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Apr 14 2013, 8:51 AM (618 w, 5 h)

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May 10 2016

samogon edited Steps To Reproduce on T73771: Hit points,Missed Vest and Helmet.
May 10 2016, 6:51 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T73650: 9x21mm (Gyurza) not accurately represented..

this isn't bullet.Armor increased a pretty much.Characteristics is same as it was in ArmA1 with 9mm parabellum.But in Arma1 it's kills with one shot instead five. :(

Some example of this in code(Arma1):

		class HitHead {
			armor = 0.7;
			material = -1;
			name = "head_hit";
			passThrough = true;
		class HitBody {
			armor = 0.8;
			material = -1;
			name = "body";
			passThrough = true;
		class HitHands {
			armor = 0.5;
			material = -1;
			name = "hands";
			passThrough = true;
		class HitLegs {
			armor = 0.5;
			material = -1;
			name = "legs";
			passThrough = true;

And now ArmA3:

		class HitPoints {
			class HitHead {
				armor = 0.7*2.5;
				material = -1;
				name = "head";
				passThrough = 1.0;
				radius = 0.09;
				explosionShielding = 0.3;
			class HitBody {
				armor = 0.8*10;
				material = -1;
				name = "body";
				passThrough = 0.8;
				radius = 0.12;
				explosionShielding = 0.8;
				visual = "injury_body";
			class HitHands {
				armor = 0.5*5;
				material = -1;
				name = "hands";
				passThrough = 0.5;
				radius = 0.06;
				explosionShielding = 0.8;
				visual = "injury_hands";
			class HitLegs {
				armor = 0.5*5;
				material = -1;
				name = "legs";
				passThrough = 0.25;
				radius = 0.08;
				explosionShielding = 1;
				visual = "injury_legs";

This is about performance,about range,well depend what weapon you use,if this is pistol - range wouldn't be greater that ~25 meters(effective).For SMG - 50-100,but not more.Oh... if there will be 5.7 weapons...

May 10 2016, 6:47 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T73546: Add "heavy" variant of MX rifle - MX-H.

Well 6.5 is almost same as 7.62 in case of damage.But looks lighter.
I think it will matter if default ammo will be 5.56/7.62 like.
But anyway wote up.Current arsenal is very weak to me.ArmA2 had moar weapons AFAIK.

May 10 2016, 6:44 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T73546: Add "heavy" variant of MX rifle - MX-H.

In game this isn't work.5.56 have 8 points of damage,6.5 - 10,7.62 - 12 :)
Well,at least in config.And also any of them have almost same ballistic.
And also 6.5 in game isn't grendel.This is fictional caseless ammo.

May 10 2016, 6:44 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T72454: NVS and TWS sights doesn't have cqb holo/backup iron sight..

But they should.Even irons like on SOS,but they should be.Almost all advanced(Not 80th years tech) sights have backup sights.This is for realism sake.
As I said - Nightstalker have backup iron.NVS doesn't.But this is almost same models.About TWS,well imagene like that.

May 10 2016, 6:13 AM · Arma 3
samogon edited Steps To Reproduce on T72454: NVS and TWS sights doesn't have cqb holo/backup iron sight..
May 10 2016, 6:13 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T72330: Cannot view IFV Gorgon's inside interior for the gunner, commander and drivers seat.

Already created,check ArmA2 Czech Army DLC.

May 10 2016, 6:10 AM · Arma 3
samogon edited Steps To Reproduce on T72283: REDs armored vehicles have bad commander sight..
May 10 2016, 6:09 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T72278: M4/2S9 commander RCWS is overpowered..

Then I will use howitzer as main battle tank/fighting vehicle,because they can do this.

May 10 2016, 6:08 AM · Arma 3
samogon edited Steps To Reproduce on T72278: M4/2S9 commander RCWS is overpowered..
May 10 2016, 6:08 AM · Arma 3
samogon edited Steps To Reproduce on T72277: APFSDS-T shells are very weak..
May 10 2016, 6:08 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T71190: Amphibios vehicles stuck when change water to ground.

