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- User Since
- Aug 7 2014, 8:04 AM (554 w, 4 d)
Dec 25 2020
@Geez Hi. Please see this ticket.
Nov 26 2020
Nov 21 2020
How was it possible to return the error that was fixed before, it was about a year ago or more?
Nov 18 2020
Nov 9 2020
Nov 7 2020
Nov 2 2020
@Geez Hi. Please see this ticket.
@Gezz Hi. This is from 1.00. Reproduced so far.
@Geez Hi. At 1.10 there were fixes for this ticket. Fixed a lot of door sound positions. There is still one door on the first floor with this problem.
Unfortunately, this is not the whole list of problems for this scope.
This item has been added to the game for over a year now. Why do I throw it away when I find it?
Oct 22 2020
I had a similar problem. The problem appeared after updating Windows. I didn't hear all the sounds in the game. My audio device is USB headphones with 7.1 sound emulation. In Windows system settings, I found that my audio device was reset to play 2.0 audio. I returned the setting to 7.1, all sounds came back, but there is no sound of the car motor. Only after updating the driver for the headphones - I got the playback of all sounds in the game. Try updating the audio driver and audio settings on the system.
Sep 3 2020
@Geez Combining saline and transfusion kit causes the same problem.
Aug 15 2020
Aug 14 2020
@_fireca_ Привет. Разработчик игры не занимается блокировкой аккаута. Эту функцию выполняет служба BattlEye. Обращаться по поводу снятия блокировки нужно к ним
Aug 12 2020
@fullyloaded Hey. This is mentioned in this ticket T139622 . Just don't put items of clothing on the floor.
Aug 11 2020
Jul 30 2020
@TheRealIainCook Hey . Take a look at this ticket T139622. It is possible that this is the same problem.
Jul 19 2020
@SnugglyBoi Hi. Use a wire to connect to your router. Wi-Fi might be reason enough to get desync on DayZ.
Jul 17 2020
@Geez Hi. Thanks for fixing this ticket in 1.08. Please close this ticket.
Jul 14 2020
It is necessary to add them to the quick menu, perhaps at the moment when the image disappears, it disappears in the quick menu. Perhaps it will become clear at what point this is happening, or what actions provoke it.
Jul 13 2020
Jul 10 2020
@Geez Hi. Please see this ticket.
Jul 9 2020
Jun 27 2020
Tell me, how long did it take you - creating code to change the task? I'm just wondering how much time you need to spend evaluating the problem and finding a fix to the problem.
Jun 26 2020
Jun 15 2020
Jun 14 2020
Ничего не понятно кроме слова "obasralis". Опишите проблему в переводе на английский (заголовок и содержание) и в понятном виде.
Jun 11 2020
I mean, the problem is similar from the past. Once it was fixed, but she returned again - this is a journey through a circle of problems. This remark is not addressed to you.
The Sounds of all animals do not come simultaneously to the players, two, three ... and so on. Bears, wolves, sheep, wild boars .... all sounds are asynchronous to the players, but sometimes (rarely) play simultaneously for everyone. I hunted a lot with a friend, for all types of animals, out of 100% of the sound of animals, about 10% we both heard the sound at the same time.
A few patches back, there was a similar problem and she came back again. BIS, stop walking in a circle!
A few patches back, there was a similar problem and she came back again. BIS, stop walking in a circle!
Jun 10 2020
@Qavvik, Hi. I don’t think that this is a problem when items fall and are stored inside the second thing. Provided that the second thing will occupy fewer slots than it has them inside and not accept items. Or, it will take items, but take up more space inside the first area to its size. But this is absolutely not acceptable when things disappear when relogging to the server.
May 19 2020
@OGnooB Hey. You created a ticket in the PC section. You need to create a ticket in the PS4 section
May 18 2020
@Geez Hi. I apologize. I was not careful and did not notice that information about the blood group appears in a blue field. Close the ticket.
May 17 2020
@nn_spam Hi. Try the following steps
When the game is running, minimize the game to the taskbar:
May 16 2020
May 6 2020
Bring the game network code back to normal. It is believed that the power of the server calculates the trajectory and physics of the vehicle. The server should not send the client incorrect data about the estimated coordinates, speed of the vehicle and its condition.
I noticed that lag occurs often when a vehicle changes speed or course direction. Moreover, the braking of the vehicle and a change in course of 90 degrees (or more) - causes a strong lag in the client. On the server, other players do not see this lag - the car stands still, or goes smoothly. But if the car receives critical damage on the client, the server will record the damage on the vehicle.
Do your job for the vehicle; it should look reliable.
May 4 2020
@Geez Hi. Look at this ticket.
Apr 28 2020
Steps To Reproduce
Method 2. The method was discovered recently and is not mentioned in the ticket description.
- One player is near the vehicle (the motor does not work), or on the roof of the vehicle.
- The second player in the second vehicle, drives up to the first player and stops the car at a distance of ~ 1 meter from the vehicle of the first player. The motor vehicle of the second player is turned on.
