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- User Since
- Mar 8 2013, 7:30 PM (628 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
What is so hard about letting the AI perform exactly what you tell them?
move forward = move in a damn straight line forward! Not: turn left right left right left right and then go forward!
Just damn let them do what you tell them!
This bug is there since OPF times
Jeah Headshots dont kill....
So bad
Yes I know that;)
Nevertheless it doesnt work for me. Even with no mods.
Greetz exactly can i use that command?=)
Yepp I allready created a ticket for this;)
Look at the red dot optic I mentionned in my first post. THAT sight is really dirty.
YOu can barely distinguish enemys at night because all you see is debris.
the optic used in the night time showcase for example is very dirty.
related to this one:
And the APU is powered by a different energie source than the motor.
On top of that most vehicles still have a redundant manual turret turn control.
Here you can read that the Patria turret has "electro hydraulic drives with 360° range"
Got the same problem
Hahaha nice=)
No srsly...I am sry for him and his Lamborghini...
I happen to get this effect nearly every evening. I think it happens around 22:00.
Also onto this topic:
I just happened to realize how nice the clouds look! <b>But if you look at the clouds in the early morning you will notice, that they are way to black at first and then way to orange.
Thing is: If the he holds the hand like that when "falling dead" he needs to have EXTREME TENSION in his hands^^
Its tiering to holds the hands like that^^
Pistols are useless as they are now.
I agree that shots into body armor should not be crucial but a shot to the head should allways be. At least if you are shooting from the front so the helm is not in the way
Nice to know thanks. At least turning depth of field off will release me from this pain^^
NodUnit explained it well.
It is impossible with the current hardware generation to expect real reflections at every surface.
The used reflection map delievers great visuals and the reflection you showed is not game hindering.
Thus there should be no change.
Closed because of duplicate
mickeymen pointed it out perfectly:
This is not a side issue. This issue stands literally in the center of all action. If you make a game where the main focus is to shoot enemys and then dont manage to get the very basics of it right then you got serious issues.
Clipping through walls - an example which you gave - doesnt happen nearly as often as this.
Apart from that its not as if the issue hasnt been around since 2 years.
two - years.
What we need is competition in this field. Only because BIS is the only developer of this kind of games they can afford to to be so sloppy. Any other genre and they would have been out of business long time ago.
Forget it guys!Hope has been lost a long time ago!
We need to support other developers that build tactical and realistic shooters, like Insurgency, Project Reality, Squad, Ground Branch, Red Orchestra.
BIS has shown again and again that they fail to deliver the basic functions in a polished state.
I wouldnt put my hopes on a developer like that. We should support other developers so the industrie realises that there is a market for realistic and tactical shooters.
Otherwise we will have to keep up with this sh**t for the next 20 years.
And thats gentlemen is why I abandonned Arma.
I love the idea behind Arma but BIS cant manage to get even the basics right.
Maybe in 2 years from now.
Dont worry. Its only been assigned for one and a half year.
You should have noticed that it takes fixes and additions to the game 2 years MINIMUM to make it into.
Bipods? We asked for them since Arma 2. And that game came out 2009. So its only been 6 years.
So dont worry!
Just make you sure you wait at least till Arma 4. And then a few patches. Or not.
Pfffff I was once a big supporter of BIS (Which can be seen in my forum post about midrange improvements) but things like this are constant over the whole range of the game. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Other games WOULD NOT LAUNCH with bugs like this.
Its not FUN shooting people if they act like this.
Just goddamn disable the hit animation. They were bad in the first place and most games go fine WITHOUT ANY. Even Red Orchestra feels better when you shoot people. And that games HAS NO hit animation.
But well...its been over a year since this bug is reported. Enough said.
My apologies then. Errors happen.
Confirmed: While crouched the soldiers will twink and tweak again when beeing shot.
I cannot test all the middle stances between standing and crouching because bots wont use them. You need to look into them on your own.