May 10 2016, 5:38 AM · Arma 3
samogon edited Steps To Reproduce on T71190: Amphibios vehicles stuck when change water to ground.
May 10 2016, 5:38 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T71063: Simulation/modeling fragments/shrapnel (grenades, shells, mine).

@AD2001 знаешь в чём большой плюс русского языка?Я могу сказать,что ты хуй,и ты этого не поймёш это. Попытка перевести через Google Translate,к ФСБ тебе вышлет отряд боевых медведей. :)

Well,on topic,bump up and vote up.It was in ACE mod for ArmA2.

May 10 2016, 5:34 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T71063: Simulation/modeling fragments/shrapnel (grenades, shells, mine).

Croatia huh?
Well as I said just send an squad of assault bears to Croatia. :)

May 10 2016, 5:34 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T70934: Add shotguns / XM-25.

Agree,there is missing some major classes of weapons and vehicles like:
1)Medium Machineguns
2)Light ATs(Lighter that NLAW in combat layout)
4)Weapon like XM-25(Yes,we saw screenshot),M32 another multishot grenade launchers.
5)Nothing like light vehicles,like S-ATV IRL.This heavier that quad ATV,but lighter that MRAP.
6)heavy aviation,like MV22 at all sides.Only Mohawk belong to Green army.
7)Mobile Arty and mortars.

Well,to much to do.I'm hope that's not release vehicles,just for future pre-release update.

May 10 2016, 5:29 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T70862: 6.5 mm damage too low.

5.56 have around 5 points of damage,6.5 - 10,7.62 - 12.
You really sure that this bullet underpowered?

May 10 2016, 5:27 AM · Arma 3
samogon edited Steps To Reproduce on T70715: Add bipod for DMRs(MXM/EBR).
May 10 2016, 5:22 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T70495: Stop "Balancing" and make it how it is in real life, its a SIMULATION!.

Future warfare,all sides are pretty strong.Well BLUFOR strong in air(Better choppers),OPFOR strong at ground(Better vehicles),Green army is weaker side(yet),but for old gen resistance they're fine.
Diffirence between weapon - not actually makes disbalance,well except my ticket about NLAW and RPG(In configs NLAW should work up to 600 meter,but actual range is ~1km*(For player,AI uses it correct),also for realism sake - RPG shall shoot up to 700 meters).

Well,I'm for balance,but not like COD,BF etc,where every weapon/vehicle 99% same.Balance is cool,but they should be assymetrical.Well one of reasons,why I don't play ArmA2 OA - heavy disbalance,even in infantry combat.If you wanna disbalance - you can create it in missions.Create a chopper,and village,full of AI infantry,and nobody will worry about it.But if such scenario will be PvP,well... ArmA3 would be forgotten soon.

I didn't vote,but Im just bump up your ticket.

May 10 2016, 5:15 AM · Arma 3
samogon edited Steps To Reproduce on T70465: Heli flares single flare mode isn't working.
May 10 2016, 5:13 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T70414: One Simple Question: Where are the freaking flashbangs?.

Well ACE will add flashbangs.
Not even sure that military use it,but anyway voteup.

May 10 2016, 5:12 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T70413: gasmasks and gas.

Not for modern military,but cool feature.
Teargas is an just a toy for military,mostly uses by police,some chemical weapon will be better,but eh,for modern combat UN banned this kind of weapon,same as flamethrowers.

May 10 2016, 5:11 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T70412: police special force.

Well I saw in configs TacVest with Police sign in.But they was written in Greek language.And yes dublicate.

May 10 2016, 5:11 AM · Arma 3
samogon edited Steps To Reproduce on T70400: PO-30 - camo variants.
May 10 2016, 5:11 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T70364: [DEV]PCML/RPG42 balance.

@InstaGoat,they uses Tandem and FAE warhead - PG32V is tandem,TBG32 - isn't tandem,this is FAE munition.FAE shell is a small... ->
well IRL test doens't penetrate any up armored vehicle.But well destroy unarmored vehicles like trucks or old gen HMMWV.Well - current MRAPs looks enough armored.Well,actually agree with another thing - both of this weapon are able to destroy tanks,but maximum that they can do - wheeled APCs or tracked by 2-4 shots.

