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- Mar 30 2013, 1:57 PM (623 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
AI also dont respond well to Heal That command either ive had to ask twice and sometimes end up having the AI forget although his status will continue to say healing and 5 minutes later he rolls over and patches me up just out of the blue even when just sitting and waiting for him and hes bin next to me and theres times where ill try moving and theyll move with me and then still not heal me... ive dealt with hundreds Arma AI Squads... may 95% of them rest in peace cus they skiped basic.
YES I HATE IT SO BAD!! I want my men to be careful theyre already not careful enough as it is... but sometimes i want them to just be behind me and now i think whats really needed is an extensive overhaul of the AI system to allow them to do both better but also 2 type of follow command is a great idea cus when you want them to be careful theyre always lining up in line behind you and when you want them to be in line behind you theyre off stairing at walls or behind a rock where ever it maybe it ends up leaving you by yourself in the middle of a hot zone
I just have a personal interest in it cus i spend more time in the editor then i have online or playing campaign and ive to deal with the same AI problems for so long i know them like the back of my hand and every time i play they stand out like a sore thumb and i completely destroy the immersion
An acceptable enemy is all I ask for. I understand that any AI is incredibly complex and in a game where they basicly have to be able to make real time decisions in a real world its a nightmare but right now the biggest thing holding this game back is the AI because in a game where your always fighting AI they just don't put up a realistic fight. All I know is I'm not the best programmer but I am surrounded by people 30 to 40 years older then I am who have bin programming and designing hardware since the 50s/60s and the one thing they always told me is there is always more then one way of doing something the right way in programming the trick is to have the most elegant way, Complexity from simplicity. The people who get big awards and stuff are the people who don't say you cant do that, theyre the ones who come up with the simplest idea so simple everyone overlooked it. I know I have my ideas which I haven't really outlined very well compared to whats in my head but ultimately it will up to the ArmA devs to figure something out cus the AI might even stay viable to most people through all of ArmA 3 into ArmA 4 but the model they base there AI off of right now is going to become obsolete its time for some thinking out of the box. And I guarantee you if they pull something incredible off with there AI everyone will notice even people who don't play arma.
had an AI get stuck on a wall today
today in arma i saw an AI shoot himself lol
just had 1 of my AI squad members accidently shoot two of my other squad members in the back
and it would help online as well feeling like were fighting real people
just i wanna be able to play this game single player and get the feeling i do when i play online so if i felt like it i could just play tactical strategy games all day in the map editor like i love doing and feel like im commanding troops not like playing laser tag with gerbles not completely aware of whats going when it comes to enything but shooting through trees and wide spaces
yeah me too lol definately the AI in this game work better but like sometimes they just do things that seize up the action and the things that do it are big things like when my troops cluster up in each other next to the wall instead of stacking up, or my men will deside to walk around just the corner i didnt want them too and im very very good at the squad command controls and its still hard or sometimes impossible to make your squad precisely move where you want them in cqb like all down the same ally or through buildings when you have to often get to the end of a building into an ally and you have to clear it yourself or do all the commands it takes to make your men face the right places direction and shoot. if they automatically cleared corners when told them to go to one id be so happy and even better if they kept better watch on areas they just ingaged troops from.
Today I had an AI squad member walk off the airfield dock while I was walking past it with my squad in Vee formation. Im sorry i dont have a picture but Im going to send a separate report this is just to prove a point.
there effective ability to find someone goes up substancially when your farther out. I think alot of it is the AI scan back and forth and at long range there cone of view is alot higher then when in close and probably because of the way the AI is programmed if they make the AI scan to fast theyll pick up everyone everywhere but if they scan to slow you can just get up close to them and they wont see you all day. Im not sure but thats the impression I always got cus once an AI sees you even a very low skilled AI will waist you swiftly once they finally see you and comming up behind them doesnt scare them or inhibit there shooting it just keeps them from missing it might work if the way AIs scanned was overhauled to have the AI view in range incriments cus real people are never looking at the prity bench right in front of them and the hikers on the mountain in the distance at the same time
Ya the AI need a threat reacognition system of some sort I mean Ive seen AI run out into the middle of a street currently in the prosess of being destroyed by gunfire and stand in the open slowly start scanning for enemies and dies in the process. If I dont tell every one of my squad members where to go and then where to look when im being surrounded my entire team will get taken out by one man weaver stance in the middle of an intersection no joke. Ive seen AI stare blindly down the street while enemies are running down the block to there left or right shoot at them, have tracer rounds fly past my AI squad members face and my squad member just keeps looking down the street in front of him or recognizes theres a threat and gets in the middle of the street to combat it!!
