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- Mar 22 2013, 9:05 AM (626 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
You are right. I apologize. It just sucks that someone would down vote something they don't have to use if they don't want.
You guys are really smart and I the feeble learner. Thank you for your help.
Thank you guys for your friendly interest in the problem I am having. In the editor I place a supply truck and in the Ini field I place:
clearWeaponCargo this; clearMagazineCargo this; clearItemCargo this; this addMagazineCargo ["200Rnd_65x39_cased_Box_Tracer", 40]; this addMagazineCargo ["NLAW_F", 25]; this addMagazineCargo [oCharge_Remote_Mag];
This is to support the custom load out we are starting with. When I start the game and my friend joins, I can see the custom inventory in the supply truck as I have placed above but he can only see what comes stock. None of the custom inventory I place in the supply truck shows for him.
This happens in all the missions I create but never did when I edited in Arma 2 and I have done so for many years. It should also be noted I am using 2 scripts in my mission folder. "ATA Airdrop" and a "Revive" script. I wonder if it is possible that they are somehow interfering.
Lastly "Takehomethecup," I did not know there was "non global commands" in the init. field. I have never heard or used that.
Well That was an original inquiry for me as well. How many are too many? To reiterate, I have placed so many on prior missions where the "Preview" button became unavailable until I deleted some units and it came back and I was able to preview. We really need some kind of way to compare the limit to the actual units placed to see if we are under the amount and our mission will in fact work.
O.K. I attached the file. When you start the mission tell the AI to hold fire. Then go out into the town and walk around. The AI do not fire at you.
Adding to your comment Patton18th. It happened to me to once after re spawning. AI were firing. we were in battle and were both killed. We re-spawned back at base and upon returning to the Area of engagement, the AI stopped firing.
Good Question. Yes I have. and other missions are still working, But,,, I have had other missions do the same thing. Also, I discovered in Arma 2 that if you placed something in the editor and then deleted it, it would still be documented in the mission file even though it was not on the map. I know this because I added a mod that a coop friend did not have so rather than him go get it, I deleted it from the map and he still could not play until I copied and pasted everything (less the unit I had deleted)into a new map and saved it and he could play. I mention this because I believe that your mission file retains units in it even though you have deleted them although I could be wrong. That being said, in a prior mission where the AI did not fire I had to delete and delete and then copy the remaining units into a new mission and save it to get the enemy AI to fire again. I would like to know if too many units is casing this. If you put too many Opfor, the preview button greys out and you cannot preview but if you place too many of a variety of units you can still preview but enemy AI stop firing. This understanding has come with a lot of testing and if correct, how many is too many and where can I get a running count? I have another mission where only about 1/2 the AI fire back and the others just walk around but never fire. It is frustrating to spend all that time building a mission that does not work.
am HD 7970 on 3 monitors. I am also running Catalyst 13.4 my spect are
System Information
Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.130318-1533) Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: System manufacturer
System Model: System Product Name BIOS: BIOS Date: 08/02/11 14:36:59 Ver: 08.00.15 Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 960 @ 3.20GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.2GHz Memory: 24576MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 24568MB RAM
Page File: 5800MB used, 43331MB available Windows Dir: C:\Windows DirectX Version: DirectX 11
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
User DPI Setting: Using System DPI
System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 32bit Unicode
Any thoughts?
Please tell me what software I need to take video for this and I will take it from there. I tried using Replay Video Capture but it did not work. Thanks.
I am having the same issue. Related issue above. Sorry to double report.
It takes time for the corpse to disappear to the other player. It doesn't happen right away. It could be as much as 15 min. later when my partner returns to where the team was when one of us got killed. I am wondering if it has anything to to with his PC and or Video performance. Like the game is cleaning corpses more quicker for performance reasons. Not sure. Just a guess. I can post the mission we are playing if you want but we have a community based addon. Its a radar from Arma II but it works In Arma III. It is our target.
As I mentioned above, I would update if this occurred again after the update. Well, it did last night. I was hosting. My mate was killed. He flew back to meet up with us after spawning back at base. I could see an allied body on the ground next to an Inlaw he was carrying. He could see the inlaw laying there but not the body laying right next to it.
We just updated to 0.54.103957 today. We will look for the glitch to happen again and I will report if so. When it did happen, I was hosting.
I look for the issue before I report but do not always manage to fine it already reported on. I guess I am not typing the exact phrases when searching before posting. Sorry for duplicating.
It is. Sorry to double report. Moderator... You may delete this report. The related report above is the exact same problem.
Rather than adding a new post, I decided to simply add to a post I already reported. There is just an overall glitch with gear. As I noted above, because you cannot just trade gear with team mates, tonight I put an INLAW round in a chopper for my team mate. He got in the chopper to get it and it was there but when he grabbed it, is vanished. This always happens and in various ways. Various gear disappears in various ways. Has been a real problem for us.
Same thing happened to me many times and I have to do different things to get control back again.