And simple one:
1)This is tandem AT for RPG29(As you said as examle),they are penetrate M1A2 armor -
2)And this is FAE for RPG29,in Russia this kind of weapon called reactive flamethrower -

@ProGamer well,try to read,before write.With AI this weapon works fine,as they should,but in player hands they are pretty much disbalanced.And I don't care your opinion.upvote,downvote,who cares...

May 10 2016, 5:10 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T70364: [DEV]PCML/RPG42 balance.

@ProGamer,I don't care communuty opinion,matter only results.

Path of codes
MaxControlRange = 600; After range of 600 meters they fly like unguided.One of my evidence,that I'm right.
TimeToLife = 5.6;
How much time missile exist after launch,as result they may destroy targets as unguided rocket at distance up to 1km.If need proof,I can record video.This value should be change to blow up missile at range 600-650 meters.
maxSpeed = 140 if in m/s - this is fine
thrust = 0.01
thrust speed small,but in short time,init speed in CfgMagazines.This value responsable for ballistic,and they feeling like RPG7,not like RPG32.I think if increase it to 140 and....
thrustTime = 0.01//increase it al least a bit more that 1 second to allow to fly 160 meters directly.I other aspects - ballistic would not changes,no need to create new reticle.

If somebody doesn't trust - press ctrl+G in editor,ald lurk this(Don't forget about dev version).
hit = 100 direct hit damage is to high,they destroy MRAPs via 1 hit.This vehicles have enough armor to save the vehicle.20-30 will be fine,they shall destroy Zamak,and shall not destroy MRAPs and HEMTT.
indirectHit = 50
to much anyway should be same value as dirrect hit,maybe a bit smaller.
indirectHitRange =5Lethal range IRL,nobody will survive,but will be great to increase damage range,if they're exist.
aiRateOfFireDistance = 600;
Max distance that AI will engage targets.Another evidence,that I'm right:)

May 10 2016, 5:10 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T70364: [DEV]PCML/RPG42 balance.

Change some configs values isn't nessesary thing?
Im not even ask for write huge script,just change lifetime to 2.7(As result they're blow up,if target at longer distance,that 600 meters) seconds of missile and tweak speeds for RPG.Watch video below.

May 10 2016, 5:10 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T70364: [DEV]PCML/RPG42 balance.

Im not talking about able to disposable or not and I'm absolutely not interesting PvE in ArmA3.Im play only PvP missions.Mostly hardocore without respawn.
Players usually uses both weapons.Read post above,looks like you're missunderstand some points:

"Well read a ticket.Im talking only about balance between PCML and RPG.Lets see to default layout - BLUE Riflaman(AT) have PCML and 3 missiles.RED Rifleman AT have RPG42 and 3 Rockets.Blue can hit 3 MRAPs at distance up to 1km,even if they move.Red can do this only at 500 meters,also they should have very luck and high skill to do this,especially at moving targets."

May 10 2016, 5:10 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T70364: [DEV]PCML/RPG42 balance.

@micovery - thats why exist this tracket.
Same weapon,well... an NATO soldier with RPG32,or CSAT with PCML...

Also I saw PCML configs - AI will never uses NLAW at distances more that 600 meters.But player can do this.

May 10 2016, 5:10 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T70364: [DEV]PCML/RPG42 balance.

@ProGamer - the sides was balanced in ArmA1 well.
In ArmA3 factions became well balanced "with strong and weak sides".RAH-99 better that Mi48,while BTR-K better that IFV-6c.

Well read a ticket.Im talking only about balance between PCML and RPG.Lets see to default layout - BLUE Riflaman(AT) have PCML and 3 missiles.RED Rifleman AT have RPG42 and 3 Rockets.Blue can hit 3 MRAPs at distance up to 1km,even if they move.Red can do this only at 500 meters,also they should have very luck and high skill to do this,especially at moving targets.
For realism sake - NLAW are disposable,soldier can handle more that one rocket and distance is a lot smaller,that currently in game.RPG is shooting with RPG7 ballistic,RPG32 ballistic is a diffirent,they have pretty long direct hit distance.