I have squad command buttons memorized i can even use them dispite most of the squad commands not currently showing what they are and it still takes to long for me to set up my squad especially when I know i might have to move at any moment which is why the AI needs Dynamic cover usage and when i do take the time to set up my squad half the time the object they are supost to be using as cover which to a human would be cover is to much of an obstruction for the AI so they just cover the rear basicly. Also when im moving and they are following they have a habit of running around a corner into combat because the game says thats where theyre supost to be in formation...
also AI bunch up on each other very easly in CQB, and AI should have the ability to say for instance see 2 soldiers one of which is faced the other way and next to him one facing in sorta the direction of the Shooter AI, and be able to determain he needs to shoot the one who might shoot him first... it comes up alot in big CQB battles.
I mean a lot of good important UI features were added but the AI in this game is far more essential then in a game like battlefield 2 or CoD and should be given far more attension as such... and i know how hard AI is especially in a game like this but im constantly seeing artifacts from arma and arma 2 every time i play with bots stuff that was wrong then that really isnt any better now and its obvious that building technology increased what with interiors and all but theres no real AI enhancement to go along with it. currently right now the AI is slightly better then Arma 2 With tons of AI mods
I found out the problem is some sort of Multiplayer problem I had the same occurance in arma 2 but didnt realize i was seeing the same thing. what ever the problem is it causes your entire keyboard to become unresponsive accept for your enter button and the only way to fix it is switch weapons or salute which i could not do either of while in a hunter and no other options worked(ie exit vehicle)
yeah i think there should be a delay before you get imidiately kicked but the kicking part should still eventually come
what Farmer about telling a squad to get in a building ive seen forever in arma i was hoping theyd fix it in this version buildings are such an important part of modern combat hell in 100 years there will probably be more combat indoors then outdoors when you get into a city. In Arma 2 when it came out it was ok cus most buildings didnt have interiors but now with all the buildings that have interiors buildings have become a large part of arma combat which is relitively useless when dealing with AI in Arma 3's current state
Joint Operations
ok i was never in the military but i have alot of people complain about how they cant jump so i asked a bunch of my friends who are or where and they all say unless your running with just the essentials its a pain in the ass to jump and even if you are running light you still would probably get tired if you did it to often so if jumping does get added in i hope its nurfed cus even playing airsoft you just dont feel like full on jumping over bolders and low fences like an acrobat... or a CSS player ... hence why i think the V option in arma is brilliant
Id say honestly getting AI to operate cleanly and smoothly in Urban locations is one of the most important things the Arma team can do. As a person who spends more time playing their own custom maps then anything else i know im bias but the AI ever since Arma 1 have bin amazing snipers with absolutely no idea how to clear a city. If theyre going to make AI able to take up proper positions in buidlings it would be best to have them auto orient to where gun fires comming from or find some way of quickly telling members of your squad where to take up in a building. That being said after making meny a cqb map ive found unless you tell an AI where to be looking out of a building in the map editor they will look where ever is convinent which means often youll run into a building to clear it and half the enemy soldiers will be looking at the closest wall and wont turn around and your entry into the room not to mention ive rarely ever seen an AI shoot from inside a building through a window
Makes tons of sence
i think if theyre going to take out the black screen then theyll need to add animations of people getting out to replace the represented time lost getting out or atleast to give a smooth transition cus the black screen like shields ur eyes from having to watch your character teleport through a vehicle as well as other things that kinda mess with immersion
or when they do hear your gunshots they become gunslingers and cap you 1 burst dead. i sware they hear better far away then they do up close.
The CONCEPT acre brought in was so good if the arma 3 team doesnt do something similar they will be blatently ignoring their duty to the diehard arma players to provide as realistic a simulation as possible... I hope the dev team never forgets the game may eventually be so smooth it eliminates the lines between shooter games and Simulations but it was the people playing this game for the Simulation aspect that kept the project alive in its infant stages. I say in general theyve done a good job adding in even more detailed controls but still an ACRE type system has to be put it at some point
tis true most every game there is turns down explosive effects or purposely alters what would be considered realistic to make the game easier to play or something but explosives in general are highly under rated cus honestly on average almost no one who plays this game has really really experienced high explosives or what they do military guys excluded but the fact that you dont have to get far away and behind a humvee to blow up a weapons cache is a bit of a let down
The CONCEPT acre brought in was so good if the arma 3 team doesnt do something similar they will be blatently ignoring their duty to the diehard arma players to provide as realistic a simulation as possible... I hope the dev team never forgets the game may eventually be so smooth it eliminates the lines between shooter games and Simulations but it was the people playing this game for the Simulation aspect that kept the project alive in its infant stages. I say in general theyve done a good job adding in even more detailed controls but still an ACRE type system has to be put it at some point
May 9 2016
the only reason i agree with this is because in real life throwing objects comes more inately then it does in a computer game with a button and a screen
YES I HATE IT SO BAD!! I want my men to be careful theyre already not careful enough as it is... but sometimes i want them to just be behind me and now i think whats really needed is an extensive overhaul of the AI system to allow them to do both better but also 2 type of follow command is a great idea cus when you want them to be careful theyre always lining up in line behind you and when you want them to be in line behind you theyre off stairing at walls or behind a rock where ever it maybe it ends up leaving you by yourself in the middle of a hot zone
AI also dont respond well to Heal That command either ive had to ask twice and sometimes end up having the AI forget although his status will continue to say healing and 5 minutes later he rolls over and patches me up just out of the blue even when just sitting and waiting for him and hes bin next to me and theres times where ill try moving and theyll move with me and then still not heal me... ive dealt with hundreds Arma AI Squads... may 95% of them rest in peace cus they skiped basic.