So: Crouching is not fixed.
Sigh...I worked in the gaming industrie myself. I am wondering why you didnt test every stance before marking this as fixed...
Anyway I uploaded a video showing the bad animation.
Have a close look at the weapon and how it flys out of the hands and over the soldiers head....
Its not been resolved! Its better now but its not been resolved! Walk crouched and get shot and it can still happen.
So not all stances are fixed. (Of course who would have thought to look into each movement ability duh...)
The lowered weapon position also still has this issue in a minor form.
All in all: Its been fixed on the most obvious stances but you missed many other stances and movements where its still occuring.....
I am gonna upload some videos....
Best regards...
Oh jeah that animation is horrible^^
Also: Many people would enjoy a shock after a non leathal body hit.
Like you integrated it in VBS2. When a soldier is hit on his bodyarmor or body let him drop to the ground for a second.
TPW integrated this system via mod but obviously he can only use the animations that are allready in the game.
THerefore it is needed to have fitting animations for this.
I would like to see rockets that can be shot down by say a mantis.
IRL a CRAM for exmaple is capable of shooting down incoming mortar shells
If you look at DCS A10 you will see that an Aircraft would make sense on maps Arma 3 offers. Like Altis.
And of course in RL even on an island like Stratis the USA wouldnt want to fight without air support. So ....saying planes do not fit into Arma maps is kind of ridiculous....
Wow it seems the chopper physics have improved by a huge amount! At least in the DEV branch!
Wow they feel really really good now!
I am no pro heli pilot but flew a lot in games. In the past weeks the deacceleration of the chopper allways was a big concern for me. It felt like the chopper didnt want to decent at all.
Now it feels a lot more realistic and controllable!
At least it feels realistic and fun to me now;)
Also: VBS 2 impkemented sth like an unconsciousness state when getting hit.
TPW tried to implement sth like this.
But it would be a really nice addition to have in the vanilla game!
Fire on destroyed houses would rather look bad=/
If the effects were better then MAYBE I would agree. At the current state it looks better without fire.
Hey NOdunit! I came here to post this link too^^
I so badly hope they make the thermals more realistic AND FUN TO USE.
Because yes, as it is its basically a texture hack. I would understand if it would stay like a texture hack if it would display the real life but it doesnt!
In the link posted by NOdUNit you will se many many examples that prove that thermals while beeing a great help for spotting dont give away people as easy as in Arma III.
WE even have a comment of a real time thermal user
"I personal spend 3x6 month on peace keeping missions i know pretty well how thermal/ir and night vision look like, it is not a magic "weapon".. And it is not like arma 3 or any of the above photos/tweaks that people suggest. Non of the systems are that good in real life. "
So I suggest you guys go click on that link and tell BIS that we want thermals that are fun to use for everyone (also for the guys not having it) AND are realistic.
While lying on the side it should be possible to lok through the scope. The above picture shows it quite well that its possible to do.
You can be sure this will be added in ACE.
But however I would not enjoy a mission where everybody runs around with these things.
On the other hand: As a gadget for special forces in a huge mission where only 2 out of 100 guys have those it could be an interesting addition.
Not possible. I dont know how keen you are with game development but adding holes through geometry for weapons is a huge undergoing.
You cant expect that. The technic is not developed enough to "just add" this feature.
Maybe in a few years this will be standard but right now its nearly impossible to achieve.
How about just adding the animations into the game?
ACE allready implemented this system in Arma 2 and there is allready a mod which integrates the gestures in Arma III.
But the animations are horrible in these mods.
And since BIS has got its own motion capture studio they could simply integrate the proper animations into the game. Ready for us to use.
It saves work for both sides while integrating a great feature.
Great writeup!
Thumps up!
@ProGamer hahah sry but only because its modeled doesnt mean its integrated!
Reactive armor? Modeled in Arma 2 but not integrated.
Emergency wheels on jeeps? Modelled but not integrated.