May 10 2016, 5:10 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T70364: [DEV]PCML/RPG42 balance.

@InstaGoat I was tweak this RPGs(Mostly CfgAmmo) before well look at video
Start speed is 140 meters per second(504km/h) direct hit is around 160 meters,effective range is up to 700 meters,also much more reticle much more precise that current in DEV version.But in DEV version this isn't work,cuz changed memory point in RPGs model.

May 10 2016, 5:10 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T70364: [DEV]PCML/RPG42 balance.

@twistking -
See that orange barrel on the front side?This is warhead.They're directed to the bottom.Looks like they hit target always on top.

@ProGamer - ArmA1 was well balanced.And also not every scenario/MP mission have air support.Not every missions can even have ground vehicles,only infantry.Sometimes they are just simply useless(example - chopper/APC in fog).Well unlike ArmA2OA,where BLUEFOR have both air and ground superiority now they are weak at ground and strong in air.

May 10 2016, 5:10 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T70364: [DEV]PCML/RPG42 balance.

@Byku - well I think so not only for realism.Guided at 1km and unguided at 500m it's not so good.

@twistking - I doesn't like "Magic" guidance,but this is best possible way for ArmA.Real NLAW should hit target on the top,not on the side.Also real NLAW are disposable.Best possible way for them - reduce distance.Well I have no idea,how to create inertional guidance.They also should be disposable,but this is another story...

@ProGamer - Yes,current RPG have ballistics like on RPG7.
As you can see some targets was hit with angles,closer to direct hit.

And don't forget - war is unfair,game should be fair.You playing the game,diffirent that others mainstream,but still game.Looks like you forget it.Balance should be.Well NATO have air superiority,CSAT have ground - thats one of examples of balance.

May 10 2016, 5:10 AM · Arma 3
samogon edited Steps To Reproduce on T70364: [DEV]PCML/RPG42 balance.
May 10 2016, 5:09 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T70291: Guerilla Force.

May 10 2016, 5:07 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T69995: APCs can travel completely submerged underwater.

When you stay a lot of time underwater your engine become broken.
Actually some tanks may submerge and move underwater using special devices or for short time may without them.But I prefer to instant engine damaga to red in this situations.

May 10 2016, 4:56 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T69986: Interior of APC's.

Looks like every one want it.

May 10 2016, 4:55 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T69983: Auto Prone When Legs Are Broken.

Usually if you injured that much that you can't walk - you can not do that a few week to all rest your life.
Healing isn't realistic,same as leg ingures,but makes game uncomfortable,very slow walking as it now is a best possible way IMO.

May 10 2016, 4:55 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T69980: APCs pilot - driver,gunner,commander LODs undetailed.

Whatever,still not assighned.Whatever what ticket,but looks like no one of them haven't seen by devs.

May 10 2016, 4:55 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T69980: APCs pilot - driver,gunner,commander LODs undetailed.

Still not assighned,this means they're useless.

May 10 2016, 4:55 AM · Arma 3
samogon edited Steps To Reproduce on T69980: APCs pilot - driver,gunner,commander LODs undetailed.
May 10 2016, 4:55 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T69959: M2A2 Slammer AND Panther IFV too small, Updated ticket.

Well in combat situation I'll prefer to be inside small vehicle,that inside large.
In case of realism they must be large,but look at game in general,futuristic red faction flying on KA50/Mi28/Mi24 hybrid chopper,that doesn't exist in real life.
Same with this HAPC,not sure that so much important,but not critical.There is much more critical points in game IMO,that still not fixed.
Like non-ajustable rocket launchers,lack of driver/gunner/commander interior APCs,new 3d scopes works with NVGs etc.

edit:just forget - bipod :)

May 10 2016, 4:54 AM · Arma 3
samogon edited Steps To Reproduce on T69799: MRCO + UGL still have no textures(KATIBA an MX)..
May 10 2016, 4:48 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T69559: AMV-7 cannon ammotypes.

InstaGoat - many modern vehicles have such system,even old soviet BMP2 created in 70ths years.This isn't a bug,just change ammo from menu is much habitual to me.

