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- Mar 5 2013, 9:30 PM (624 w, 15 h)
May 10 2016
Meh, allMines command is working fine. Close this please.
Any ETA for this? It's getting out of hand. After running for 6 hours, server's log gets to 3 GB.
Going to have to run with -noLogs (blind) until this is fixed :(
Attached one more log (arma3server_2015-01-25_21-04-56.rpt.bz2) ... 600 MB worth of RPT spam compressed down to 417 KB.
No, just Altis and Stratis. In addition to the stuttering, there is also camera/screen shake (only noticed it on Altis).
The stuttering is when you run around, or rotate in place, seems as if each time the log file is flushed, the game stutters, and client FPS goes down.
The screen shake on the other hand, happens even when you are standing in place doing nothing. It's similar to the camera/screen shake created by It's very subtle, but noticeable enough to be annoying.
I see, thanks for the reference. I guess then If I want the current real-time, I would do something like:
missionStart + diag_tickTime
(obviously doing the correct date-math)
However, since for this ticket I am asking for a command the get the current time, it would be nicer if there was something like:
that would return the number of seconds since epoch.
The "vehicles_repro.pbo" is just a contrived scenario ... on a real mission with more scripts running, the CPU usage becomes unmanageable, and players start to disconnect with "steam ticket failure".
I made a script to sort help prevent that.
It uses ppEffects, and fog, and object view distance. Not very pretty but it works.
Here is the code:
Would be nice if this was fixed in the engine itself.
@Killzone_Kid, I see you changed the title of the report. Is the title public?
Were you able to reproduce this? I tried on two different client machines, and scripts.txt did not detect anything in the big files.
Seems like a pretty bad security exposure ... unless I am doing something wrong with my scripts.txt, or some other BE configuration?
I don't know who else knows about this, but hackers out there seem to be inadvertedly making use of the this hole when releasing their hacks as a single large sqf file.
BIS devs ... anyone? crickets, crickets, chirp, chirp.
format has a maximum size limitation, so it won't work correctly for this purpose.
A command for escaping strings would be nice, but not sufficient.
str does more than just serialize strings. It traverses the entire data structure you pass in, and serializes it.
All I am asking is for it to play nice with strings :-)
str has other problems, for example, a null object will be serialized as:
obviously that's not valid SQF, why couldn't the devs just serialize it as objNull ...?
In anycase, <NULL-Object> is easily parsable, you can simply use a regex to match it, and replace it with the correct valid SQF objNull.
I know that breaking backwards compatibility is probably out of the question, even if the old behavior was bad.
At the moment, my work-around for being able to serialize stuff correctly, before passing it into an extension is to recursively traverse the structure ... and convert strings using toArray. However, both the traversal, and the toArray command add a lot of overhead.
Finally, consider this ... a lot of the time the contents of the variables being passed around is beyond the control of the developers (player names is one such example).
Added a couple of examples in the repro steps
When the argument to the str command is a variable (or literal) of "STRING" data type ... the str command wraps the result with double quotes.
That's not enough. Simply slapping double quotes around some text does not make it a syntactically valid string.
Any other programming language that has a "stringify" function would escape the nested string delimiters, when stringifying variables of "STRING" data type.
So in this case I would have expected str to produce:
@Bernargee ...
Was this command really thought through ... or am I missing something?
What if you have multiple magazines of the same type in one turret ... What does "magazineTurretAmmo" return?
Without testing it, I cannot see how this command would work correctly for vehicles with more than one turret.
Take for example, the transport helicopter that has identical miniguns on each side. How would the command be able to distinguish which turret you want to add the magazine to?
EDIT: Seems that it only adds magazines on the first turret.
Thanks for the suggestion. Could you please add some documentation for the command?
You can mark this ticket as closed ... as there is no point in a "getter" for this.
Would be nice if the documentation for setVehicleAmmo clearly specified that the full-state is not solely dependent on the vehicle type ... that it actually depends on the set of magazines present in the vehicle.
This other command:
explains it better.
Given this conversation, how is this command different from setVehicleAmmo?
I see you point. Averaging out the ammo percentages for each kind of mag would not give a meaningful number that can then be passed back to setVehicleAmmo (no number would). Such a weird command, I am probably not the only person confused by it.
Yep, I get that now :-)
The documentation on the wiki is somewhat misleading though.
From this sentence:
"Sets how much ammunition (compared to a full state defined by the vehicle type) the vehicle has."
I was assuming that every vehicle has some known constant "full-state" that depends on the type of vehicle.
However, the way the command works, the "full-state" is always changing ... as it depends on the number and type of magazines currently present in the vehicle.
EDIT: I am probably not understanding exactly what "setVehicleAmmo 1" does.