FCS systems? Were modelled but not integrated in Arma 2.
No - I doubt it is implemented.
But towards the discussion: I agree to both sides.
It could be frustrating in certain scenarios. But so is the thermal view at the moment. (look at this ticket )
On the other hand if only certain tanks get this system it would add an interesting part to the game.
I vote for a version of the tank with this system. But there should also be versions without it.
Ps: Some Merkavas also do have integrated mortar system. Just to mention;)
Just add the ability to mod the interior in later...
I dont bother WHEN or HOW we get it at least give us the ability to get interiors SOME day!
You know your community would be glad to help you! It would be a shame if you wouldnt use that!
nice to have and not too hard to implement.
Some new screens
I have to admit I was wrong. After some testing my problem seemed to be a bad addon.
However - it could still be that the night is too bright. I cannot compare it since I only have the Dev and not the vanilla build.
Mh...I duplicated this issue by mistake...Forgot that there allready was a ticket + couldnt find any related tickets when I searched for "night"
Duplicate: 0012364
And heres my two cents towards this topic:
The night seems broken on the Dev build at least. The stars look like footballs and the streets are lighted as if it was in a rollercoaster park. [^]
Somehow its not that bad all night long. The later it gets the worse it gets.
Also it seems I cannot find a night with moonlight anymore.
These bright lights and black darkness everywhere without a light looks awfull=(
YOu had it right before you changed the light settings. I hope you get it right again too.
I happen to get this effect nearly every evening. I think it happens around 22:00.
Also onto this topic: [^]
I just happened to realize how nice the clouds look! But if you look at the clouds in the early morning you will notice, that they are way to black at first and then way to orange.
Got a similar issue. Night time in Dev Build looks not nearly as good as it looked in the beginning of the Alpha.
Dude...everything that shines emits light...everything that emits light is a light source.
Chemicals that emit light are a light source.
It seems you think that if chemicals are bright they dont emit light but...they emit chemicals??? If you think so you need to build up some more basic physic knowledge^^
Fact is: Tracers are a light source and shine the way they fly.
But I am against adding tracers as a lights source since the effect is so neglectable small for small arms fire that its an unnecessary task.
However at the end of the day when everything else is fixed and the Devs need stuff to do: Jeah of course then its nice to have^^ But this small effect is not important enough to drive manpower to at the moment.
Sry mate - look at the midrange or the explosion effects and then tell me tracers are more important^^
Oh jeah - definately
This and hopefully a better flight model than in Arma 2^^
These two belong together:
Arma 2 shoreline? I dont see it=/
I am not quite surethat they will change the system.
But I agree the waterline could need some work
It has improved a lot
I wonder if the 4 million they made with DayZ early Access is enough to fix Arma 3.
Its assigned since 2013-03-18 and the only real thing they changed was the sabot effect.
I was really eager to see that change and was looking forwad to it but it was a big disappointment.
It could not have been made worse. A simple smoke fontaine fitting for an exhaust pipe is all they managed to implement.
Test fire a tank shell and you will see that its nothing to look forward too....
Only hope is blast core at the moment.
The game testers will laugh their asses off when they see the current effects.
I didnt think it would come this far but here we are.
Arma 3 is getting released with effects not even worth for real time strategie games.
Big disappointment
So you are telling me explosions are to recource consuming? .........
There are real time strategie games out there with better explosion effects. The current explosions are just bad. Thats it.
Did you guys see the new "sabot effect" for the panther in the DEv build?
I hate to say this but I hope that is a joke...
It looks like someone lets some smoke out of his chimney.
look at 1:33.
Even Arma 2 with mods had better effects than Arma 3...,95/arma-3,71557.html
I think explosions got improved?
One month before release. Still effects from the last century...Wow...=(
Yes BF3 has bad too arcadic gameplay - thats the reason why I anticipate Arma 3 so much. BUt the effects are really close to the real thing.