May 10 2016, 4:40 AM · Arma 3
samogon edited Steps To Reproduce on T69559: AMV-7 cannon ammotypes.
May 10 2016, 4:40 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T69452: AT launchers needs some changes..

RPG fire,how its now,and how its should be.
Rocket velocity - 140 meters per second,as in real RPG32.Yet without reticle.

May 10 2016, 4:35 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T69452: AT launchers needs some changes..

I thing you misunderstood me.Or may be just a pretty fat troll. :)

Yes this work well,they shoot,they didn't crush the game etc etc.This is minimal for every game.
But look from another way - obviously evere weapon(Rifle,AT,SMG whatever) have:
1)Reticle or ajustable sight if ammo is unguided.
2)"Ready to fire" indicator if they are guided,especially if "Fire and Forgot".

Find me any kind of system,that didn't have that.Lack of details is more disadvantage of the game,that their good side.

I write some vids to explain,what diffirence between Elite and Regular difficulty and how usefull weapon there.
Regular(PCML have "Indicator" as well as Titan)
Elite(PCML didn't have,Titan have)

May 10 2016, 4:35 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T69452: AT launchers needs some changes..

Well,to fat buggy,to fat...

May 10 2016, 4:35 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T69452: AT launchers needs some changes..

Well look AT Titan sight,then PCML/RPG,then again on Titan.
Didn't you see diffirence?
If you're really play on elite - you should know,what I mean.

May 10 2016, 4:35 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T69452: AT launchers needs some changes..

Did you ever try to use PCML or RPG on elite difficuly?

May 10 2016, 4:35 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T69452: AT launchers needs some changes..

1)Switch into elite(Auto-guidence must be switch off).
2)Take RPG on PCML
3)Try to lock-on a target.
4)Try to tell me are target locked on or not?And if you under fire?

But if you play domination only - and takes in one side PCML,in back - CarryAll Backpack,in another - M320 and in hands you have an pistol.And also does everything with 3th person and helpers like frame frendlies,lock-on frames.Of course this isn't nessesary and everything are fine.

Missle can be locked,but you actually doesn't feel it.With Titan - this thing are easier,but AT missile overpowered(Can shoot from Killfarm hill to airfield and kill APC in one shot),AP - weaks even that PCML.

May 10 2016, 4:35 AM · Arma 3
samogon edited Steps To Reproduce on T69452: AT launchers needs some changes..
May 10 2016, 4:35 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T69406: Arma 3 NEEDS AN M4 or an H&K 416 ASSAULT RIFLE.

Iran already have M16.But Bull-pup version.)
On topic - can't say,that it would be good for 2035 year.IMO this is dinosaurus today.They stays since 1985 year(M16A2),in 1990 - just added rail on top(M16A4),didn't even talk about A1 and elder versions.
Another reason - since 10 years that I play games,almost every shooter have M16/M4 and AKs.This is an greatest ecxeption ever I seen. :)

May 10 2016, 4:34 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T69330: Realistic/Cost-Effective 2035 Technology .

Economical side should hurt yours wishes.
Well,forget about money.Everything now is an todays technoligies,forbidden and canceled prototypes,possible futuristic vehicles.

Almost everything is ingame already.
1)Armor - well everything great here.Old 5.56 ammo cannot kill in one shot as much distance as they became useless.Thats why created 6.5 round with small recoil and way better damage power.Same things was in history when assault rifles cames from regular automatic rifles.

2)Sniper Detection system.Well in some case usefull system,in another - makes infantry life much more easier.Im pretty sure,that futuristic snipers could be use thermal camouflage(Currenty BAE test it,but on vehicles).If they will use it - then I agree.

3)HUD - Fully Agree.Helmets and Glasses are useless yet,but models looks like as they interactive HUD.But in reality - you may drop down glasses and helmets and you can't see diffirence.

4)Thermal Googles.Well - thermal scopes is much that enough.I can suggest only one thing - thermal Monocular/Binocular.

May 10 2016, 4:31 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T68559: [IDEA]Better Version of MSE-3 Marid (Otokar Arma 6x6 Version) ? + Cobra the little Brother ?.