I have a high end system and to be honest, My PC chokes playing Arma 3. Especially when there are several AI in a scene and explosions. It is so annoying. This is not working out. And the frame rates suck. Skip skip, skip, when the action heats up. It is almost a disaster and I am running:
Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.130318-1533) Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: System manufacturer
System Model: System Product Name BIOS: BIOS Date: 08/02/11 14:36:59 Ver: 08.00.15 Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 960 @ 3.20GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.2GHz Memory: 24576MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 24568MB RAM
Page File: 5800MB used, 43331MB available Windows Dir: C:\Windows DirectX Version: DirectX 11
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
User DPI Setting: Using System DPI
System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 32bit Unicode Card name: AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series Manufacturer: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Chip type: AMD Radeon Graphics Processor (0x6798) DAC type: Internal DAC(400MHz) Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_6798&SUBSYS_0B001002&REV_00 Display Memory: 4095 MB Dedicated Memory: 3037 MB Shared Memory: 1058 MB
I just added a photo of a real HAND HELD propeller. But For A3 it needs to have a light on the front for night ops and possibly a water proof chamber for carrying a better gun you can assemble once on land.
YEA. Give us this..
Oh. Sorry to report then. In the dark about the patches. Do we have to manually download and install the patch or is steam taking care of that?
Thank you for you help. Some info you may or may not find helpful. I went to Steam and my settings were set to auto update however the patch only just began to download. This is because there is an Arma 3 launcher on my desktop that I use to launch the game therefore never launching Steam to play the game. It was only after following your directions above that I launched Steam and the patch began to auto download.
O.K. Maybe not a good idea.
Another brief note. This class modifier can be eliminated in the case of a group spawn. You get it at the game start but if you are killed, the modify is taken away for that game as many times in a group spawn you end up spawning as another class. It would also implement an additional small penalty for dying.
Also the modifier should be helpful but not unrealistic.
I totally agree. In Flashpoint Dragon Rising, The vehicles were so fun to drive. Especially the dune buggies. Sometimes we spent all night just driving around and or racing because the physics were so real. Speed, power, suspension, etc. In A3 the vehicles do not feel real. They get you from a to z but with as great as everything else in the game is, I have often wondered why the vehicles to not drive or feel as believable as everything else does in the game.
I would like to update my post from yesterday. I did not have this problem today. I was playing a different mission than yesterday but not sure that has anything to do with it.
Happened to me too. I was just target practicing and my team mate target practiced on me the punk. It was an empty GMG.
This is Very true. Me and my mates have always complained about this since we started playing Arma years back. Please Please fix this. I am sure everyone in the community agrees. Either left or right mouse button should raise the binoculars to your eyes.
Temporary binos key might be O.K. too. Press and hold to use Binos. Release to go back to weapon. Then players could chooses how they like to use them.
I could not agree with this post more. This is frikin irritating for reasons all of you know. And YES..... Arma 2 had "Revert." What is so difficult in adding it to Arma 3? And to make matters worse, you cannot just quit without saving to restart later from your last save.. "SAVE AND QUIT" is the only choice you have. How stupid Bohemia. 1 step forward, 2 steps back it would seem. Here is a temporary but time consuming and irritating work around. If you come to a place in your mission where you would like to revert, Cnt + Alt + Delete and close the program from system manager. Then restart the game and resume your mission. It will pick up from your last save.
I don't know about you guys, but they drove it home in operation flashpoint dragon rising. We had so much fun driving the dune biggies because they felt so real. Torque, speed, suspension. There were nights where me and my mates just races duners all night. If they got it right there, why not hear. The Atv's especially drive like crap. No sense of connection or realism and not fun to drive at all.
I like it. It tells me the medic is finally doing his job after several failed attempts to order him to heal someone.
May 9 2016
You are right. I apologize. It just sucks that someone would down vote something they don't have to use if they don't want.
Yes. AND I don't know about everybody else but the footsteps sound silly on pavement. Not realistic at all.
I could not agree more. How unrealistic and frustrating it is that a guy who set one or more bombs dies a team mate should of course be able to go to his body and detonate the bombs. That is how it would be. It almost seems that any one who would vote no on this just enjoys being stupid.
I upvote this all the way. I have another posting regarding making more to do int he water. This is another problem. We always like to load extra gear when embarking on a mission. I made a mission where we infiltrate from the water. We started on the shore with ammo crates. We could not load any gear into the boats unfortunately and abandoned playing the mission.
We have major problems with this too. AI suck at driving. The worst example is when I occupy a territory with enemy, I like to place vehicles with a search and destroy way-point covering a large area. That way, I don't even know where they will be. I am not kidding, when we play the mission, over 75 to 80 percent of all the vehicles are stuck on rocks by the time we get there. This is so unrealistic. In an entire war there might be 1 fool who gets there vehicle stuck. In Arma 3 that all get stuck. It is a disaster.
The change was both rewarding and disappointing in my opinion. It appears the animation was improved and does look more realistic. The slowed speed is disappointing both when getting the heck out of somewhere and also I noticed while carrying a launcher. I am on the side of those who desire a little more speed. I'll tell you. If bullets were wizzing by my head in real life, adrenalin would cause me to run really frickin fast.
