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Better death animation before body goes into ragdoll
Reviewed, NormalPublic


I know Arma 3 is the best game ever but you gotta admit that COD and battlefield have better death animations. People die in different ways depending on where the bullet hits the body, and different animations should be implemented for explosion kills and vehicle road kills as well.


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Maybe not something as hardcore as this, but at least add some basic, static animation before the body goes into ragdoll would be much better.

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Sonic557 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 18 2013, 4:05 AM
Sonic557 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Sonic557 set Category to Anims.
Sonic557 set Reproducibility to N/A.
Sonic557 set Severity to Tweak.
Sonic557 set Resolution to Open.
Sonic557 set Legacy ID to 1725654549.May 7 2016, 1:42 PM

Although the death in the videos seem a little bit (and that's literally just a little bit) too dramatic, I upvote. AFAIK, the only case in which a human will be instantly dropped to ground (as currently in ArmA) is a direct hit to cerebellum - all other cases will result in some agony and/or involuntary muscle contraction (resulting in shooting). That's why it's not recommended to shoot in hostage situation unless one can make a perfect shot.

Bohemia added a subscriber: Bohemia.May 7 2016, 1:42 PM

"hardcore"? You mean overblown right? When you're shot the bullet doesn't have enough kinetic energy to 'push' you back, nothing from a mid range caliber anyway.

"hardcore"? You mean fantasy right? When you're shot the bullet doesn't have enough kinetic energy to 'push' you back, nothing from a mid range caliber anyway.

First, it's not energy, it's momentum. Second, if a bullet couldn't push you *at all*, the rifles would have no recoil at all - it's called "momentum conservation law". So, please tone down a bit.

Ever seen someone unprepared shoot a rifle? They are thrown on their back by it. And that's the same momentum you will get when you are hit by the bullet from that weapon.

laywiin added a subscriber: laywiin.May 7 2016, 1:42 PM

DarkWanderer +1

I totally agree with these at it would make more .. game life to arma :)

cool headshots as in FC3 :)

you guys sure like to knit-picking on vocabs. You all know what I mean so give me a break, jesus.

"hardcore"? You mean overblown right? When you're shot the bullet doesn't have enough kinetic energy to 'push' you back, nothing from a mid range caliber anyway.

Actually, it does. You're missing the point. Even the good Ole' Operation Flashpoint had death animations. The point is not about the video. The video is merely an over-exaggerated example of some death animations since i can't find anything else. By all means, please down vote if you prefer un-natural ragdoll to realistic death animations.