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- Mar 7 2013, 2:55 AM (628 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
alternate syntax worked in SP in previous update, i don't know why they disabled it now.
Confirmed, also when only copying the waypoint and not it's unit, and then pasting, the unit is pasted at [0,0,0]
Normal vision:
I think this should apply everywhere the tree system is used in the editor. For example, press Alt+# to collapse that layer of the tree and then Shift+Alt+# to expand, just like how Notepad++ works.
Right click > Transform > snap to... will over-ride this, still seems like this shouldn't happen.
"holdbreath" is detected for me, but only because its bound to RMB hold. Even when using your code, binding RMB click to holdBreath, or any other action is still undetected.
I've also noticed this behavior, Tholozor.
The PiP rendering still uses the A2 clouds, and I know the A2 clouds were supported in Alpha.
Try using an MX in Agia Marina, Stratis, if that helps.
With modded weapons, the issue is an extremely loud ghost gunshot (ACE, RHS)
In vanilla A3, the issue seems to only be ghost gunshot echo's, which isn't nearly as bad.
I'm not having this issue, works like normal for me.
Adding this feature to enableSimulation could potentially break a lot of scripts that rely on this behavior. I would suggest adding a command to disable all actions on a specific object instead.
I play in a private group with its own dedicated server, with an average of 50 people on the server, and we've never had issues with server performance decreasing over time. The issue is probably more related to the unoptimized gamemodes/missions that are popular in multiplayer.
You can create a function to act the same as a #include
Misunderstood issue. He's requesting more advanced #include preProcessor support for CfgFunction functions. Currently #include will only include a file that can be found within the function's directory. He's requesting the ability to search for files lower in the directory tree.
This is directly tied to your terrain detail setting. Even if your terrain detail is max, mission makers can override this setting with the setTerrainGrid command ( This isn't a bug, its more of a feature.
Definitely needs fixing.
Upvoted. If this is done however, it should be optional encase of performance loss.
If you don't want to edit your missions, make a server-side mod. I'm sick of people asking for stuff that's ready possible.
already possible using diag_tickTime and diag_frameno, and an each frame event handler
Appears to be fixed now.
You can mod out certain actions like "Flip weapon over" in a vehicle's UserActions class, but yes its not accessible by script.
I personally believe the main reason our access to map objects, like vegetation and road objects, is limited because they don't have cfgVehicles classes. That's what separates editor objects from these specific map objects. The very fact that their simulation is extremely limited is likely what allows such vast quantities of them to be placed down.
Also, I believe grass is procedurally generated with the map, so I wouldn't expect to be able to mess with it that much.
Loading saved games is known to screw up a lot of things, I'd suggest not using code in an editor object's init.
If the setDir command doesn't appear to work, then your not giving ArmA enough time to complete the attachment command. try using: [] spawn {obj1 attachTo [obj2,[0,0,0]]; sleep 1; obj1 setDir 90};
Mod related issue, please close
I can't confirm that they ever work, but its certain they don't work right now.
Confirmed, this NEEDS to be fixed.
Animations in general don't work with attachTo in ArmA 3, unless you force them with the playMove, playMoveNow, and switchMove commands.
Exactly what I was thinking, and its completely possible from a scripting standpoint.
I would suggest that BIS use (if not already in use): 'actionKeys "BuldUp"', 'actionKeys "BuldDown"', etc
For Zeus and all general camera movement, this way players can use the buldozer control scheme for everything (possibly rename it to general camera movement).
I believe this can already be achieved if debug console is enabled in the server's description.ext, but it would be much more stream-lined if within the Zeus interface. Maybe there could be an option for ArmA to parse the code that Zeus tries to run, to make sure everything is withing fair game. (no setDamage being used on players, check to make sure vehicles attempted to be spawned can be paid for, etc)
This needs to be addressed, badly.
Request is redundant, you can already add items to uniform, vest, and backpack through script.
Possible applications could include being able to view high detail vehicle interior LOD's from the outside, or avoiding LOD popping in cut-scenes.
This isn't a glitch because ArmA 3 doesn't currently have dynamic lighting, so only the sun and moon make shadows.
This is a pointless post, you seem to be the only person with a X52 Pro thats haveing a problem here.
I made a script for this that uses real US military alarms for incoming missile detection. Anyone interested?
When all else fails, try the deleteCollection command.
To be more clear, here are screenshots of the before and after all reflector hitpoints are set to 1 damage with "veh1 setHit ["reflector_class",1]".
If you look closely, it actually shifts where the true spotlight is. The fact that hitpoint names are being shared by reflectors may also have to do with this.
Please, for the love of god, do NOT force us to use ball tracers if implemented. Please make them completely optional.
If you guys are REALLY interested, I managed to create a system that virtually connected Stratis and Altis together, the only catch is it relies on an extra loading screen during transition, and it could only be done through a custom campaign. But this was back in ArmA 3 Beta, last time I checked the coord's of A3 Altis, it was actually about 20km EAST of Stratis, not North like in real life, but this may have been fixed by now. If you guys are interested, I could restart working on that project and release it to you guys.
Yes, thank you very much for fixing this bug. I have not been able to reproduce this issue in the latest Development build.
No need for a command, its already possible.
deleteCollection ([0,0,0] nearestObject 12345);
You can find a map object's ID by pressing the "ID" button in editor.
You can even delete/destroy objects that don't have ID's in editor. (This is being wrote off the top of my head)
if (_x isKindOf "") {
deleteCollection _x; _x setDamage 1;
} count nearestObjects [getPos player,[],500];
May 9 2016
use: 1 call BIS_fnc_setOvercast
The island of Stratis IS a real place. It is not Limnos(Atlis), but it is about 30km south of Limnos.