Pretty sure,that Marshal will have weak HMG/GMG turret,saw something in 2010 years screens.Also sure,that reds will have something like cannor,or just heavy APC with tank armor.
Cobra's purpose is on Ifrit.
8x8 only - well not sure that needed very much.Why not to put autocannon on 6x6 version.

May 10 2016, 3:59 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T68549: New optic works with NVGs.

@ProGamer.Well 2 things - you are troll,or you're just silly.
Only one wat to use optic with NV is a

This isn't possible to use it with NV googles.Only one thing that you can see uses this method is a blur in sight.

May 10 2016, 3:58 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T68549: New optic works with NVGs.


May 10 2016, 3:58 AM · Arma 3
samogon edited Steps To Reproduce on T68549: New optic works with NVGs.
May 10 2016, 3:58 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T68360: Add AP and AT missiles for the Titan non compact variant..

Good idea.

May 10 2016, 3:51 AM · Arma 3
samogon edited Steps To Reproduce on T68271: Mi48 rockets control.
May 10 2016, 3:49 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T68269: MRCO should have diffirent reticle..

Well RH - this is dev yet.Hope see this in beta,or final.

May 10 2016, 3:49 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T68269: MRCO should have diffirent reticle..

Yeah,know that ARCO looking like SpecterDR.Well no matter,just make some diversity if it possible.

May 10 2016, 3:49 AM · Arma 3
samogon edited Steps To Reproduce on T68269: MRCO should have diffirent reticle..
May 10 2016, 3:49 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T68256: 3d scopes.

Wrong.Reticle works well.Usually hard to see targets more that 600 meters.
Of course DEVs can create proper 3D optic,but not every one have high-end PCs to create PIP optic.If you wanna precision hit to target - you need SOS and rangefinder,or just know ditstance to target.

May 10 2016, 3:48 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T68247: Commanche (RAH 99 Blackfoot) has no anti-armor weapons.

DAGR missile is guided.They have 24 guided missiles.

May 10 2016, 3:48 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T68236: Feature Request: Driver and Gunner Position Vehicle Interiors for Armored Vehicles.

VBS2 Lite.Usage of "Fake PIP" is was there.Some vehicles have interior,even tank gunner.Yes they are crude,but they are exist.Imagine that you have such interior with PIP screens in ArmA3.Well guess to late,but anyway...

You also can open/close doors and ramps.

May 10 2016, 3:47 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T68236: Feature Request: Driver and Gunner Position Vehicle Interiors for Armored Vehicles.

@twistking forbidden means nobody from devs looks or moderators didn't see this ticket.They still not assigned.

And situation isn't so much worse,that you think,regular to ArmA.Create interior for rare vehicles isn't so much easy job,cause lack of references,but IF it will be,will be great.

P.S AD2001 - comments bump this ticket,I'll prefer to much more talking in coments.

May 10 2016, 3:47 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T68236: Feature Request: Driver and Gunner Position Vehicle Interiors for Armored Vehicles.

bump and voteup.Looks like ticket is forbidden,but still need this feature.

May 10 2016, 3:47 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T68226: [DEV] Zafir + ARCO Scope.


May 10 2016, 3:47 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T68165: Vermin SMG is chambered in 9mm.

@Deceiver.ArmA3 confuse me again.Well my looks like my knowledge is not ideal.Maybe because I never looks into the future,and only looking in tomorrow and today.Well my bad.

@Scarecrow.I see also name - Vector.But they called Vermin,right?As I saw - KA-60 "Kasatka" is now translated and called PO-30 "Orca".

Well actully I prefer to this guns will us PDW rounds,like P90 and MP7,that pistol rounds.Age of SMGs in army use is gone far ago.But they still good as police weapon,when their targets usually doesn's wear armor vests.

May 10 2016, 3:44 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T68165: Vermin SMG is chambered in 9mm.

They uses 9x21mm round.This round doesn't exist in real world.Possible this is AP bullets.Also .45 ACP isn't good for armor penetration.

May 10 2016, 3:44 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T68164: ACP-C2 should be chambered in .45 ACP..

DEVs tell us about usage of 9mm rounds in this gun.Also - maybe you know a good gun,called Browning Hi-Power?This is clone of Colt 1911,but uses 9mm rounds.

