In this video, I record the time at three in the morning and change only the seasons. We see different intensities of nighttime horizon lighting in different periods of the year, but the moon does not produce good lighting for these scenes.
Most of the annual period in DayZ we have black nights due to the low intensity of moonlight.
Example: Lunar path on the water
There are months of the year when the phase positions of the earth and the sun reproduce the intense glow of the sky on the horizon. But such time periods are very short in a year and this period is rarely reproduced in the game. The shortest dark nights in summer, and long dark nights in winter. The presence of the moon in the sky is often in almost every month, but it does not work well as a light source.
In, for example, this picture is three in the morning, and there is a glow of the horizon. In this scene, it is the horizon that creates intense landscape lighting, and moonlight does not work.
Need a bright night in the lunar period. Make the moon as a source of light in the night sky. This video is from the Arm3 editor, demonstrating the intensity of moonlight.
In DayZ, there is no moonlight. Or the light of the moon is not intense enough. Regardless of whether there is a moon in the DayZ sky or no moon in the DayZ sky - the colors of the lighting do not change.