cell was ported to PC they had a nice idea to "port" the analog stick, which could also be used in Arma

You got your normal keymapping WASD to walk around, you can change movement speed at anytime by using your mousewheel... and there were about 5-7 different speeds, starting from really slow walking up to sprinting.

it's just an idea since it would give an even finer movement to Arma. Conflicts with the action menu could be resolved easily i think.


Legacy ID
Feature Request

Event Timeline

W4RH4WK edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 4 2013, 2:47 AM
W4RH4WK edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
W4RH4WK set Category to Feature Request.
W4RH4WK set Reproducibility to N/A.
W4RH4WK set Severity to Feature.
W4RH4WK set Resolution to Open.
W4RH4WK set Legacy ID to 3679222576.May 7 2016, 1:25 PM
Zonr_0 added a subscriber: Zonr_0.May 7 2016, 1:25 PM
Zonr_0 added a comment.Apr 4 2013, 3:19 AM

I disagree. I feel like such a system would actually be less intuitive while removing useful features of the current implementation.

Crassus added a subscriber: Crassus.May 7 2016, 1:25 PM

I don't believe there were "5-7" walking speeds in Splinter Cell, or at least the very first Splinter Cell, but I agree, it would be an outstanding feature. Movement speed was controlled by mousewheel also in Hidden & Dangerous 2.