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- Mar 7 2013, 5:13 PM (628 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
Duplicate of #87.
It's a very widespread misconception that a 64bit game executable will somehow magically improve a game's performance compared to the 32bit version. Hence, requests like this one pop up frequently for pretty much every game.
As far as I'm concerned this ticket can be closed, but I'll leave it up to the devs.
Could the physics simulation level play a role here?
Duplicate of #87.
Duplicate of #87.
Duplicate of #15.
Seems this was resolved. :)
Closing as dupe. :)
Pointless ticket. Closing.
Duplicate of #87. Also, please only write in english.
Duplicate of #87.
Closing on request.
Manual landing requested here: #70
Satellites (incl. imaging) requested here: #30
Sand/dust storms requested here: #45
I removed the duplicate elements of the ticket and edited the ticket title to reflect the actual content.
Btw. I would recommend creating a separate ticket for each suggestion in future, since it makes it easier for the devs to find and keep track of.
Duplicate of #15.
Duplicate of #87. Also, please use descriptive ticket titles.
Sodori, even if the symptoms of your problem are slightly different, the root issue is still the same one: rover landings are bugged. Having multiple tickets for the same issue just with different symptoms is unnecessary.
Duplicate of #18.
Duplicate of #15.
May 10 2016
T'was a pointless comment anyway.
Not necessarily a dupe but probably related. I've marked it accordingly.
@Digital-Soldier: Lose the attititude. The down-vote function exists for a reason.
Post deleted.
Duplicate of #12065.
Closing as duplicate.
Duplicate of #15087.
Please search before posting.
Hatches confirmed jittery and silent in current dev build. Marking as reviewed.
Removed irrelevant info regarding player anims from ticket.
Split ticket into two separate ones. (For sound and animation.)
There are already multiple tickets on silencers that cover the mentioned issue.
This is intentional, so not a bug. See dev build changelog.
Duplicate of #16412
Closing as duplicate.
Duplicate of #20231.
Please search before posting.
Closing in favor of original (#7043) to preserve upvotes.
Closing as duplicate.
Duplicate of #2048.
No actual bug reported.
Please file only one report per ticket and search before posting. Duplicates will be closed.
Reported long ago, feature coming in Heli DLC.
Confirmed in latest dev build.
Edited title to avoid confusion. (Title sounded like akimbo pistols request. ;D)
Kilroy is correct - if #1580 is implemented, this issue would also be fixed. Therefore, closing as duplicate.
See #12760.
Duplicate of #586. Please search before posting.
The devs are looking into it. Btw. can you provide some more info on your hardware setup?
For me personally, there is also an FPS drop with RotorLib but it is barely noticable (generally around 4-5 fps). It may be dependent on your CPU speed.
Duplicate of #20194.
Duplicate of #15087.
Unable to reproduce in dev version. Please check mods etc.
I'll take your word for it. ;)
Closing as duplicate.
Duplicate of #290.
Dupe of #19701. Transferring status and assignment there.
Not happening.
Still true in latest dev.
Duplicate of #20194.
Inherited status and dev assignment from duplicate ticket.
Mod issue, needs to be fixed by mods.
Closing in favor of assigned ticket: #20215.
Apparently a non-issue.
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Closing as duplicate.
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Closing as duplicate.
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Mass closing tickets marked as resolved more than 1 month ago.
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Ticket re-opened, because apparently it is not actually resolved.
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Mass closing tickets marked as resolved more than 1 month ago.
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Mass closing tickets marked as resolved more than 1 month ago.
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