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- User Since
- Jun 9 2015, 6:52 AM (507 w, 6 d)
Oct 2 2017
I'm still seeing the warning message in the arma3server*.rpt file as of version 1.76.142872.
disableChannels settings cease to work when leaving/rejoining mission in version 1.76.142872.
Mar 20 2017
This is still an issue in version 1.68.140908.
Feb 11 2017
This warning message is still appearing in version 1.68.140365 RC01. Integrity of game cache was verified.
Jan 31 2017
@Triton101, could you use the Arma 3 Launcher to prepare a troubleshooting report and then upload the report to the feedback tracker for the developers to review? This report is different from the launcher logs that you have attached.
@mickeymen, this issue has already been reported: T121926. Please search before submitting a new issue.
Jan 29 2017
@ramazanyusuf, can you attach the files by dragging and dropping rather than pasting a wall of text to scroll through?
Jan 28 2017
Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 00007265
@CptGooch, does the crash occur only when playing the Abeloth.V1d (Altis Life) mission? Would you be able to try playing an official multiplayer scenario such as End Game or Zeus and see if the game still crashes?
@Alwin, I think ArmanetReaver is referring to the M320 LRR .408 which, according to Internet Movie Firearms Database, is the CheyTac M200 in real-life.
Jan 27 2017
Reference another task by entering its ID; not the full URL.
Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 021502FB
Jan 26 2017
@InfraRedLXIX, was an arma3.bidmp file also generated? If so then please attach that too, for the developers.
Jan 24 2017
@Jones1183, try the below possible solutions one-by-one:
Jan 22 2017
@corbindallas, try the below possible solutions one-by-one:
@InfraRedLXIX, try the below possible solutions one-by-one:
Jan 21 2017
@simp1yhotmailcouk, what version of the game and what branch did this issue occur on? You can use the Arma 3 Launcher to copy the information to the clipboard.
Jan 20 2017
@suga, try uploading to a free file sharing service such as Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive,, and so forth, and then link to the report file.
14:41:20 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
@aurora113, try the below possible solutions one-by-one:
Jan 19 2017
Which brake are you using, @Lex? There is the brake activated by S and the hand brake activated by X when using the default controls. I assume you are using X because otherwise the engine would turn on again.
Nobody expected the Spanish Inquisition to submit a crash report.
Okay. Fair enough.
@dimitriustraa, try all of the possible solutions listed for 0xC0000005 - ACCESS_VIOLATION on the Arma 3 Unusual process exit article on the Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki.
@Rhythian, try the below possible solutions one-by-one:
Jan 18 2017
@mohamed117, try the below possible solutions one-by-one:
Jan 17 2017
@seethingword, try the possible solutions listed here for 0x00000001 – UNABLE_TO_INIT_DXGI.
@JUMPSLICK, do the latest profiling branch updates still not help? Please provide more crash dumps for the developers.
Jan 16 2017
You're welcome. As you have already submitted a report (T122832) it is just a matter of waiting for the developers to acknowledge and respond to it. They do have quite a number of other tickets to address.
Latest arma3.rpt looks okay. I am not sure what else to suggest.
Jan 15 2017
@Falcone97, does the game crash only when entering servers that run the Exile mod?
@MOR, on what version and branch of the game does this issue occur? You can use the Arma 3 Launcher to copy the info to the clipboard.
Jan 14 2017
By "Observer" you must be referring to the spectator.
Yes, I did "rad" your first line. You didn't link to the SITREP in question so I did.
@jmayr2000, please try the below possible solutions:
Jan 13 2017
@makkyzr, that's it.
@TheSaltySilver and @makkyzr, what version and branch of the game are you two using? Use the Arma 3 Launcher to copy the info to the clipboard. Could you two also prepare and attach a troubleshooting report below?
@Rise4, would you be able to provide some screenshots as well as the version and branch you are using? The latter can be obtained from the Arma 3 Launcher.
@Underwood, does the game crash when playing in single player or on official multiplayer modes?
@KichiroGaming, two of the three arma3.rpt files that you have provided are from an out-of-date version of Arma 3 (1.64.138497). The latest arma3.rpt file shows that mods are loaded. Could you make sure all mods are unloaded and try again?
