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- User Since
- Mar 8 2013, 5:12 PM (625 w, 6 d)
Jun 28 2019
Mar 27 2019
I have no DayZ Exp folder, but deleting DayZ folder helped to create a proper USERNAME.dayz_preset_User.xml
Also I figured out that you need to change keyboard and mouse keybindings in the second column (where gamepad controls are listed) for them to be properly saved when you press "apply". Please make it so you wouldn't have to dance with tambourine around your computer and delete folders when you decided to rebind a couple of buttons.
Nov 12 2018
In 5.1 setup I can't hear a VOIP behind me. Its not stereo, because I can hear when someone speaking in front of me (lets call it 360 degrees), and sound comes from frontal speaker. Or if someone to my right/left and slighty behind (lets call it 270/120 degrees) i can hear a sound coming from rear speakers. But when someone speaking at 150-210 degrees - there is no speech. Although all other sounds (footsteps, grunts, etc) produced by a character in that position are perfeclty audible.
Nov 9 2018
Nov 6 2018
Sep 18 2018
Stress test #49. Bug is still there.
Sep 14 2018
Yes. Right now is what - #47? - just tried it and this bug is there.
Sep 8 2018
Aug 31 2018
Just tried it - everything works fine. Cannot reproduce this bug anymore.
Aug 23 2018
I haven't done any specific actions before this issue appeared, I even relogged when I found out about it and tried again. Sorry, don't remember what was the population. Doors were opening normally, without delay that is often appear. Also Items changed their placement normally if I was taking them off or putting them on the ground or from one piece of invetory to another, so no visible desync to me.
Approximate coordinates are 043 071. As for screenshot - I wasn't able to run to this place again even once, bastards are KOSing me all the time =)).
Aug 22 2018
May 10 2016
I'm still able to outrun them and kill at least three of them with my bare hands, so I don't understand all this whining.
You suck at comedy.
Assigned To: Whole Team
Priority: Immediate
Status: Assined
Severity: Major
Good idea. I would suggest it work this way: You hit the logout button and while staying in the game have to wait 30 seconds on-screen timer without moving your char and without interacting with your inventory. If you move or do something with your items, timer resets. Then, after 30 seconds passed, some kind of confimation window appears - "Are you sure you want to log off?" or something. Hit Yes and you're out. Also it would be good if timer do not reset if you just moved your head (with Alt pressed). And still there's got to be automatic logging off, so if you didn't press Yes on confirmation screen it logs off automatically after, lets say, another 30 seconds passed.
I wouldn't get my expectations too high on this. Frankly I wouldn't get my expectations at all. It was said several times already - fixing this is gonna require tremendous amount of work and what's more important that if fixed it's gonna require too much computing power, i.e. system requirements are gonna go into the future, like double SLI GeForce 990 Ti or something =). The game cannot propely compute more than 4 dinamic light sourses at once, and you want flashlights not to shine through the walls - forget it, it's not gonna happen.
Duplicate of already assined
Fixed in 1.57.134365.
In my case even previewing scenario doesn't enable camera controls. Even opening a new one doesn't. Only thing that works is exiting editor.
Try to start a game not via steam "play" button but by double click on arma3.exe which is located in Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3. If you'll get "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000142). Click on OK to terminate application." then try to make a backup copy of Arma 3 (Steam - Backup and Restore Games), then delete Arma 3 folder and then restore it from backup you just made.
Is there any pop-up errors or nothing happens at all when you start the game?
Yes, it still persists on 1.16.
It reminds me of rabbits producing zombie groans in DayZ =).
No it's not.
It doesn't sound like fatigue - it sounds like someone is hurt. And it's not you who produse that sounds - they clearly come from different directions even when you're standing still.
You can hear it here -
Yes, I've downloaded it once and I'm just copying it now. But please ignore everything I said before and this issue overall - I finally nailed it =). And I'm gonna share my great wisdom with you, he-he =)). As it turned out Arma 3 is the only game I know that needs a use of a Steam Backup function in order to work properly. I should've done that in the very beginning, but as I said earlier, the way with just copying steam folder worked fine before. So thank you very much for your efforts and excuse me for wasting your time.
UPD: I cannot find where to close the issue (I really don't know if I can do it actually =) )
I finally got my notebook from work, took another one from my friend and asked another friend to download my steam folder. On each of these three computers result was the same - Arma 3 didn't start with aforementioned error message. So it's official now - there is nothing wrong with my computer, but there is definitely something wrong with the game itself. Please do something with it, I cannot afford to download the full game every time I reinstall windows.
