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- Mar 16 2013, 4:49 PM (627 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
i believe that a boat is perfectly able to stay on the throttle power you choosed in real life. if u give full speed with a real boat, and let the throttle go it will continue in the speed u choosed.
this is actualy great, because 1 man can operate the speedboats, giving the speed he wants then switch to gun-
exactly. tried to say that xD soz my english.
This is a great idea.
Arma 3 lacks the use of its gameplay sometimes. Like roles for players
This will be " role" i call it, where players need to plan and add what they need in the trucks before heading into the AO. .)
Thank you.
As i tought it was a big request but others disagreed. i join them and go for it.
Is it a reason you are trying to close this feedback?
Yeah should be able to make the graphics also now with physX
Alright, yeah i ment Alt tab ofc. sorry.
I just didnt have this problem when mission making in Arma 2.
Thanks for the Reply CSR Kryssar
/upvoted agree
Totally agree, and this is sad, because it kills alot of the game experience for me :)
thank you.
No moon. black night and fog.
I think so too, all the games so far i doo that i feel really in the game actualy. good idea!
this can be added to give extreeme cover, dont see it to arcadeish
because i would do that in real life :P
u meen the Ricochet sound ?
+1 for bringing up the tracers, they are something that needs rework overall.
tho i agree with mwnciboo
Great ! :-D
Here we go with Dr.death's brilliant comments.
videos show youre wrong, and you are wrong.
We know they are bright, we know they arent lamps but tracers, and not laser.
Stop with these stupid comments...!!
+1 to Christian K
I dont see why people discuss that tracers is a lightsource or not, if you can see the tracers with your naked eye i believe its a lightsource?
How can we see a tracer if its not a lightsource?
BigPickle mentioned BD tracers here are a video.
Personally i dont think tracers would make a impact on our computers. Tho why shouldnt the people how have spent so much money on theyre rigs get the full feature of stunning immersive night battles if they have used what they have to experienced that?
Make an option for it. Tracers - low - medium - high - very high - ultra.
Dr.death, i don't think any single person here wanted the tracers to look like explosions, why would we want that?....
second, it didnt stay in the feedback that he was asking for it ( I want tracers to look like explosions) Again no need to make people not upvote it.
Also see tracers glow on the ground after beeing fired: we dont see that in arma.
I will believe that burning powder is a light source?
some other hints on this source wiki
There are three types of tracers: bright tracer, subdued tracer and dim tracer. Bright tracers are the standard type, which start burning immediately after exiting the muzzle. A disadvantage of bright tracers is that they give away the shooter's location to the enemy; as a military adage puts it, "tracers work
both ways". Bright tracers can also overwhelm night-vision devices, rendering them useless. Subdued tracers burn at full brightness after a hundred or more yards to avoid giving away the gunner's position. Dim tracers burn very dimly but are clearly visible through night-vision equipment.
some tracer rounds:
Another thing to notice, is that the tracers in Arma III Goes out of view for the player they just dissepear in sight. like something is wrong, they just get deleted after so far distance, this looks very bad.
Look at the video to see how a tracer round slowly fade into nothing " Burning up" As so far in arma 3 they burn and stopp. not slowly fade.
thats something BIS could have fixed easy, and it would make the effect of tracers look much better!
hes right actualy. there are some sound problems connected to the vehicles. they just doesnt fit together with the other sounds, they are extreme loud.
Tho in reality driving on a ATV/quadbike rl you would not hear much of youre environment.
there should tho or could be a own option for the engine and vehicle sound in sound options.
I dont see this as a critical thing anywhere tho.
Comfirmed! thanks
Hard to get you a video at the moment im sorry.
is it any other way i can provide some information to you?
(Yes, stil experienceing this bug, often. Singleplayer also.)
I think it meens they have seen it and thinking on assigning it. or make it. maybe make an idea close to it.
Tho i run a good enough computer to say that if there was a module filling all the bases, the skies and towns it would really make FPS drop like hell :/.
civilian traffic is another thing that i really want in arma for a long time.
haha, yeah midnight60. Why get something else in Arma 3? lets just be in the future...
lets not release any content from from Arma 2, why? ...
seriously, yes they are progressing but why NOT!? let us play arma 3 on the old maps too? i dont see youre logic
Well, YES!.
I think Arma 3 has given ALOT of new fans "Players" that isnt aware of the modding.
thats normal?
known issues:
You cannot mix A2/OA infantry and A3 infantry or you get visual glitches and crashes
OA/TKOH DLC cannot be loaded - BI must add engine support for them in A3
Lots of "Updating base class" rpt spam - due to BI not renaming classes when changing the inheritance
BI campaigns/missions/tutorials are mostly broken
Missing inventory pictures for some weapons and items - vote in A3 Feedback Tracker
Tanks are a bit wonky and easily turn over (probably due to PhysX) - vote in A3 Feedback Tracker
Vehicles (tanks, wheeled, cars) have no sound - vote in A3 Feedback Tracker
No underwater vegetation in Chernarus/Utes (impossible to set as leads to underwater vegetation also inland)
No RTD FM or related SQF commands available (TKOH merge)
Large buildings are not shown at all/correctly (TKOH merge)
A2/OA warfare missions are completely broken as WFSideText SQF was removed from A3
looks like the creator of this wants us to post the errors in the feedback tracker...