May 10 2016, 3:44 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T68120: Split gunner and pilot weapons in gunships.
The matter of changes 4 strings,also bump this ticket.
Good for PvP,bad for AI-gunner(Can't say "cease fire",but you always can do manual fire).
class Heli_Attack_02a_base_F : Helicopter_Base_F {

		weapons[] = {"CMFlareLauncher", "rockets_Skyfire"};
		magazines[] = {"192Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine", "38Rnd_80mm_rockets"};
          class Turrets : Turrets
				weapons[] = {"gatling_30mm","missiles_SCALPEL"};
				magazines[] = {"250Rnd_30mm_APDS_shells","250Rnd_30mm_HE_shells", "8Rnd_LG_scalpel"};
May 10 2016, 3:42 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T68120: Split gunner and pilot weapons in gunships.

I thing cause usage the by AI.
This is raw tweak,I don't know how AI will use it.

May 10 2016, 3:42 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T68120: Split gunner and pilot weapons in gunships.


May 10 2016, 3:42 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T68065: Marksman Optic Sight.

In Dev version - SOS works well now with 6.5 caliber.Now this feedback is pointless.Or not?

May 10 2016, 3:40 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T68065: Marksman Optic Sight.

@da12thMonkey - this scopes much likely 3.4x and 4x that 12x.

p00d73.Still wrong.
Marksman - trained soldier in squad to shooting at at long ranges like 600-800 meters.They always have much advanced optic,that riflemans(all rest infantry classes) near.This is not sniper,they're not trained enough.

1)Russia - АК-74М no optic / SVD PSO-1
2)US(2003 year) - M16A2 or Modern M4 with Aimpoints CompM2 / SDM-R(x4) and M21(x3-x9 afaik)
3)US(Modern) - M4 ACOG x4 and Aimpoints / SAM-R,M21,M14 EBRs all use x3-x9 or x3-x10 or x3-x12 scopes.
4)German army(Modern) - G36A1,G36A2(x4+holosight) / HK417(G28 codename) with x3-x10(Afaik)
5)British army(modern) - SA80(AcogX4+Docter holosight) / L129A1 - Acog x6.

May 10 2016, 3:40 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T68065: Marksman Optic Sight.

SAM-R - Leupold's Mark 4 M3 3-9 x 36 mm MR/T,also simple DMR pre SAM-R concept was called SDM-R.And they was failed AFAIK.
L129A1 - Trijicon ACOG TA648 sight x6 magnification.
Belgian - have no idea,to lazy to lurk.
Austrian - to lazy to lurk.
German - HK417.Same scope as on SAM-R.Also G3SG1,but scope is diffirent.
Soviet - yes,PSO-1,cuz project to create 3-8x scope was failed in well,to lazy to lurk something like 1970th years.

Can you show some prooflinks?I can,if needed.

May 10 2016, 3:40 AM · Arma 3
samogon edited Steps To Reproduce on T68065: Marksman Optic Sight.
May 10 2016, 3:40 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T67951: Missing LODs in building in Agia Marina.

just upload video.

May 10 2016, 3:37 AM · Arma 3
samogon edited Steps To Reproduce on T67951: Missing LODs in building in Agia Marina.
May 10 2016, 3:37 AM · Arma 3
samogon edited Steps To Reproduce on T67765: 9mm ammo damage.
May 10 2016, 3:31 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T67716: [Vehicle]OPFOR truck..

@Kecske.I thought it was looking worse,but in actually.Well,not so ideal,but not bad.But also better to see something like 8x8 trucks.And futuristic design of Typhoon looking awesome there IMO.

Also - current KAMAZ needs a good wash,they looking so much dirty(Like they wasn't washed at least as 1 year).Also they're looking small to compare to ifrit for example.

May 10 2016, 3:30 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T67716: [Vehicle]OPFOR truck..


May 10 2016, 3:30 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T67716: [Vehicle]OPFOR truck..

Also may suggest MAN truck used by GB army IRL.They was in VBS2 lite AFAIK,no needs to create new model.