Jan 12 2017
I was able to erratically reproduce this issue with a Titan MPRL Compact using the steps that @Deranged provided. Mission was: Custom_KingOfTheHill_by_Sa-Matra_for_TEAMREVOLT
Jan 11 2017
Jan 10 2017
@Electricleash, does the crash still occur after restarting your computer and verifying the integrity of the game cache for Arma 3?
For reference: SITREP #00176.
@milo9393, please use the Arma 3 Launcher to prepare a troubleshooting report and then upload the report to the feedback tracker for the developers to review.
Jan 9 2017
@deathcracker66, try the below possible solutions one-by-one:
@swtx, is this issue occurring in the latest stable, development, or other game branch?
== "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe" -noSplash -window -name=Arrow10w -cpuCount=2 -exThreads=2 -high -maxMem=2047 -noPause -noSplash -world=empty -mod=
@DanielNL, does this issue occur on missions other than CCGwasteland1?
@Ryan.w14, copy the Arma 3 and Arma 3 - Other Profiles folders and paste them somewhere else such as in a folder called Arma 3 Profile Backups.
Jan 8 2017
@Lorenzodesmo, try the below possible solutions one-by-one:
@Hanjin, try the below possible solutions one-by-one:
@ConnorTW, those report files are identical.
@scubascott05, I cannot see any arma3.rpt or other crash files in the reports that you have attached. Are there any files in the following directory?
@HorribleGoat, based on that screenshot you are using a mod or mods. Are you able to reproduce this issue without any mods loaded?
@adamcr21, try the below possible solutions one-by-one:
@TheMightyArrow, try the below possible solutions one-by-one:
@darkdozy, I have not managed to reproduce this issue. I have successfully completed that showcase about a dozen times with different outcomes on versions 1.66.139586 (main) and 1.66.139792 (profiling).
[...] (I have tried every "Common Exit Code" things.)
i have tryed evey fix that on the wiki to fix it
Jan 7 2017
@Giggaflop, could you please edit your comment by replacing the wall of text with an attached file? To add files, drag and drop them into the comment text area.
Jan 6 2017
@Ryan.w14, does the crash occur when playing single player?
I just tried gunning in that VTOL and it was not particular hard to hit buildings whilst the AI pilot constantly banked. A gunner in any moving aircraft will have difficulty hitting their targets if the aircraft is constantly changing its velocity. You may simply need a better pilot.
Hello again, @wENNER_WINNER.
@F27Sharps, I do not understand what you mean. Perhaps try using screenshots to illustrate your report.
@F27Sharps, would you be able to provide comparison screenshots of how the landing gear currently and should look like?
@Prydz, try switching to and playing on the profiling or development game branch. After downloading new data verify the integrity of the game cache. Note that the development branch may contain large and frequent updates, and you will only be able to play online multiplayer on a limited number of test servers. Development branch changelog.
@XENONFFM, does the game crash when playing single player or other multiplayer missions?
Jan 5 2017
@Darkstar387, try the below possible solutions one-by-one:
@arcticequine and @reschke, a couple of questions:
@makohmb, try restarting your computer and then verifying the integrity of the game cache for Arma 3.
@nmot5945, posting some of the contents from an arma3.rpt file does not help and only creates a wall of text to scroll past.
@kuch3n, a couple of questions.
Jan 4 2017
Updating to the latest version of Arma 3 may help too.
@Sgt.Smile, try the below possible solutions one-by-one:
I still cannot reproduce this issue. I tried on co40 Domination! Blufor [3.64e].
@Sgt.Smile, please attach the file (drag and drop) rather than pasting a wall of text.
@wENNER_WINNER, does this crash occur when playing single player or other multiplayer games?
Jan 3 2017
@Carried, could you submit launcher logs for the developers to review? This can be done in a similar method to preparing a troubleshooting report.
@RazersEdge, does this occur with the same save file or any save file?
@RazersEdge, what version of Arma 3 are you running? You can find this by opening the Arma 3 Launcher, clicking OPTIONS, and then clicking the version information.
-games crash sometimes only now, after the solution mentioned in the previous report.
@LordThunderGamer, there are no arma3.rpt files in that report file that you have linked. If you go to the below directory are there any arma3.rpt, arma3.bidmp, or arma3.mdmp files? If yes then please archive (zip) and upload them for the developers to review.