I would've do it in the first place but unfortunately there is no such thing because game does not start. There is no Arma 3 directory niether in My documents nor in AppData\Local. I even tried to copy these folders to troubled computer from the working one - no good.
I did it first thing - it said everything is fine. Also I asked my friend to download Steam folder from my computer and we tried to start Arma and DayZ and result was the same - DayZ works, Arma doesn't. I've download his Steam folder where he have Witcher, Team Fortress, Dark Souls and Dota 2 - every single game worked just fine. I checked this - last time I tried to copy Steam folder and play Arma on another computer it was v 1.04 and it worked, maybe it'll help?
Doesn't work. Get the same error message. Could it be that this problem is caused by the fact that I just copied Steam folder from one computer to another? DayZ is working fine on both computers though.
I got the same problem, reinstalling Windows helped.
Heh, already fixed. But I gotta say this anyway - basically every weapon shows same results with attached SOS scope. Only this strange behavoiur occurs at different zeroing values - bullets from one of the submachine-guns went straigh to the sky when zeroing was set to 700m.
When I was doing this - - there was several times when i couldn't shoot a guy in the forearm, bullets just passed through without any damage.
Duplicate of
It's not a workaround because it is 1.08 stable and it still doesn't work either way.
Drawster on forums wrote this:
"Have you made sure your Steam is online? I had exactly the same problem after the Beta came out. My Steam went offline for some reason and and I too got the "You were kicked.." -message when trying to join any game. Reconnecting Steam fixed the problem for me."
Maybe you have the same problem? Related to this
I cannot reproduce it (i.e. don't have exact steps needed for it) but can surely say that I encounter with this problem myself on a regular basis. Also I think your guess that it's something about the vehicle model itself is correct - sometimes (not always) when AI won't reverse normally I go to driver seat and experience the same thing - it twitches backwards for a moment and then stops despite I'm pressing "S" as hard as I can =)).
The problem with that is really obvious - they DO NOT own a copy of a game, therefore don't have the right to play it.
But I made this ticket because of a real problem - it was being used to play LAN with a couple of friends that DO own a copy and couldn't connect to my server.
Yes, ozdeadmeat, I tried it as well. Result was the same.
What amazes me most, z-boson, is your inability to take screenshots - how is this possible?
"I'm talking in general, the normal user doesn't want to go and write scripts! Like the Loiter waypoint now, Arma needs more of these simple scripts already to choose from and use!"
^^This. Upvoted.
Yep, you can drive right on the air where the bridge was before you blew it up.
"and you have to directly face your hear ( left or right ) with the sound source, and if you roll from 10 or 20 degres you don't hear anymore"
I have a number of different surround modes on my receiver and I got the same problems on several of 'em. For example, if I choose Dolby Digital, sound works fine - sound of heli flying by behind my back is smoothly transitioned from rear left to rear right. But if I choose another surround mode, let's say Dolby Digital Ex, I have this spot, when sound is supposed to be exactly in between rear speakers I think, so in this spot there is no sound of heli - turn 10-15 degrees to the right and sound appears again in rear right. Note that this problem occurs only in rear speakers and only when using certain receiver settings, so I don't think that it's a problem of game engine, more like problem of sound system.
Maybe there's something wrong with your system? I got myself brand new Soundblaster Zx, receiver and speakers just 4 dayz ago - everything sounds great, no muffled channels or anything.
Dont know when, probably a long time ago =), but in 1.08 stable it is fixed.
This building is now called Stone House (Small, Grey) and it's windows are now working correctly, so I guess this ticket may be closed.
Seeing the same picture as Sniperwolf572.
Nope, saw some screenshots on forums where they look awesome - lens effects and such.
Also these bushes are popping in and out of new awesome fog, so goddamn annoying.
Yeah, it already was in Arma 2, but somehow disappeared in Arma 2 OA. Would be great to see it returned in Arma 3.
"perform a preamble last dance prior to grasping their necks with both hands and falling flat onto the ground on their backs"
This! Like in John Woo's movies - guy is a friggin' genius, he-he!
Seriously though - ragdoll obviously needs some minor tweaking but all in all it looks and works just great. It is done exactly how it should be done - realistically. Downvoted.
No need to bound anything to mouse, just add another stance, just one - lying with your head stuck up. Upvoted.
You should lower your weapon to do that.
"or your character lowers his rifle for a moment to get around it "
There are feature requests for this - go upvote them instead =).