Yes understand that Dr.Death, so true.
But why would the community "Fight" to make bis NOT give theyre OLD work that are brilliant, to the the buyers? What is the purpose of that.
YES ofc they are busy, and i see people showing them the respect by sayin' they dont need to use the time on this because of the community.
Personaly i dont want to must download a addon for a map that was original by bis??
what about all the new fans out there that are not known to modding/community, they are missing the good parts. parts that is original BIS.
@Bis i would pay for a MAP pack for Arma 3.
And btw, im not a new man to Arma, i played flashpoint my first time.
using the DLC sounds wrong in the Arma world, YES i know it.
But still, what about a Patch?
thanks for review :) Hope this comes in next update
this is on the quadbike also! ANNOYING like f***!!
Dr.Death again you struck me weard!
By all meens i dont ask this to be hard on you or anything.
But first you do everything you can to people make them downvote on my feedback about getting takistan by BIS into Arma III, and you give all youre creds to AIA team.
that they have already made this perfect, and its no problem so why would BIS make it when the community can?.
Then you show up here and say:
Ok....... this is not BIS addons, so this is not a feature, and nto a bug, go whine about it to the AiA creator, BIS has nothing to do with this
and its a bad attitude.
I dont get you man, why are you on this feedback tracker site? what do you want?
i think you are refeering to a script/ mission addon named =BTC= revive, may be in the mission you played m8. not bis function.
this is a known bug to that script
Wow, Thank you so much for that, Kindly done Nicolii!
True! I may have been bad about how to explain it, my english isnt really good for this :) Sorry.
Yes, its the sound of the gun youre fireing you will hear the distance " Popp" sound from the gun after youre shot.
If this could have been heard in the game you could have heard the distance " Popping" from long distance too, had been really cool :) If u get me.
heheheh yeah
Thank you so much.
Yeah totally a bug, jez. sucks
Not all the time tho!
053, was perfectwith my gtx680, now the frames dropp like f on the 54. :/
DarkWanderer +1
I totally agree with these at it would make more .. game life to arma :)
realism? hold finger off the trigger m8 :)
double tap left ctrl to raise wep
upvote, had been perfect!
It should not be minecraft.
But beeing able to make some trenches doesnt hurt, because now we need to find a rock to hide behind or a bush. nothing is possible to hide under:/
Yeah so true!!
Look at TPWC's AI, how can a person make this and not the developer?
He has made the PERFECT supression!!, firing on target for 5 sec with heavy fire, FORCE them to take cover, making battles longer, more realistic and fun!, giving the players a chance to actualy " Plan" the attacks better.
this is a feature that really needs to be in the game!
yeah that vintage clock we are now using isnt much army xD
thanks buds!
same here
CHANGE THE GOD DAMN rain effects omg they are NASTY i cant play with heavy rain because looks so unreal. lots of weard stuff on the screen it looks simple and bad!
like freelook in air. look for enemies easier
I will believe that burning powder is a light source?
some other hints on this source wiki
There are three types of tracers: bright tracer, subdued tracer and dim tracer. Bright tracers are the standard type, which start burning immediately after exiting the muzzle. A disadvantage of bright tracers is that they give away the shooter's location to the enemy; as a military adage puts it, "tracers work
both ways". Bright tracers can also overwhelm night-vision devices, rendering them useless. Subdued tracers burn at full brightness after a hundred or more yards to avoid giving away the gunner's position. Dim tracers burn very dimly but are clearly visible through night-vision equipment.
some tracer rounds: [^]
Another thing to notice, is that the tracers in Arma III Goes out of view for the player they just dissepear in sight. like something is wrong, they just get deleted after so far distance, this looks very bad.
Look at the video to see how a tracer round slowly fade into nothing " Burning up" As so far in arma 3 they burn and stopp. not slowly fade.
thats something BIS could have fixed easy, and it would make the effect of tracers look much better!
should these be possible now to be made real nice with new light engine? Like when they go over the ground it will light it path??
i think this will be in the maingame dude.
agree, its nice. but in a game large like this it makes..well more lag :(
custom map? made urselfs?
understand this one. but im not up for it sorry.
If we can supress the ai, Im all in!
when i get shot at in arma, i get in cover.
if we are 5 guys and getting attacked by a 10 man group, i know where to find the closest rock!
I can tell what this is. it is not the game, its not the editor.
This is your powersupply in the computer. Its a known problem to myself. but if u listen to youre pc when scrolling in the editor on the end of the tower, if u have tower. You will hear this squizing sound, quite annoying but low. its different sound come when you scroll right?
Change to a bigger powersupply and the problem is solved;)
I did not, and still have that sound like i had in arma 2, :) Cheeerz
Downvoted im sorry. this is taking it to seriously. BUT
You have my repsect by holding youre words ...but..its a game and i dont think thats more behind these words m8!
agree exploitedYouth...
What i meen that this is the sounds i want featured in arma 3, they perfect! this cover almost every sounds intense shiiiiit :D
hahaha same here! lol, use that 5.1 sound in arma battling with friends, gonna be insane cool! u gonna be afraid of those tankses