It seems that it only fills the ammunition on the magazines that the vehicle currently has. So if the vehicle has no magazines, "setVehicleAmmo 1" does nothing.
Given that's the behavior, if you were to call "getVehicleAmmo" after the scenario you provided.
You would get 1, since all the magazines currently in the vehicle are topped.
Whatever the algorithm is that the BIS developers implemented for the setter ... there is got to be a complementary/reverse logic.
That's what getVehicleAmmo should do. It's just a matter of completeness.
If you were to call setVehicleAmmo 1 ... the vehicle would be in a "fully-loaded" state according to the documentation.
So I would expect that the getVehicleAmmo would give the average ammo count throughout all the magazines in relation to the fully-loaded state.
Sounds like a Life mission specific defect ... ?
@Roach_blaster, you should add a repro mission.
Thanks for the clarification, I have updated the ticket to reflect this.
Well ... maybe it's previewing the other mission with the exact same name, and taking you back to the "saved" state.
What have you done to troubleshoot this problem?
Did you try cleaning up some of these directories?
I ran into the exact same issue a while back, and ended up using camera direction instead of eye direction:
can = "Land_Can_V3_F" createVehicle position player;
#define cameraDir ([(positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]), (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,1])] call BIS_fnc_vectorDiff)
onEachFrame {
can setPosASL ([(eyePos player), cameraDir] call BIS_fnc_vectorAdd);
@Tajin, you may be right. Lets wait to see if someone from BIS chimes in about this.
I would expect for a shoothouse scenario, that target identification and discrimination is an important factor. You could place civilians scattered, and mixed with actual targets. If a player shoots a non-threat, then you would deduct points.
I have uploaded a couple of textures I made for civilian targets, given that there are none in the game at the moment.
This is the wrong place to request features for DayZ. You should probably reword your feature request so that it's not directly coupled to DayZ.
For example: Allow creation of custom inventory items.
Thanks for clarifying. You should be more explicit in the feature requests, and give examples, etc ... to avoid this sort of confusion.
Regardless, making a specific set of CfgVehicles into inventory items is not be the right approach. BIS should instead provide a generic way for developers (without using mods) to add and remove custom entries from inventory (and containers in general), and allow us to set:
- icon/picture
- Name
- Description
- Amount
- Weight
In addition, there should be event handlers for when such items are removed by player from inventory.
A lot of missions make their own inventory management systems in parallel with the in-game built-in inventory because of the lack of APIs to define custom inventory items (without mods).
As a workaround, you can add this to the init of those items:
this enableSimulation false;
and they should not be affected by gravity anymore.
@FECOnlyBone, I don't want to permanently disable waypoints. I'm looking for a way to toggle their visibility at will ... which is exactly what Killzone_Kid suggested. The only problem with that is, that it does not hide all waypoints.
@papy.rabbit.08, Shift+LeftClick is sort of a special waypoint you can add manually, from the map view. The problem is that it does not seem to behave like other waypoints, and the existing showWaypoint command does not have any effect on it.
@Killzone_Kid, thanks for the suggestion. However, it does does not seem to hide the "Shift-LeftClick" waypoint. Is there another method to hide that one?
You are right, but there is a problem with your test:
1 meter is not enough to detect a Land_HBarrier_1_F, even if you are standing next to it. The distance between the player (feet), and the center of the H-Barrier, is about 1.3 meters.
Now, on the actual defect... if you manually spawn a Land_HBarrier_1_F, using createVehicle command, it detects it fine. It looks like the issue is only with objects that are part of the map's terrain.
I am seeing similar problem. The "switchCamera" command does not work properly unless the player has a weapon in hands.
There is already a design pattern with existing functions:
addWeaponCargoGlobal, addItemCargoGlobal, addMagazineCargoGlobal, etc ...
Instead of adding new commands for each type of container (uniform, vest, backpack), as the OP suggests, there should be new commands:
which should return a container object that can be passed to:
Sample usage:
_container = unitUniform player;
_container addItemCargoGlobal ["optic_Arco", 1];
The exact same issue has been brought up several times before: (reviewed state) (closed as dupliate) (new state) (assigned to DarkDruid)
So many things wrong about this defect, the guy has created 2 other separate defects (0014470, 0014471) to track the same problem.
The attitude in the description, as if he was entitled that the BIS devs must fix the issues with his mission.
On the defect handling topic, one thing I've noticed is that defects containing the word "crash" in the description get nearly immediate attention from the devs. It does not matter how ridiculously worded the defect is, or if it lacks the proper reproduction steps, or if it lacks supporting information attached to the defect. BIS should have a rule for returning defects immediately if they don't contain proper information.
That's correct MadDogx, However, the general expectation I am guessing is that since it's assigned, that person will be working on that defect, as opposed to many other defects which stay in the "new" state for a long time. It's called triage, you have people looking at new defects and assigning severity, and priority to them. I don't know how BIS handles it, but it's seems random at most. How do they choose what defects to work on?