and the smoke billows out a bit to fast i think way better then cod though ug... cod...
something along the lines of double-taping shift in arma 2 would be nice
i had a problem with the ladders leading out of the water onto the boat docks when trying to climb out of the water in one of the harbors... i finally managed to get out but the rest of my AI squad very much a different story.
yeah the moaning should discribe better how badly someones hurt, there needs to be more variaty as far as moaning sound tracks and it should only be loud when someone really needs help badly otherwise saying this as a medic its annoying to have someone moaning and you cant stop the moaning cus its not bad enough but its loud and annoying
this has bin a problem as long as ive bin making maps for arma. ive seen enemy targets firing at my men and my men either turn to slowly to shoot back or dont end up turning to shoot at all until its to late. YES it was far far worse in arma 2 but its still one of the BIGGEST THINGS keeping AI from being even some what close to what its like playing with or against real people. Its great for me when i sneak into a town and shoot 5 guys who wernt looking at me in the back from 4 feet away or when they walk towards me and then run the other way without bringing up there gun and spraying at me like a real player would. In the case when an AI character comes up and gets suprised by me the AI doesnt orient its self to a position more suited to taking on the imediate threat, IE Me,nor does it orient its self to eny counter position quickly and obviously orients its self on a more generalized level half the time taking cover in the open just inches from perfect cover or running down the block completely leaving combat or intently stairing right ahead of them while an entire platoon worth of units walks past them.
good idea to help squad cohesion and general online enjoyment
there should be a way of jumping out at altitude if theres a way of you doing it without dieing otherwise i dont think you should be aloud to just get out of the chopper atleast when certant perameters are in effect such as airspeed and height from the ground(ie if you jump without a chute will you die or just need a medic)... i like the double tap V its a good idea still kinda glitchy though on the responce
The first SOCOM: US Navy Seals game for the PS2 had it and voice recognition software was prity crap back then so if that could be done with arma today that would be epic for single player or multiplayer even once the AI gets smarter
was absolutely invaluble in ACE Mod totally needs to be added and maybe another menu besides the Enter menu for more specific interaction functions such as the NV sensivity and healing people and dragging people ext ext like in the ace mod. it helps from doing things like accidently switching your weapon when your trying to heal someone
AWSOME IDEA NOT TO HARD... and im left handed
brightness choices would be nice maybe recticle choice in some cases depending how menus are set up
lawl its to bad no one has an oppinion on this subject Im suposing its not so bad an idea i guess... ill vote it up
lawl have to send a picture of your drivers licence to BI to get female skins unlocked... DEAL!!!!
but yall women Better bring it what with ^ drama and all and yell at men who use female characters cus really the idea of a server filled with stupid pubecent males playing as chicks is more annoying to me then the idea of having female playable characters
The tires dont seem to be to resistant to much of enything at all i had someone pop both their front tires after lightly taping a wall.
takes way to long to run out of air
The exit of SCUBA equiped AI out the water isnt very stealthy especially when enemies are near and in meny cases the perameters of normal AI movement/actions inhibits the utilization of a SCUBA based incursion for anything other than story telling purposes or online play due mainly to AI not looking around before they get out of the water/expose themselves and AI not properly using cover to A keep from being spoted and B keep from being shot once they are seen.
lol apaches taxi alot, alot of helicopters with wheels taxi especially in the military the military loves to make things taxi, but seriously they do
but it is true the AI will start shooting at something anyone but a marksman would consider to far away and when you leave Danger to a different behavior the chances of your men slipping up goes up ive often had my men go in to Aware mode or Stealth just to have them get shot up because they took a corner without looking or they stood up while under fire and moved somewhere like they wernt being shot at all tactical and what not or my men wont be scanning the area and moving as slowly because theyre not in combat mode so they will miss targets down allys or hanging out between a building and something else and ill end up in the middle of an enemy base with me and an entire team to draw attension and the enemy will start firing all at once as soon as i get within a certant range and imediately 15 people are shooting at me and my squad is dead
I hated having to script weapons for myself every time I wanted something different I just put them into boxes but it would be nice to choose your setup in profile or something
its a good idea but only if it waists you on stamina