Despite setLightFlareMaxDistance's wiki description (, the command appears to have no effect. The flare will not render past the player's view distance.
- Legacy ID
- 4193745304
- Severity
- None
- Resolution
- Open
- Reproducibility
- Always
- Category
- Scripting
light1 = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal [0,0,1000];
light1 setPosASL [0,0,1000];
light1 setLightBrightness 1;
light1 setLightAmbient [1,1,1];
light1 setLightColor [1,1,1];
light1 setLightUseFlare true;
light1 setLightFlareMaxDistance 10000;
Event Timeline
I cannot seem to modify any of the characteristics of flares, using the above fore mentioned script commands or other commands.
However I should make mention, setLightFlareMaxDistance sounds like it will likely obey the player's maximum view distance.
Kind of biting my lip concerning the topic change as well.
If the object distance is limiting the object from being seen, this would appear to be the intended result? If so, the next question would be, "What or where is the bug or issue requiring further attention?" Should this bug be closed?