In the pre-alpha demostrations I saw RWS,with double weapon.There was MRAP with mounted HMG+GMG Remote Weapon Station.This is pretty overpowerful weapon layout(same as on AAVP7 in A2),but addition of small caliber MG(6.5 or 7.62) will be not bad in case of balance.HMG doesn't need them much,but GMG+LMG is good pair IMO.IRL exist such systems like SAAB Trackfire RWS.
Also will be great to see Anti-tank and/or Anti-Air module for wheeled vehicles,like HMMWV TOW and Avenger.Tracked AA not every time is good.For example - wheeled convoy without this vehicle is to easy target for aviation,if put light wheeled AA - this will be not so easy target.It should not have any weapon except AA missiles.
Hope Im write this not too late.Thank you.