- The first player begins to take health damage from vehicles on which the engine is not turned on.
Apr 17 2020
Mar 30 2020
@fundogthrillionaire Hi. This problem is not only in this car and in this place. There are so many places where any item cannot be picked up. T144896
[CE][Estimate] :: !!! Avoidance system overloaded :: Reached MAX_VEHICLE= 768
@borizz.k, Hi. Is it just spamming messages, or is it blocking the spawn of new cars?
Mar 24 2020
Mar 19 2020
Mar 16 2020
@Geez If the infected ones are activated for any target, but the target is unattainable for the infected one, then the infected ones cannot switch to another target.
In this video. The infected are activated on the machine, and other goals do not interest them. They will wait for contact with the target for which they were activated.
@Geez Hi. This needs to be tested with multiple players. I got this several times when two players are nearby, one player receives the sound of an animal, and the second says that he did not hear anything. This is often seen in the broadcast on YouTube, from other players.
It is possible that in the situation that is written on this ticket, other players could be nearby.
Mar 15 2020
@GrosTon1 Hi. Try the following steps
When the game is running, minimize the game to the taskbar:
- right-click on the speaker in the taskbar
- select "open sound options"
- follow the section "device settings and application volume"
- select a DayZ game, assign audio input and output devices for the DayZ game
- expand the game window, exit the game, restart the game.
Mar 14 2020
Feb 26 2020
Feb 25 2020
Feb 24 2020
Feb 16 2020
Feb 12 2020
The same question for me. This always happens at a great distance in the telescope.
Feb 10 2020
Feb 8 2020
@i_blackie Hi. This request must be sent to battleye, since they decide the issues of prohibitions.
Feb 7 2020
@Ulpiorra1 Hi, Find the DayZ folder on the way C:\Users\UsersName\Documents\DayZ
Rename the folder "DayZ" to for example "DayZ 1"
Launch the game, this will create a new folder "DayZ" and new files in it.
@Cragglespit Hi, Find the DayZ folder on the way C:\Users\UsersName\Documents\DayZ
Rename the folder "DayZ" to for example "DayZ 1"
Launch the game, this will create a new folder "DayZ" and new files in it. Try to log in to the server
@straytrack Hi. After adding the chlorine tablet to the water, pause for 10-15 minutes for the water disinfection reaction. Is there a problem anyway?
@tema Find the DayZ folder on the way C:\Users\UsersName\Documents\DayZ
Rename the folder "DayZ" to for example "DayZ 1"
Launch the game, this will create a new folder "DayZ" and new files in it. Try to log in to the server
Feb 6 2020
@tema Hi.
- Does the problem appear only after exiting any server?
- Tried to close the game, a new start to the game allows you to go to any server?
@Fochest Hi. I have not often encountered this problem. The problem is playing randomly, anywhere. It seems that this happens when near the character there is a border of any object, from the left or from the right from the shoulder, or behind the back. This can happen anywhere, with any item of inventory or surroundings.
Feb 2 2020
@kpot135 Привет. Не у всех есть такое слово - "matyugalnik" )). На титульной странице описано - как нужно оформить билет. Билет можно редактировать, кнопка "Edit Task". Можно изменить любое содержание в билете или название билета. Там есть раздел "шаги воспроизведения проблемы" (Steps To Reproduce Bold). По пунктам 1. 2. и т.д. пишешь, что где ставишь и включаешь.
Можно записать видео, перетаскиваешь видео из папки в окно сообщения, видео загрузится в билет.
В этом видео игрок получил тот результат, который ты хотел, но с меньшими приспособлениями. Но возможно там тоже был одноразовый* баг игры, *такое бывает когда баг играет один раз и повторить его трудно.
Need a bright night in the lunar period. Make the moon as a source of light in the night sky. The method of lighting - from the brightness of the sky on the horizon does not reproduce (can not be compared) as lighting from the moon. The moon has a very weak light intensity. Light from the horizon and light from the moon - These are two different effects and shades.
Need a bright night in the lunar period. Make the moon as a source of light in the night sky. This video is from the Arm3 editor, demonstrating the intensity of moonlight.
In DayZ, there is no moonlight. Or the light of the moon is not intense enough. Regardless of whether there is a moon in the DayZ sky or no moon in the DayZ sky - the colors of the lighting do not change.
Feb 1 2020
@John343 Hi. You upgrades Win 8.1 to Win 10. This is a bad option for the error "0xCFFFFFFF - STATUS_APPLICATION_HANG". This error is due to damage to system files. You need to check the integrity of system files or a clean installation of Win 10.
@ub1monster Hi. I also use some settings from YouTube. I had a high FPS of 80-160. But the last little fix to 1.06 made my FPS closer to 60-120. Recommendations from YouTube do not help. There are no new recommendations yet, and I do not know what was changed in the last fix for 1.06.
Jan 30 2020
@Nemo91 Hi. Is the problem happening on pilot 1.07?
@windstride Hi. Is the problem happening on pilot 1.07?
@tydligen533 Hi. Is the problem happening on pilot 1.07?