This is some real footage
Look at the first 20 seconds. The gameplay may not be realistic thats true. But if you compare these effects with real life footage of Syrian patrolling tanks or exploding HE rounds youll see that its impressively close to real life examples.
(I cant poste it here since its explicit material I think - just search for tank patrol syria youll find stuff)
I just looked into Battlefield Bad Company Vietnam. A game from 2010. 3 Years ago.
Even then it had wayyyy better effects than Arma 3.
I will add some more videos of examples how Armas effects should look.
Here are at least some examples of BF3. I doubt we will get effects as good as BF3 but they are a damn good reference.
Even PC Gamer critisized the effects of Arma III in their newest video:
Sadly - even operation Flashpoint 2 had better effects than Arma 3 at the moment.
I know you guys can do good effects - you just need the time for it.
Look at the village attack in this video:
The unguided rockets looked way better back then.
<b>Also the impacts of the minigun are waaaaaaaaaaaay more satisfying in OFP2. Pls consider using something similar for Arma3s minigun. While the current tracers look nice - the impacts feel not very powerfull.
This is how hand grenades look
A10 Minigun:
A real close call
Rocket artillery firing - and impacting.
ignore the sound - but here are some good explosions too=)
Another good Artillery example:
This is a javelin exploding - but HE rounds of tanks should look quite similar if hitting ground.
Mortars (this time civil war mortars^^)
I have to say - you need to mix in more black into your explosions! That will improve their looking a lot if well done.
Explosinos arent allways all grey. On top of that - it seems black explosions look a lot better in video games - look at BF3. Bf3's explosions arent that great if you look at them specifically - but they deliver the feeling impressively well and fit into the setting all the time.
Ill upload example videos as references later on.
The last explosions in this video look pretty satisfying.
This is an Anti Air (shilka) on the firing range. The tracer ammo looks quite impressive:
This is a tunguska firing its rockets (at 35 seconds you see it firing at day - impressive tracers;) )
This is the autocannon in action at day
Since you have some Autocannon anti air in Arma 3 as well - this is something to take a look at.
Airburst artillery
Sabot hitting ground:
Notice how its completely different than in ACE 2.
Ace 2 had it look like a normal bullet hitting the ground.
How Helicopter Minigun impacts and rockets really look.
Miniguns have those sparkles around them.
Also: Cobra firing unguided missiles - look how different the explosions look compared to the explosions of the Arma3 Little bird rockets!
Cobra nightfiring
Also: Heavy caliber machine guns shoot up way more smoke than at the moment!
AT 4 shooting. Notice how some flameable stuff is unleashed at the front.
This is for example how a JDAM-strike should look and sound like.
I would suggest you only implement the first second of the explosion since the hovering smoke stays extremly long in the air - and tons of particles may be a concern for the performance.
But the first second gives a good impression on how big and impressive explisions work.
Another example
+ randomn explosion
<b> btw - camera shake when the shock wave hits is pretty usefull!
Would you pls take a look at the explosions of BF3? If they did anything good - its the effects.
I will upload example vidoes.
Btw: I was really disappointed by the mortar explosions=(
<b> THIS - only for obstacles and NOT for open terrain and I am in
Ontop of that: Well it indeed is nice that BI implemented different gears (like first gear, second gear -and so on)
But it feels like the automatic transmission switches the gears way to fast and thats the reason why the acceleration is so low.
I am incredibly disappointed by BIS. Arma had so much potential but its lacking on every corner.
And this feedbacktracker is a joke!
Why do they even assign things? Its like they make fun of us! Its been over a year now since most of the tickets were assigned.
And dont tell me they dont have enough money to do this. Arma 3 and DayZ have payed themselves!
I cant play the game the way it is. The effects look like placeholders, the animationsystem is a complete joke. (
The animation when soldiers get hit looks like a clownconcert.
I cant take BIS serious anymore. And I was a really big supporter. I wish there was more competition in this sector of gaming. Its strongly needed.