In my opinion, the speed in which he runs is fine and I am glad that the hill has to be much steeper to cause you to not be able to run than in A2. I really think the problem (without having read all the posts above) is with the animation itself. It is just the walk animation played really fast and this looks unrealistic. When someone runs, they lean farther forward and take longer strides. Their entire posture changes and this was not done for the run animation in Arma 3. Again, its just the walk animation seeded up. We laughed about this cuz it looks funny. As beautiful as this game is they should not have cut corners on their animations.
I would like to add another note. This happened to me again tonight and again when looking thru both the inlaw and the rpg scope it was showing me my rifle scope. Well this really sucks because then neither of the launchers will lock onto anything with it showing my rifle scope.
Me Too. Same problem. Also Tonight when I went to the optics in the RPG it kept me looking thru my rifle scope even though I had the RPG in my hand.
Sorry. Vote down on this. Keep your medic safe and alive.
I am having problems with AI following orders also. I will tell the team to regroup and only some will regroup. I verified I had them all selected. This happened over and over again. Sometimes I went to the map and selected each one by one and ordered them to move and they would if I selected and commended them individually most of the time. Finally by the end of our session, one of the team members would no longer move at all.
On a side but possibly important note, in A2 I discovered that in some of the longer missions, the Ai's ability to follow commands would degenerate the farther you progresses in the mission to the point of all AI being totally confused and no longer following any orders. I thing something similar may be happening here cuz the farther we go in this mission "Escape from Stratis," the more frequent the AI orders are not being followed.
The game is just too frikin hard to play the way it is. That is all I do is adjust settings to try to find a sweet spot and it never comes. Truthfully, A2 was funner to play so far regarding the shooting itself. There is a guy right in front of me and I cannot frikin hit him. shot after shot, fighting the stupid gun (mouse) while the dude runs off. Not fun. FRUSTRATING.... Shooting really does suck in this game. TOTALLY..
@oldirty... I agree with you very much. The truth is, if you pull back a second from trying to pin down the precise cause of the problem, overall,,, IT JUST DOESN'T"T FEEL RIGHT. We have been playing each night for over a week now and I still cannot get comfortable with firing. This has never happened before. I have always sank into a comfort level and feel of a weapon in every shooter I have played, including A2 but in A3 I cannot get my shooting dialed in. It doesn't feel right and I cannot stay on target.
I would guess they did this to implement a successive reward the lower your stance. I have noticed the lower my stance the more stable the weapon is so the reverse is true. The higher your stance the less stable your weapon. With all the stances by the time you are standing the recoil is in fact unrealistically unstable.
This is an issue I wrote down to complain about as well. The recoil itself is fine but when the recoil is finished, your weapon is aiming way high above your target rather than resting back on your target. This makes shots too hard to stay on target. I though this was terrible when I first fired the weapons.
I had a squad stop indefinably also but did not equate it to someone injured. Hmm. I reported it too cuz it was frustrating that the AI team wasn't keeping up. I had to tell them over and over again to regroup. Finally I had to look ahead and keep telling them to "move there.
I already up voted this but I wanted to comment again. We LOATHE motion blur.
Cannot agree more. The motion Blur is very annoying to the point of never wanting to move or shoot from the hip cuz you cannot see. The naked eye does not work like this and it makes the game annoying that you cannot see when you move.
I Like it. We are in for this too. Good Idea. The game makers want to increase the possibilities then they should do this.
I am having this problem too. All my inputs are delayed severely. I have a high end system so that should not be the problem. I thought maybe that the developer was trying to compensate for weapon weight but it is really annoying to get on target.
Yes. This happens to us ALL THE TIME!!
I had a stretching neck too before getting on a quad. My neck literally stretched until it was about 4 feet. long. Then I was standing on the quad while riding it. not sitting.
This happened to me too. Every time an AI Team mate was killed, My Avatar kept asking for "Report Status. Do you read..." Over and Over until the killed teammate re spawned.
Thank you. I Definitely vote this up. We have complained about the compass size frequently.
I was for this idea as well but daddaflex is correct. there is already (2) addons available in armaholic for this.
Daddaflex is also right in suggesting that BI work on other things at this point based in a stance indicator already being available as an addon.
Fbiss. Scoggs is correct. I am not a "noob" as the "Oh so great ones" love to throw around and I would prefer it as well. Scoggs is also correct in the fact that if you do not like it. Turn it off. Some of us more intellectually challenged stupid people are not as high, mighty and great as the lucky ones who think they have all the brains.
Then make so you can turn on or off for those who vote no. I understand that some do not want the hud cluttered but in real life you know what your body position is due to your nervous system. This cannot be conveyed thru the game when you are in firs person. Some of you pro's may be able to remember but give us mentally challenged people a break. I forget because I get engulfed in other things. I up-voted this already.
Good point. Many times i stay in third person when I want to be in first just to know what stance I am in.
Yea. crosshair on the IR screen missing for us too. Have to go to 3rd person to fire the gun. Bummer. Hope they fix.