It's more a political thing than the merits of the feature request ... What's bothering people I think is that a feature like this is getting dev attention, when there are probably other defects that should have higher priority.
Not sure if downvote ... America :-)!
Seems to be fixed in the latest beta (dev branch)
I am not sure this is a valid defect. The removeUniform command probably only has effect on the client where the unit is local. So if you are trying to remove the uniform of a remote unit, it would not work. You would have to broadcast the call with BIS_fnc_MP, and execute it only on the client where the unit is local.
It would be nice if the behavior was explicitly documented on the BIS wiki ... along with an example of how to make it work for a remote unit.
I am not sure if this is related ... but I have a similar issue, for which I have found a work-around.
The game does not totally freeze on me, instead the screen just goes black, and it does not take any keyboard, or mouse input.
The work-around I do is:
- Press Alt-Tab, but don't release the Alt key
- Keep holding Alt so that the Window switching screen does not disappear
- At this point, you have the Window switching screen overlayed on top of the game's black-screen
- After about 1 or 2 seconds, the game's back-screen disappears, and goes back to normal.
- While still holding the Alt key down, press Esc, to cancel the Window switching screen.
- You are now back in the game, without black-screen.
Thanks! Works well.
You did not get my point, but oh well. Mission editor is not the same as developer. With this ticket, you are asking the Arma 3 developers to waste their time trying to do something unnecessary, and prematurely.
Why not let the balancing part up to the mission editors ...? If they want their mission to be balanced, they would make the same launcher available to all factions. You cannot talk about balancing two specific weapons, when you haven't seen the complete contents of the game. You do not know what is the full range of weapons that will be available at game release.
I agree, given the lack of proper string manipulation functions in Arma 3, the output of the magazinesDetail command is next to useless. You would have to write functions to parse out the output of the function into usable bits.
Tested on:
Type: Public Beta
Branch: Development
Version: 0.75.108570
- Marker created on a client, is synced normally to players that connect after the marker was created.
- Marker created on server, is not synced to players that connect after marker was created.
@Killzone_Kid, thanks!
It's part of a "Life" mission, trotsky, and I've been working on.
We are porting the old Arma 2 Takistan Life Revolution mission.
If you are interested, here are a couple other videos for an underground bunker, and an oil platform on the same mission.
It's all using existing structures from Arma 3, without mods.
I thought it'd be good to share these here, since the conversation is related.
It's possible to make an underwater base with some scripting.
Workaround: Created a new Windows account, and ran game from new account. The problem did not reproduce.
This would be great, to be able to remove trees completely. Also, removing a tree should be JIP compatible ... meaning that players joining after the tree has been removed should not see the tree.
Try this,
player playMoveNow "CutSceneAnimationBaseZoZo";
player switchMove "TestSurrender";
Magically works ... when done in that sequence.
Then to get out of the surrender state, do:
player switchMove "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon";
player playMoveNow "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon";
On a side note, if you have a rifle in your hands, the animation for TestSurrender bends your arms backwards, exorcism style.
I tried this on the dev build (0.53.103342), in the Stratis airfield, and I am not able to reproduce the issue.
However, I have experienced a similar situation when moving objects around as well.
The behavior I've have observed is that when setting the position of objects, if the final position is not exactly flush to the ground, then the objects take fall damage.
Since you are using setPosATL (above terrain level), and getting the Z axis from the player's position. It's probably safe to assume the player is standing on the ground, and force the Z axis to 0.
It's fixed. Thanks!
setVehicleInit is not needed to be able to reproduce this defect. This problem is really bad ... you cannot create any animal, without having your server log spammed with those messages. The more animals you create the more messages show up. The bigger the file becomes, the performance of the server drops dramatically.
The same problem happens when using "createAgent" function.
I did try using "MPKilled", and "Killed" event handlers. The problem is still reproducible using the unit/corpse object received through the event handler. I have uploaded a sample mission showcasing the issue.
Here is the output produced in the RPT, with the sample mission:
"player_handle_killed [cop1,cop1]"
"player_dump_gear [cop1]"
"_unit = cop1"
"(uniform _unit) = "
"(vest _unit) = "
"(goggles _unit) = "
"(headgear _unit) = "
"player_handle_mpkilled [cop1,cop1]"
"player_dump_gear [cop1]"
"_unit = cop1"
"(uniform _unit) = "
"(vest _unit) = "
"(goggles _unit) = "
"(headgear _unit) = "
Looks like a duplicate of
May 9 2016
I am looking for the same ... Has anyone found a workaround?
Workaround: Created a new Windows account, and ran game from new account. The problem did not reproduce.