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Arma 3 Activity
Aug 19 2024
Aug 18 2024
Aug 17 2024
In T183738#2654410, @clairemiller069 wrote:Try fully restarting the mission instead of loading from a previous save. This may reset the AI behavior and prevent the squad leader from getting stuck in the looping pattern. Additionally at Expertsmind, ensure that no mods are running, as they could be affecting the mission. If the problem persists, consider replaying the mission from the campaign selection screen after finishing it once.
Try fully restarting the mission instead of loading from a previous save. This may reset the AI behavior and prevent the squad leader from getting stuck in the looping pattern. Additionally at Expertsmind, ensure that no mods are running, as they could be affecting the mission. If the problem persists, consider replaying the mission from the campaign selection screen after finishing it once.
Update: this happened yet again even though I thought the restart fixed it, instead the squad leader does the same thing but in the middle of town after clearing it, deciding that the squad needs to get some more exercise in and has them running up and down a short stretch of the main road.
Aug 16 2024
Another thing regarding the windows virus. According to Epics forums, these virus blocks are false flags. Epic has created some files for the Unreal engine that mimic the same behavior as malware, but they are safe according to them. But they recommend disabling the windows AV when you install the editor.
Aug 15 2024
ammo_box addWeaponCargo ["MineDetector", 1]
-> MineDetector has no weight and can be equipped as secondary weapon.
Aug 14 2024
If you're ok with alternatives, you can try OpenTrack instead. I think it also has a TrackIR output mode.
Some mod is deleting a magazine inside a Reload eventhandler.
Bug was fixed 2 months ago, and is available on profiling branch (Which you can select in the steam beta branches settings)
It will also be fixed with next game update
Sorry, here it is.
Those are not the required files. I'd expect a Report zip file. Containing RPT and .mdmp crash files
Uploading the required files. Crashing only in this configuration.
When shadows are to be drawn. The game needs to render objects that are not inside field of view, because objects outside of it, might throw shadows into the visible area.
So what it did on max shadow view distance, was render all objects in 3km radius, even if they are not visible to player. Because they might show shadows. That code forgot to check if shadows are even enabled.
Aug 13 2024
@BIS_fnc_KK thanks for this!
Only happens when you really spam it. Opening the map while the fade-in from closing the map isn't done yet.
Note: message insert crash, memory corruption, Schaer
The repro is identical, just change the vehicle and class in init.sqf. If you still want another ticket, I'll do it.
No repro, ping me if wrong.
No repro, closing. Ping me if you have some working repro
Initial issue was about mortar, if same is with tank then new ticket with repro
Aug 12 2024
It builds on its predecessors by improving context management and delivering more refined responses. [[ |doramas flix
Arma 3 Launcher Exception Log
Thanks for clarifying.
Is there any chance that it could be updated to return false when it's not capable, despite not being part of the original intent/design?
I know this bug. But I don't know why it happens. We've had reports for over 2 years and I cannot reproduce it. It doesn't happen to me.
Was caused by invalid start parameters. Something like -mod= that should have an argument, but doesn't.
First one
"Include file x\cba\addons\main\script_macros_common.hpp not found."
Missing mod.
ACE Mod implements rotating and moving and easier type selection.
Should be fixed next profiling branch, I have not tested it.
All that command does, is read
"vehicleTransportingDisabled" config entry or previously set via
It is a remoteExec for BIS_fnc_setTaskLocal.
The "mini"-dump doesn't contain enough information to see why this crashes.
It could be related to one bug that was already fixed on profiling branch. I'll assume that's the case
Also inconsistent, as scheduled scripts in general should have _thisScript. So you'd assume that if canSuspend, that you can access _thisScript too.
remoteExec and particle scripts and init.sqf and action scripts were also missing it.
To be able to detect when a current waypoint is changed or deleted when using Per frame handler / unscheduled for waypoint logic (in most performant way, could probably be done by checking currentWaypoint).
First crash.
Bug in mod that adds dbo_base_Cargo
That vehicle has no model.
Why do you need the _thisscript in here?
Aug 11 2024
Vehicle chat changes reverted due to alternative use cases for the channel Revision: 152113
I would also like to note that all other weapon sounds can be heard by other players: switching range on iron sight, switching fire selector. It seems that only the sounds of the bipod cannot be heard
Aug 10 2024
I think checking if input backpack was nil as a flag to keep old backpack would be the best solution here. Best backwards compatibility-wise.
Aug 9 2024
Aug 8 2024
@dedmen LGTM
Aug 7 2024
As far as I have been able to test in 2.17.152062, this now works as advertised.
As far as I have been able to test in 2.17.152062, this now works as advertised.
As far as I have been able to test in 2.17.152062, this now works as advertised.
Tested this on DEV and Profiling branches. Still reproducing the bug.
Aug 6 2024
In T182964#2648463, @DnA wrote:We've removed the use of & as a quick fix, does that work for you?
(can an & → & escape exist?)
I would like to ask again if it will be fixed?
There are already some updates for TB, more should come post 1.26 if I understand correctly. What about this one?