*Sigh*...so here's another thing: Just recently arma 3 decided it would be fun to minimize itself just after starting it, sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. Guess it depends on how the game feels at the moment, a few minutes ago it was again like "nah, you're not gonna play me now...here's your desktop, muhaha". That game is a sadist piece of shit. I spent more time trying to play it, rather than actually playing it. Sometimes i really feel that i want my money back...but then again, there's not alternative. Guess BI knows...So dear folks at BI: I know that there are over 8.000 other bugs waiting to get fixed, but since that prevents from playing in the first place, please, please fix it? thanks...
System Specs:
- Single Monitor Setup
- Win 7 64
- Intel core i5 2500k
- GeForce 560GTX-TI
- 16 gb RAM
- Runs on SSD. {F23331}