May 10 2016, 3:30 AM · Arma 3
samogon edited Steps To Reproduce on T67716: [Vehicle]OPFOR truck..
May 10 2016, 3:30 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T67706: GM6 Lynx should be semi-automatic.

@pops well my english sux,but that was all,what i'll try to say)

May 10 2016, 3:29 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T67706: GM6 Lynx should be semi-automatic.

.408 round at around 700 meter have more kinetic energy that .50 cal round.Theroretical accuracy is up to 3500 meters,in practice was 3000meters from SVL.
So CheyTac are better,that lynx IRL,idk how it in the game.

May 10 2016, 3:29 AM · Arma 3
samogon edited Steps To Reproduce on T67610: MRAPs(Jeep) more RWS modules?.
May 10 2016, 3:26 AM · Arma 3
samogon edited Steps To Reproduce on T67574: AH-9 Rockets..
May 10 2016, 3:25 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T67543: Weapons don't collide with walls / clipping issue.

Well old style ArmA.In one hand we got realism.In another - comfortable gameplay.In any ArmA i'll stuck in every door,expetionally in ArmA2,where was a lot of interactive buildings.Also sometimes i'll still stuck somewhere,but this rare,that in A2 for example.

May 10 2016, 3:24 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T67498: Increase the Ifrit's top speed from 137 kph to ~150kph + Increase it's gasoline consumption.

@wUFr ifrit is based on real vehicle.His name is Zil Karatel'(Punisher)

May 10 2016, 3:22 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T67368: I'd like Mk20 default is F2000 FN Herstal, not F2000+P90-style Monolith Arms.

one question - why?
Why you don't like current model?May be this is future modified version,created for "Green_Army_name".
I saw some haters before about "M14 is an US weapon,and made for use" something like that.

May 10 2016, 3:17 AM · Arma 3
samogon edited Steps To Reproduce on T67366: Night Vision Binocular/Rangefinder.
May 10 2016, 3:17 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T67355: Night Vision Googles by faction..


May 10 2016, 3:16 AM · Arma 3
samogon edited Steps To Reproduce on T67355: Night Vision Googles by faction..
May 10 2016, 3:16 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T67211: MX Varient 5.56x45mm.

NATO now have TRG-20 and TRG-21.Now they uses 5.56
Also DMR must have another kind of 6.5 ammo,heavier,powerful and much more accurate,like MK262 ammo for MK12 SPR.Or uses 7.62.

May 10 2016, 3:10 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T67211: MX Varient 5.56x45mm.

exist SCAR-H(7.62x51)in CQB version.Complitly not CQB veapon,but they're exist...
also OPFOR uses 6.5 in any rifle too(yet).
For purpose of usage 5.56 NATO have TRG-20,TRG-21.They also better in CQB,cause bullpup are more compact.

Also - exist logistic problems.Easier to carry one type of ammo,that one for rifle,another for DMR,third for LMGs,Forth - for |long continious list|.

About stopping power - well,in CQB this is more important thing,that at distance.Many Police SF uses more 9mm SMGs,because their round have better stopping power..Much more important thing at distance - ballistic characteristics,may be thats why future ammo is an compromise between 5.56x45/5.45x39 and 7.62x39.

May 10 2016, 3:10 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T67035: TRG20 & TRG21 Calling wrong Ammo.

@pops.Well Mk12 SPR in arma has beatuful optic.Lack of damage compense with high accuracy and great magnification(in ArmA1 it was best AFAIK).Here it's not work,this is just rifle like MX,but with diffirent 3d model unfortunately.

May 10 2016, 3:04 AM · Arma 3
samogon added a comment to T67035: TRG20 & TRG21 Calling wrong Ammo.

@pops - changes with MXM are bad IMO.
Of course IRL USA use same caliber DMRs such as SAM-R,but they as well have better optic and matched rounds.
SOS scope not calibrated for small arms,they calibrated for heavy calibers.
There is no sense between MX and MXM.Put HAMR to MX and it will be same as MXM.

Also Tavor now have 5.56 caliber,this is not a bug.The bug is - they uses 6.5mm supperssor

May 10 2016, 3:04 AM · Arma 3