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- Jul 6 2013, 8:19 AM (611 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
Up-voted. I would suggest making some sort of repro mission (maybe one in A3 and a similar one in A2) and uploading it. Even if things are relatively easy to set-up, reports seem to get more attention when you upload a repro, and this definitely deserves attention.
I encountered this as well.
I had this happen too. I uploaded a repro mission for you.
I can confirm this happens.
While freezes aren't a good thing, I have to ask, what exactly did you expect to happen? In real life, objects with 0 mass must always move at the speed of light, and I doubt PhysX would simulate that properly. :P
Try landing on a roof or some other object (eg. the large water storage tank at the airbase). Skid choppers really bounce there.
Related? #0011496
Coalition of South Asian Territories?
This is my Schützenpanzer. It schützs panzers. :P
Another thing to note is that for some reason, the medics only want to approach you from the exact left to heal you, and rotating causes them to run a few meters away, THEN circle around to the left side.
Likewise, I've often experienced medics not following the support order after a few seconds without receiving new orders.
E is assigned to vehicle fast-forward, which you can't reassign in the options menu. Assigning downcollective to E will lower collective, but it just so happens that vehicle fast-forward for choppers in an aggressive pitch down, which it will also do.
You can change this by going to your current <profilename>.Arma3Profile file deleting the 18 from the keyHeliFastForward entry.
I think this is only on paved roads. I haven't been able to get the BTR-K above 65 kmph, even on a downslope, on terrain or dirt roads. I've gotten to around 70 kmph with the Panther.
No problem, you posted before I edited that in.
Well, if they're supposed to be AA missiles, the devs will make sure they work like AA missiles. Reporting the mix-up will solve the problem no matter what was intended.
They're supposed to be AT.
It really is too small. Place an infantry right in front of the passenger door and you won't have to look twice.
You've accidentally swapped your description between this issue and #0011597.
@DemonMustang: Why are people voting you down? It's your tone. Your report sounds like an angry, entitled soccer mom yelling at a 16 year old sales clerk for telling her that her coupon expired a week ago.
This seems to be much better now. The choppers don't move at all in the repro mission.
IIRC, there is already a report about this. Let me try to find it.
Edit: #0009767
Looking in the editor in the most recent dev build, it looks like the yellow road texture is broken and misaligned at the bridges.
Aye, they do know to open fire...except they keep spinning and start spraying bullets (or worse, grenades) in every direction.
@Bootsy: I figured that at least part of the issue would be related to general pathfinding, but my main concern is the two bridges, as they seem to lead to consistent sticking, and the sticking leads to behavior where the AI can't even get unstuck with some help nor can they defend themselves (as they're constantly circling).
I'd like to see either a reloading cancel or a slow scoot.
I wouldn't mind a few foundation models to plop buildings on top of. Upvoted.
Then what we need is a "Swap controls" action.
I don't actually see them spin unless they hit something, in which case they'll spin in the appropriate direction of the impact--which is a little silly
Interestingly, I managed to sink an AMV to the bottom of the sea--with the wheels touching the sea floor (setVelocity is fun). You get the exact same issue: the wheels won't turn and the rotors won't turn (and you stay sunk).
Idea! ArmA 3: Vocaloid! :3
My main gripe is that the sounds block out the engine failure/lock-on alarms.
You mean bare feet aren't supposed to leave boot-like prints? I guess I need to see my podiatrist! :P
While syncing the color/style would be ideal, with some light scripting, you can force whatever color/style offroad you want on all clients using animate, setObjectTexture and BS_fnc_MP.
May 9 2016
Isn't there currently a bug where all AI know where you are after you kill someone? Do they have the same reaction if you intentionally miss?
For the issue of people in cover in front of objects: reducing the transparency slightly and adding some of the color of the grass onto the masked parts (which can be done with minimal additional performance impact) could help with that. It would make the unit look less like a ghost in front of rocks and such.
Part of the problem is the formation ai: sometimes the AI will not take the shortest/easiest path to its position in formation, especially in vehicles. If they overshoot their position or are blocked by some obstacle or steep slope, they will spaz out.
I like them. More is (almost) always better--assuming it's done correctly, but I'm content with what we have.
@Kol9yN: the ticket doesn't say RTT, which would be somewhat better in terms of performance.
Actually, I just thought of something. If PIP or RTT is used not for the scope view, but for the periphery, you could keep decent performance on the scope (which matters more) while being able to turn down the quality of the periphery.
As much as I'd like to see this, I can't upvote it, as ARMA's PIP would make scopes unusable for me due to performance reasons.
“The game industry has a history of depicting female characters inappropriately.”
Interestingly, they do the same with male characters--it's simply that you don't need to make a male as scantily clad to make them sex-objects.
Anyway, I'd like to see this, but it should be very low priority.
@rogerx: if you _disassemble_ any compiled code, you'll get assembly. ;P But yes, C/C++ compiles first to assembly.
I'd like to see usable bi-pods at least. It's hard to use anything that would require them in any stance aside from prone/sitting without them.
@TTc30: it really depends on the situation. I can take out a whole squad in about 45 seconds as an autorifleman with a good position firing at enemies in areas of little cover--that's not bad. Put me in a dense forest with poor visibility, and I'll be lucky if I can get about 4 in 2 minutes.