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Can't bind mouse buttons #4-#8 to Zeus controls
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Modified keybinds where user can use thumb mouse buttons (or any other mouse button, other than LMB, RMB and MMB), even as combo binds, are not detected by the game when player is in Zeus/Game Master interface. They work for any other action that does not involve being in Zeus interface.

To add more, custom keybinds that are introduced through CBA (like Wargame RTS mod does) also don't seem to support #4-#8 buttons if they are meant to be used in Zeus interface.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Zeus - General
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Create a scenario with player and a single Game Master module
  2. Edit Zeus keybinds so an action would invole pressing a #4-#8 mouse button, either combo or the button alone
  3. Preview the mission, open Zeus interface and try using your custom action.

(Additionally)4. Repeat steps 1-3 with any mod that has custom keybinds added through CBA and involves using Zeus interface (like Wargame RTS) and use that very bind.

Additional Information

I am 100% sure my thumb buttons work, I have several infantry and vehicle functions bound to them, so definitely not a user issue.

Event Timeline

honger created this task.Aug 10 2024, 8:17 PM
This comment was removed by LouMontana.