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Object Helpers - User textures are not updated when mission reloaded or editor restarted.
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Create a mission that utilizes custom textures.
If whilst in the editor you modify these image files, these assets are not updated when previewing the mission in the editor.

Reloading the mission or restarting the editor does not reload the modified asset into the mission preview. Users have to close the editor and restart ARMA 3 then restart the editor for the ARMA 3 cache to be refreshed. Surely when previewing a mission in the editor the editor should check for changes to any asset and then reload any modified file. This is much closer to a bug than a feature request. :) {F24060}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Create a mission that utilizes custom textures. Whilst the editor is open modify the texture file. Then preview the mission - the old texture will be shown. Restarting the editor or reloading the mission does not refresh the mission file cache.

Event Timeline

RickOShay edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jun 8 2014, 6:23 PM
RickOShay edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
RickOShay set Category to Editor.
RickOShay set Reproducibility to Always.
RickOShay set Severity to None.
RickOShay set Resolution to Open.
RickOShay set Legacy ID to 3672217912.May 7 2016, 6:44 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: AD2001.Jun 8 2014, 6:23 PM

this was frustrating when doing a custom uniform - having to constantly re-name the file, good on you sir for bringing it up.

Iceman added a comment.Jun 9 2014, 1:01 PM

could you please upload a repro mission and provide step by step repo steps? I cannot reproduce the problem in my conditions.
Thank you very much.

place a standard rifleman on the map
in the ini of the unit it's self

this setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"uniform\loadout.jpg"];
(see attached file)

preview the mission - note the uniform has changed.

go back to the editor - edit the uniform anyway you please

preview the mission again - note the edits to the uniform do not load, it's still in memory from the old preview.