Oh, and there is an ArmA 2 mod doing it. And I can swear that it is either WIP or already done for ArmA 3.
IMHO There's no place for such features in vanilla game, but I'm all for the modded implementation of it.
It's not a runway titled as house - it's a light that placed there. And its not the only one, there are many of them on the sides of the runway and much more on the southern end of it.
Duplicate of
Please do not create reports with multiple problems. Create one report for one issue instead so others may vote properly for it.
Could not reproduce the issue. My aim while, of course, moving slightly, still stays at the pretty much same point. Maybe there's something wrong with your mouse, or some gamepad or joystick connected - try to disconnect it and see if issue remains.
Buy yourself a mouse with changeable dpi.
You should name your ticket "Hey, Devs, MAKE ALL THE THINGS ALREADY!!!"
Voted up! Also we need levels and unlockable perks. Yay for the dual wielded machineguns!
Yeaah. I really would like this one.
Bullets already drop altitude and lose killing power over distance - what else do you need, kOepi?
I bitch and moan not because they were used in turds - I bitch and moan because I don't like 'em in general. Because they are meaningless. They're there just to represent that explosion occured near you, and it doesn't matter if you stood face or back to it. I understand camera shake, I would understand some temporary bluriness in vision but I just don't get this dirty-bloody-splashy business.
Not against it only if it would be optional =).
And I'm tired of games where everything looks like you have a friggin camcorder instead of a head. You want to simulate dirt and blood splashes on your eyes? Well, then you'll have to simulate the ability to wipe them clean. Oh, and lets simulate the handkerchief then with which you wipe it. And let's simulate that if this handkerchief became too dirty you can't wipe anything anymore or your vision will become even worse. Yes it's a milsim, but it's still a GAME, not a simulator of everything that there is in universe. There has to be some ballance between simulation and game. You want to add something that worsenes your vision into a game in which there is already hard to see things that you need to see.
What do you mean by "The whole "Turn Left/Right" control is non existent in real choppers"?
And by the way, although mostly using a joystick for flying, I'm pretty much capable of doing anything regading piloting a chopper in Arma, by using default controls on keyboard and mouse. I don't see how rebinding buttons can improve something since any control scheme is just a matter of habit. If your collective raise was on "Q" and you rebinded it to, let's say, "SPACE" - is it somehow magically became better in terms of maneuverability?
Oh, got it. Never used this particular "turn" control, didn't know what they do =), thought you're talking about pedals. Anyways, nobody is forcing anybody to use 'em. So I don't see the point in calling default conrols "highly uneffective".
Never liked JSRS, hollywoody-BF-like crap. Always loved vanilla arma sound - it doesn't sound juicy or boombastic-fantastic, but it sounds real instead, and that's what I like about it.
On second thought - OP never said that its realistic, he just wants it to be implemented =). But I don't understand why. It's a simulator, right? Let it simulate stuff =). I think such thing as body physics can be modded later by someone =).
Its like Mythbusters have never existed =)). People watching movies and videogames think that it's realistic when a bullet hit pushes someone so hard that he flies away. Well, newsflash - it's not =).
My issue is not just that this report is sounds like a baby cry, but also that the majority of users on the forum, including myself, never encountered with rudeness and offence, especially from moderators. If you did - maybe its you who doing something wrong.
§8) Post in the right forum & right thread.
Please ensure you make new threads in the correct forum, if you're unsure of which forum to post in feel free to ask a moderator.
§18) No public discussion on how the forum is moderated.
If you have questions/complaints/comments about the forum or moderators please Private Message them to a moderator, we will do our utmost to reply to any that we receive.
Cry some more, crybaby.
Didn't get it. OP wants it to be real-life uber-realistic simulator with super smart human-like AI? Won't happen.
Yup, noticed the same thing when was playing Headhunters with my friend and 5 bots. Although I was a group leader, AI always followed my friend, who was number 2 in team.
May 9 2016
Most of modern mouses have dpi changing button - why not use it instead?
Its just you assigned it to wrong line - there are actually 2 raise options: Collective raise and Collective raise(analog). You should use the second one.
Yesterday I tried to write a curse word on the ground with chemlights =)). First letter was X and I used 10 lights for it when discovered that I can see only 5 or 6 of 'em at any given time. They were situated in approx 10m diameter. You see 5 of them, you move slightly to the side for about 1-2 meters and see the other 5, while first 5 become invisible. Options are at max. Something's not right.
Was an issue from the very start, and still there in latest stable build.